Horus looked out the porthole at the universe.

Through the clear glass of Bucephalus, a brown-green planet gradually enlarged outside the window.

First, a tiny dark spot entered the original body's extraordinary observation range in the universe. Then the spot turned into a circle, and the circle turned into a sphere. The sphere expanded more and more, like the smile of an old man, pushing up the dark green mountains on the surface of the planet. Layers upon layers.

Scattered cities are dotted on the mountains, forming a perfect balance with the natural colors. They are like exquisite decorations of masonry and stone carvings, dotted all over the planet, symbolizing human footprints and achievements. One of the cities was particularly eye-catching and could not be seen clearly in space, but the unusually different and exquisite distribution of color blocks in the city still attracted Horus's attention.

Finally, in the core of the mountain, a crystal white bright spot came into his sight.

When the snow-capped mountains came into his eyes, Horus stood up from the window and prepared to land.

Olympia, Perturabo.

Anyone with a certain level of intelligence in Horus's position could deduce that the Lord of Terra had created twenty sons, not to mention the innate wisdom of Horus himself.

Before that, he had often wondered which brother would be the second to return to his father and end his alone time with his father.

Are you as good at fighting as he is, or are you more interested in other trivial matters? Arrogant or meek? Elegant or barbaric? Taller or shorter than him? Is he more similar to his father, or does he have another personality?

This would sometimes make him immersed in thought, until his heir woke him up and reminded him with simple jokes that it was time to review the troops.

And today, it was time to meet his first brother.

Bucephalus was parked in orbit, and the landing ship was waiting in the flagship. Horus patted the wolf's fur on his shoulder, not only to soothe the wolf's coat, but also to let the warm and friendly thick fur soothe his own beating heart. heart. As the distance between the fleet and Olympia shrunk, he became increasingly aware of the presence of another brother.

He gave up some unnecessary sourness and aroused more expectations.

The Emperor was waiting for him, but Malcador was not present, nor was the golden-helmeted Custodes. That's good, he and his father will enjoy the moment together with their loved ones.

The process of coming to the ground was very short. He followed the emperor and put his boots on the top of the snow-capped mountains that never melted all year round, and stepped into the crystal snow caps that no one had ever reached. The dazzling white snowflakes leave deep gray footprints due to gravity.

He stood behind the emperor, and the wind was blowing from his side, so he took a step forward and stood beside the emperor in the direction of the wind.

The waiting process was both long and short. It seemed like only a few minutes. Two more black figures appeared at the foot of the distant mountain. They walked through the terraces, crossed the sparse trees, walked out of the increasingly low grassland, stepped onto the exposed rocks, and walked toward the snow. The peak is approaching. The taller ones walk slower than the shorter ones.

As the rocks became steeper, the tall man used his hands to climb up the rock wall. Under the fierce mountain wind, the cloak behind the light armor was lifted high and violently fluttered into a waving flag. ơɱ

A thought suddenly jumped into Horus's mind, that is, it was not the first time that this man climbed a cliff and touched his destiny through this ritual-like form.

The Emperor's light shone faintly, and his tall figure was the object of Horus's gaze. He was curious about how the brother would communicate his father's existence to him, but there was one thing he was even more curious about.

That was beside the tall man, the flying man who seemed to be suspended in the air, with his black robe like an eagle spreading its wings.

He quietly looked at the Emperor, who obviously also saw the man who was no ordinary human being.

Covered in golden light, Horus was not sure whether the emperor's expression had fluctuations born of melancholy. He quickly put aside his distracting thoughts and quietly experienced the large amount of burning air inhaled into his lungs at the peak of a nine-thousand-meter mountain where the lack of oxygen was enough to cause a mortal to suffocate to death.

Soon after, the climber's body began to sway slightly. Horus knew it was not his fault, there was almost no place to rest on the top of Mount Telephos.

The climbers used their hand armor to carve out the landing point in the outward part of the slope, and relied on the power of a few fingers to hang and rise unwaveringly. And the flyer is beside the climber, floating indifferently.

Horus felt displeased at the scene for a moment, then suppressed his prideful prejudice with chagrin.

He should not rush to judge a brother he does not understand, and the way a brother interacts with his companions, unless that brother is too ridiculous and savage - which this one is obviously not.

Then, the flyer raised his head and met Horus' eyes.

For a brief moment, Horus smelled a dangerous aura, and he carefully remembered this.

The closer they got to the top of the mountain, the more signs of urgency the climbers showed in their actions. Horus had reason to believe that he had glimpsed the glory of his father through the gaps in the rocks, and he also confirmed that it was his brother.

The long climb has proved to some extent part of this brother's character: indestructible and as persistent as iron. A warm passion began to stir in Horus's heart, and he moved forward a little, waiting for his brother's arrival.

As for the Flyer, Horus believed that the Emperor would know who he was.

One gauntlet-covered hand grasped the edge of the mountaintop rock, then another. Although Horus is not good at forging, relying on some of his innate knowledge, on such a primitive and low-industrial planet like a wilderness, who can create such a connected and exquisite hand armor must be with He is also different from everyone else.

Then, a rather young face appeared in front of Horus, with cold blue eyes that matched the extremely cold wind and snow in this place.

In an instant, the owner of the blue eyes turned over and climbed up the cliff.

A young man who was slightly shorter than Horus and a few years younger swung the black cloak around his arms behind him, and bright yellow stripes flashed past.

The young man's chest heaved as he climbed, but his steps were as steady as an anvil, just as his calm demeanor was unwavering.

His appearance was as extraordinary and handsome as Horus himself, but the awe-inspiring expression weakened the perfection of his appearance, and was replaced by the oppression of a cold stone statue. When he glanced around, Horus was sure that the thoughts in his sophisticated brain were There are thousands of plans for how the guns should be deployed here.

Horus felt some slight discomfort in his heart. In the young man, he saw the prototype of another leader, another war master. He struggled to imagine how his brother would contribute to the Emperor's cause, rather than how the Emperor would love his brother.

The Emperor sensed his intentions, and Horus knew he could. While he was ashamed, he was also a little happy to be watched, but of course, none of this was shown.

He smiled heartily at his brother.

And the young man finally spoke. His Gothic didn't contain any additional accent. It was precise and stable. No machine on Terra and Mars could deviate from every word like his language.

The cold and sarcastic tone of the young man's speech made Horus nervous as if he had been pierced by molten iron. He forced himself to accept this new brother and let him share his father's attention - at this time the emperor Most of the emperor's attention has fallen on the young man.

"Are you my creator?" said the young man. "I am Perturabo. I have been waiting for you for many years."

Perturabo glanced at Horus: "You are my brother, I can feel it."

When Horus thought it was his turn to introduce himself as his brother, Perturabo said the third sentence to the Emperor: "Mors just refused to come to see you. Do you know him?"

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