Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 100 About the Little Doll

+Have you returned to Terra, Emperor? +

+A newly recovered Primarch and I are waiting for your return at the palace, and Horus is also there.

+You didn’t play some retro old name with a new one when naming the Primarch, did you? +

+…Horus is the only exception, Morse. The Sixth Primarch was Leman Russ, the Wolf King from Fenris. +

+Wolf? + Morse read this word, + I have heard some prophecies about wolves recently. Anyway, get Magnus away now, I've had enough of him. +

+Did he bother you? +The Emperor was confused.

In his memory, although Magnus was often suspected of being arrogant and naive, he was still generally a kind and polite scholar. He and Perturabo should have filled the gaps in each other's disciplines and personalities. With Morse's character, he would not be so dissatisfied with Magnus.

+ He disturbed me seriously. After I taught him the spell, I received a new question every thirty minutes, half about the research itself and half about security consultation. Do I look so free? ? +

+Are you busy with anything? +

+Indeed no. goodbye. +

Morse cut off the psychic connection, opened his eyes, lay on the wicker chair and said to the ceiling: "Come in."

Magnus, who was standing at the door, walked in holding a bunch of unknown soft things.

With Perturabo's active urging, he spent these days on the ship growing his eyes back. They were now a rather neutral blue-gray, very close to the color of Perturabo's eyes, probably because the two brothers had been spending so much time together recently.

"Morse, can you help me take a look at what's wrong?" Magnus handed the object in his hand into Morse's sight, so that Morse could see the pile of plasticine-like mixture. Unknown objects in flesh-colored, red, blue and gold colors, "My current progress is to complete the statistics and labeling of the original data. The materialization of the raw materials is also progressing smoothly, but it cannot maintain a stable form."

"Show me," Morse said.

Magnus drew away the runes anchoring the material and first let the waste materials disappear in his hands. In this dimly lit room, he whispered his incantation like a stereotypical old wizard from Gutera.

Soon, non-material energy was extracted from the air and condensed in a way that was different from spiritual energy, gradually forming a vague image of a boy.

Magnus immediately changed the spell at the right time, filling the mold with power until the delicate face of a red child was completely reproduced.

The red giant breathed a sigh of relief and maintained the energy connection with this small body. He turned his head and said, "I can do this now. I have checked it many times. As of now, all the data is normal."

Morse raised his upper body from the wicker chair and sat down. "continue."

"If this continues, the internal structure of the material entity will be disrupted." Magnus stopped transmitting energy, and his childhood shell immediately collapsed into a pile of ooze. The Primarch cleared away the scraps with a small sigh, then looked at Morse expectantly.

"I remember Petulabber asked you to make his adult version of the external body. ̮̦͖̥͈̳̭̭̋̏͝Ŝ̸̢̜̳̱͈̹͓̀̆̔͋͛͜͠ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́̃͝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̃̌" Momes said.

"Uh, yes," Magnus said hesitantly, Perturabo's full request replaying in his mind. In the face of fulfilling his brother's request, Magnus decided to give in to other factors: "He said he wanted a body up to four meters tall for regular social use, without a combat function, and with clothing based on Olympian style."

"And you have been curious about my method of making this thing out of thin air for a long time, so you agreed to learn to make him a temporary shell that is taller than himself. Because you were not sure, you decided to use yourself as a reference for the image first."

"My initial structural data used Perturabo's current body values. However, the energy required to make the body is actually related to the body volume, so the next best thing was to use Perturabo's childhood data - that's you. The one given to me. But every time he fails, his image will become..." Magnus waved his hands in a circle, intending to express the pile of ooze just now, "... In this way, I think it's better to use it first. My own image is good.”

"You have already mentioned the answer to the question, Magnus." Morse said, "The volume of this device that exists between mystical beings and physical entities is directly related to the intensity of the consciousness imprint that the device can accommodate. So is it possible that the energy density you extracted is still too low for the body of a child?"

"Is that so?" Magnus frowned. After thinking quietly for a while, he couldn't help but start writing and drawing in the air. After a few minutes, his eyes lit up: "Yes, I miscalculated the energy density required to form the body and the regular density required to maintain the body. The two cannot be generalized..."

His tone dropped: "So I can't make a complete body yet. I will explain it to Perturabo, and I hope he won't be disappointed."

Morse looked at Magnus's sad expression suspiciously. He began to feel that Magnus was not just here to ask him questions, but also to find a way for Perturabo, pretending to be pitiful to get him to take action himself. The warrior fleet landed before Terra to get Perturabo his new shell.

What's the point? Find a way to keep him busy?

The fact that he hasn't been hanging out on the battle barge for the past two days has triggered weird rumors within the Iron Warriors for the third time. Isn't this very stable?

"If he's disappointed, that's his problem." Morse lay back on the wicker chair. "It's not difficult to solve the problem of low energy density. You can just practice on your own in the relevant aspects. There is no need to imagine that the finished product or even the finished product will be modified in a short time. Next, I will make a body for him that is similar to Perturabo's current body shape, and its hardness and strength are based on those of regular Imperial tanks. You can tell me that if he breaks it this time, I will not make the third one. ”

"...So he's busy?" Perturabo asked while eating a plate of grapes.

The Iron Warriors mobilized a team of hundreds from each camp in Prospero to serve as the manpower needed to rebuild the planet and work with the locals to repair the broken planet. During his busy schedule, Magnus introduced Perturabo to various local products, such as sweet, sour and juicy grapes.

After tasting the grapes, the two Primarchs decided to clean up the grape reserves for Prospero, who was definitely not in the mood to enjoy fruit after the disaster. For example, he ordered several dozen kilograms to be taken away to eat slowly on the road.

"I'm not sure, Perturabo," Magnus replied, taking a few from the plate, eating one at a time was a little too little for the Primarch, the grapes seemed to mysteriously disappear with the first chew. . "The teacher just said he would do it before reaching Terra."

"That's enough to keep him busy," said Perturabo. "He hasn't noticed what I'm doing since he first came on board. I hope this situation lasts until it can be over. Thank you, I Brothers."

"No need to thank you," Magnus blushed even more with Perturabo's approval, "I really want to learn how to make a body that can accommodate our branches of consciousness. In the past few days, under the guidance of the teacher, I have also Made some new progress.”

He took out a small model from the pocket of his robe, about three inches in height, which was glued to a black circular chassis with a diameter of forty millimeters to keep it stable.

The model depicts a childhood image of Magnus standing upright, with his less thick red hair tied into a bunch, wearing an exquisite little white robe, holding a volume of books. The model stands still, much quieter than the person.

"The smaller the body, the easier it is to construct." Magnus explained, "I tried it a few times, and this is the largest size I can really make stably. When I learn to handle the consciousness port and import part of my consciousness into it, you can You can see it moving.”

Perturabo took the small model and looked at it with a slight smile on his face. "It looks like I'm going to prepare a gift for you too, Magnus."

Magnus touched his hair. He was still not used to having his hair cut short because it was burnt. "I wonder if my other brothers are as friendly as you."

"Who knows," Perturabo said. "I'm sure Horus Luperkar is very friendly. Mors even praised him. And I haven't met the other brothers yet."

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