Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 116 Meet the giant!

Wu Xiaode thought back on the whole thing.

——From now on, I must not let anyone know that the various abilities in my body are the skills of the kingdom of death.


Once discovered, will he still be alive?

Cyclops has actually given birth to a person with the ability of death.

That is yourself.

It's just that the Cyclops didn't notice it.

When he was in the Devil's Nest of Death, it couldn't see the Book of the Dead at all.

It does not know the power of death!

But that "Reaper" is different, it knows that it has the ability of death.

Then again, why didn't Grim Reaper tell Cyclops?

...It seems that it also has its own abacus.

Wu Xiaode woke up.

To avoid death.

Its ability is really hard to guard against.

Wu Xiaode was thinking silently in his heart, and suddenly felt the scepter shake again.

A line of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The curse is gone."

"The power on the scepter has been activated!"


Invisible vibrations emanated from the scepter, turning into illusions all around.

"No, it's a Cyclops, it should have seen you, you have to put on a little disguise." Baihu said suddenly.

"How to disguise?" Wu Xiaode asked.


The white tiger embraced him.

I saw that Wu Xiaode's figure suddenly became much stronger, and his appearance also became somewhat fierce, with long white marks on both sides of his cheeks.

These illusions gradually became real, but the whole room gradually disappeared before Wu Xiaode's eyes.

The world turned into darkness.

In the darkness, a grand and deep voice sounded:

"Mortal, you are not my chosen one."

The voice is Cyclops!

Wu Xiaode's expression remained unchanged, he gripped the scepter tightly and said: "I have collected all three scepters, and everyone else thinks they are inferior to me, so I am the pope for this term."

"So, what can you offer me?" Cyclops' voice was a little more playful.

Although this time it's not a mirror image, but a real face to the Cyclops, but Wu Xiaode has some confidence in his heart.

Died so many times.

Now, he has a little understanding of the habits of Cyclops.

He said loudly:

"Great, eternal, supreme, incomparable God, if only you would allow me to—"

"I allow? Allow what?" Cyclops said.

Wu Xiaode opened his hand, and said in a hasty and high-pitched tone: "As long as you allow, I can dedicate all human beings, even all believers, and let their souls become your food!"

"It's not necessary." Cyclops was startled, and said slowly.

"It doesn't matter, human beings in this world have no other meaning except as your food, death is their atonement." Wu Xiaode said.

Without waiting for the Cyclops to say more, he continued: "Great God, people should actually carry all kinds of spices with them, so that when you eat them, you will have a pleasant feeling. This is the true value of human beings." .”

The Cyclops froze again.

"Such as spicy, spicy, sweet, matcha, lo-mei... We should change our tricks and let the great god enjoy the top taste bud feast!"

Wu Xiaode clenched his fists and continued: "Yes, we should develop the technique of automatic seasoning of the soul, so that you can enjoy delicious meals at home without going out!"

"This kind of meal should only take a few minutes to prepare, safe, fast, efficient and delicious!"

"The purpose of our holy religion is to please you!"

The Cyclops froze for a moment.

Its hideous single eye opened and closed, turning around, with a hesitant look on its face.

Although this person was not chosen by himself——

But he was right!

Wouldn't it be great if his philosophy really became the purpose of the holy religion?

But I did choose someone.

……never mind.

To hell with that person.

The Cyclops thought hard for a long time, and said, "You are a qualified human leader, no matter what, I approve of you."

"My subordinates are extremely grateful!" Wu Xiaode saluted.

That's right!

For eating, you can be slapped by me!

Of course you will recognize me in this kind of thing!

But why no starburst? Is it because I still don't quite believe I can do it?

Wu Xiaode's thoughts flashed, and he spoke again: "God, the world is about to be destroyed. What else do you need us to do in the next few days? Can you come to the world and guide us?"

The Cyclops said in a deep voice, "I can't reach your world... This is limited by the rules of the world. I can only give you power through the scepter."

you can't come?

There is such good news?

Wu Xiaode tried his best to control his expression, making himself look a bit disappointed and unwilling.

He glanced at the Book of the Dead again.

very good.

The writing was blank.

Giants don't use mind reading.

"—You are the new Pope, and you have collected three more scepters, then there is only one thing I want you to do next." Cyclops said.

"Please tell me." Wu Xiaode said.

The Cyclops uttered a spell.

Wu Xiaode only felt the scepter in his hand tremble, as if it had been completely activated, sending out waves of power.

"Collect enough population, and the scepter will protect you and your followers when the world is destroyed, until the world re-exists."

"You have to bring your men to rebuild the holy religion in the new world."

"It's not difficult. Come see me after you do it."

The voice fell.

All visions disappeared.

Wu Xiaode found himself back in the room, still sitting on the chair.

The scepter was perfectly held in his hand.

It still exudes some kind of powerful power fluctuations, and even layers of shimmering light can be seen coming out of the scepter with just a single vision.

A sense of enlightenment emerged in Wu Xiaode's heart, allowing him to know the power of this scepter.

The Book of the Dead was also opened, and lines of small ice crystal characters quickly appeared:

"The Rod of Hell Summoning (Activated)."

"The power of the gods gathers on it, so that you can use its power at any time."

"This rod has the following abilities:"

"Ladder Sacrifice: Summon the Ladder to absorb the souls of all living beings and prepare for the connection to the world of God."

"Dark Call: Every hour, this staff can release a kind of 'god' power to help you defeat all enemies;"

"Time and Space Longship: When the world is destroyed, activate the power of the scepter, and you will be able to bring your followers to another parallel time and space."


With this scepter, I can do many things!

However, the power of this scepter also reveals an extremely important information.

Cyclops knows about parallel worlds!


Among countless parallel worlds, is a demon god like it the only one?


There were noises outside.

Wu Xiaode opened the curtain and saw a large number of monsters rushing towards the church.

The battle is about to begin...

He grabbed the prison summoning rod and said softly: "Darkness calls."

A khaki light suddenly rose from the scepter.

Wu Xiaode immediately understood what was going on.

this moment.

The scepter can borrow one of the Cyclops' powers: "Crimson Star Pendant."

"It's really hidden. I've never seen you use this trick. How much ability do you have hidden in the dark and never used it?"

Wu Xiaode's eyes became dark.

No, after going back this time, I must go to the mirror more often, and try to get a little more Cyclops ability in my hands.

You must understand it better!

As for now—

Tuk tuk tuk!

There is a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Wu Xiaode said.

"Your Majesty the Pope, monsters are coming." A bishop said in a panic.

"Are all our congregants here?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Yes, His Majesty the Pope, please decide whether to transfer or fight." The bishop said.

"Don't worry, let everyone gather in the hall, and leave the rest to me." Wu Xiaode said.

"All can be assembled in three minutes!"

"Okay, I'll come right away."

The door closes.

Wu Xiaode quietly looked at the monsters outside, and saw that they had already crossed the street and were heading towards the church area.

"How?" Baihu asked.

"Let them follow the ghosts to die." Wu Xiaode said softly.


In the cathedral.

Patriarchs, bishops, and elders appeared one after another.

They released a series of protection techniques, and said loudly: "By order of the Pope, we wake up from death and come to help you!"

The congregation burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Another ghost joined the crowd and said loudly: "Don't be afraid of death, you can be resurrected after death, just like me!"

"That's right, this is the Pope who is favored by God! He has given us such power!"

Thunderous cheers.

The monster finally broke through the door.

Everyone rushed up desperately.

The bishop who rushed to the front attacked a few times at random, and died immediately under the bite of the monsters.

But in full view—

He stood up alive again, his body restored to its original shape, unscathed.

Only the clothes fell apart because of the monster's tearing.

He's totally fine!

This greatly encouraged everyone.

People risk their lives to rush towards the monster!

In the room, Baihu said: "Remember our agreement, these ghosts belong to me and cannot stay in your world."

"I don't care about their souls at all." Wu Xiaode said.

He sat down comfortably on the chair, squinted his eyes, and seized the time to take a short rest.

The pope set up a large altar in the real world.

He is waiting for himself.

Now that I have got this scepter, I am going to fight him to the death!

The screams, the sound of weapons clashing, and the roar of spells continued to resound.

Wu Xiaode yawned, crossed his legs, sat on the chair, quietly waiting for everything to end.

Time passed slowly.

He didn't make a move until all the believers had died.

The white tiger pressed its paws to the ground and shook it lightly.


All believers disappeared.

The hall was suddenly empty.

The monsters were stunned, unable to figure out their minds for a moment.

Bursts of mist rose from around Wu Xiaode's body, and gradually dispersed, covering the entire church.

He pulled out the scepter and handed it to the magic hand that appeared out of thin air.

"Go and kill them."

Wu Xiaode said in a low voice.

Holding the scepter in the devil's hand, he gestured a few times before disappearing into the mist in a hurry.

The scream of the monster suddenly sounded.

Wu Xiaode continued to rest.

——The magic hand is an extension of himself, and now he has roughly mastered a little bit of the magic of the holy religion.

Just let the magic hand practice and practice.

It really doesn't work, there are always holes in the monster's body, just poke it.

Like the eyes—

Hiding in the magic mist, poke the sharp end of the scepter into the monster's eyes, and it will always go into the brain.

after awhile.

The sound of heavy and hasty movement continued to sound.

The monsters started to retreat.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

The Book of the Undead was opened, revealing lines of small characters written in ice crystals:


"You've killed enough monsters."

"You are about to return to the real world."


There was a flash of light.

Wu Xiaode disappeared from the spot.

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