Veteran new police officer

Chapter 85 Investigation Investigation

Director Jiang showed the wanted notice, clicked on the photo of the suspicious woman that Han Xin sent at noon yesterday, and gently placed it in front of Nie Guangjun.

Nie Guangjun took a breath and finally realized why he was called here. He realized that the "humanoid drug dog" could not be blamed for this. He had completely tricked himself...

Just when Nie Guangjun was regretting it, Han Xin was looking at his mobile phone in the next office and answering the questions from the inspector team.

In such a serious place, he was multitasking.

Anyone else would have been severely criticized.

But he is none other than the branch's only dedicated anti-drug policeman. At this moment, he is remotely participating in the investigation of a drug case through his mobile phone.

"The suspect has already entered. He went directly upstairs without checking in."

"Our accents are easily exposed, so we have asked our colleagues from Shancheng to follow us."

"She arrived on the sixth floor and entered room 605. Her colleagues in Shancheng were checking the check-in records."

"After checking, the person who rented the apartment was a 43-year-old local man with a high school education, married, and no criminal record."

Lin Lihong went out and took a taxi to an express hotel.

If you are buying goods, if you take action now, you can reap all the gains.

If you are not here to buy goods, then everything you have done before will be in vain.

Wang Zongyi and Wang Wei ran out of ideas, and Yang Qianli also couldn't make up his mind. He asked in the group: "Xiao Han Xiao Han, you are the squad leader, do you want to catch me or not? Please say something quickly!"

Han Xin looked determined: "If we don't arrest him, we will continue to monitor him."

"Xiao Han, you have to think about it!" Yang Qianli was worried about gains and losses.

"Don't think about it, just wait."

"How long will it take?"

As soon as Yang Qianli finished speaking, Wang Zongyi said eagerly: "My colleagues in Shancheng said that they will only provide necessary assistance in accordance with regulations. If this continues, it will not be assistance, but a joint investigation!"

Han Xin said lightly: "If they want to leave, let them go back."

"We are unfamiliar with the place. We can't even understand the local dialect. How will we keep an eye on them after they leave?"

"Don't worry, they won't leave. They are still waiting to talk to us about further cooperation and joint investigation."

"Xiao Han, are you so sure?"

Just as Han Xin was about to speak, Yang Qianli smiled and said: "Lao Wang, Xiao Han is right, they won't leave. Don't be anxious, be sure to hold on."

The action that was on the line was canceled just like that. Yang Qianli, such a strong person, actually obeyed the words of the person in front of him.

Weng Da felt very strange. Seeing that they had ended the group video, he asked curiously: "Comrade Han Xin, what if the man who opened the room is a drug dealer and he is dealing with the female suspect in the room. What if your hesitation causes the flight to be delayed?" "

Han Xin suddenly remembered that this was a very serious disciplinary inspection and supervision office, and quickly said: "Report to Weng Da, even if he is a drug dealer, we can't catch him now."


"If the man who rents the room is a habitual offender, it is impossible for him to collect the money and deliver the goods. In all likelihood, he will hide the drugs somewhere in the room. For example, behind the TV or in the bathroom. If we take action now, we will Even if drugs could be found, it would be difficult to use as evidence that he was selling drugs."

"We've already found it, why can't it be used as evidence?"

Weng Da had been working in the Political Department before and had never handled cases. He really didn't understand these things.

Han Xin explained patiently: "If the female suspect refuses to admit that she came to buy drugs, and there is no fingerprint or DNA of the man on the outer packaging of the drugs, we cannot confirm that the previous family has been exposed to drugs.

And the hotel is a very popular place. We cannot rule out that the drugs were left behind by previous guests, at least we cannot rule out reasonable suspicion. "

"Both people were in the room, and the drugs were also in the room. Doesn't this count?"

"If there is no other strong evidence to support it, it really can't be counted. So in this case, the procuratorate will usually not prosecute. Even if it is prosecuted, the court will make a not guilty verdict."

Weng Da asked again: "Then why do you conclude that our colleagues in Shancheng will not leave and will definitely stay to help?"

Han Xin said helplessly: "Because we have the clues, if the case is more complicated, it will be very difficult for us to investigate, and we will need to invest a lot of manpower and financial resources.

But they have the home field advantage, so these are not problems for them. They are just waiting for us to take the initiative to ask them for further cooperation, and even offer to jointly investigate with them. "

"Are they interested in this case?"

"If they come to Linghai to handle such a case, we will still be interested."

Looking at Weng Da's thoughtful look, Han Xin continued: "Because it's not just as simple as being able to complete the task, but it also involves seizure."

"If we jointly investigate, will we be separated from them?"

"It's not just the joint investigation that needs to be divided."

Han Xin smiled and said, "There are clear regulations from superiors regarding the request for cooperation in the off-site investigation of drug cases. If the investigation is jointly conducted, the handling unit must give 40% of the recovered drug property to the cooperation after receiving the fine and confiscation." square.

There is no joint task force set up, but colleagues from other places are asked to provide investigation assistance, and 30% of the fines and forfeitures are returned to the collaborators;

If you ask colleagues from other places to help seize, freeze, or recover drug property, you will be required to give 10% to the other party after obtaining the refund of the fine and confiscation. "

How much effort you put in, how much you pay back, the price is clearly marked...

Weng Da couldn't help laughing and said: "Is there still such a rule?"

"Yes, if based on the intelligence clues provided by colleagues in other places, a drug case is investigated and successfully solved. After the seized drug property is confiscated and returned in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, 20% must be given to others."

"Then for this case, should we ask our counterparts in Shancheng for further cooperation?"

"It depends on the situation and the progress of the investigation."

While chatting here, Han Xin suddenly thought of a question and quickly picked up her mobile phone to speak to Yang Qianli: "Yang Suo, I think we need to prepare for the worst."

"What's the worst-case scenario?"

"Be prepared for the worst and leave Lin Lihong's daughter unattended."

"Haven't you considered this? If it doesn't work, we can get her bail on the spot."

"What if there is still a previous family?"

"Xiao Han, can you be more specific?"

Han Xin said eagerly: "If the upper family is just a small drug dealer, and the case is complicated and it is more difficult to fight the higher up, I think it is better to 'sell' Lin Lihong and her upper family to our counterparts in Shancheng.

For us, not only did we get rid of a trouble, but we also completed a task. When our counterparts in Shancheng take down the entire network, and those who have been confiscated are fined and returned, we can still share more or less, because after all, we provide the clues. "

Yang Qianli smiled bitterly and said: "I have thought about this problem before, but I am not a fool, how can I let us sit back and enjoy the benefits?"

Han Xin smiled and said: "They have the home field advantage, and we also have our advantages."

"Our advantage is clues, but sometimes clues are a hot potato. If you take drugs, you must investigate drug trafficking, drug trafficking must investigate gangs, and gangs must investigate channels. They are waiting for us here!"

"Besides the clues, we have another advantage, and that is money."

"Xiao Han, don't be joking. If we really have so much funding, do we need to worry about how to increase it?"

"But people think we are rich, and we have to show that we are rich. The district's GDP exceeds 100 billion, and the city's GDP exceeds 1 trillion. How can our branch not have money?"

Yang Qianli heard the implication of his words and asked with a smile: "Xiao Han, are you saying that if the investigation is really difficult, we can bluff them and make them think that we don't care how much money we spend, we just want to break through on their territory." A big case and a great achievement?"

It's a pleasure to cooperate with smart people. Han Xin said with a smile: "Partnership business is not easy to do. They have no way to jointly investigate, unless they package it up and 'buy it away'. When something is seized in the future, they will be confiscated and give us 20%."

"This is a good idea. We have to prepare for the worst. I will report it to Li Suo."

They actually want to leave the trouble to others, and they actually want to package the suspects and clues and "sell" them!

This is not a police officer, these are clearly two big liars.

Weng Da was stunned when he heard this. He was stunned for a while before he recovered.

"Comrade Han Xin, even Comrade Yang Qianli respects your opinion. It shows that you have very rich anti-drug experience. Your vision, judgment and ability to adapt to changes are all 'online' in the words of you young people."

"Weng Da, I just... I just saw more and came into contact with more."

"So you have rich anti-drug experience, so I want to ask you. Why didn't you take prompt and decisive measures when you found Fu Lirong suspicious at noon yesterday, such as stopping him for questioning, or reporting it to the leaders of your squadron or even the brigade in a timely manner?"

"I'm not sure."

Han Xin put down the paper cup and said awkwardly: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. Maybe because of work, whenever I see a sluggish person, I wonder if he is a drug addict; whenever I enter a strange space, I wonder where Possibly hiding drugs.”

Weng laughed and asked: "Occupational disease?"

"It may be a bit of an occupational disease. As for not reporting to the team leader in time, the main reason is that our team Liu and Lan Zhi are very busy."

Han Xin thought for a while and continued: "And when it comes to investigating drug cases, we mainly cooperate with brother units. So I asked Team Nie from the Chengdong Police Station to help arrange for an auxiliary police officer to get to know her. "

"Why did you ask the Chengdong Police Station for help instead of the Serious Crime Squadron or the Urban Squadron?"

"I haven't been transferred back for a long time, so I haven't had much contact with my brother squadrons, and I don't have their contact information. Furthermore, considering that the police station in the jurisdiction has an advantage when it comes to identifying the population."

"You don't usually have much contact with your brother squadron?"


As a police officer in the criminal police brigade, he didn't interact with the brothers' squadron. Weng Da found it strange: "Why do you often have contact with the police station in your jurisdiction?"

"Our squadron has a small number of people. We have to conduct random inspections of drug addicts in the entire district, so we can only ask the comrades from the police station for help. I have been doing this work during this time, and the clues to the drug case that I am investigating were discovered through random inspections."

"After you contacted Nie Guangjun, he didn't reply for a long time. Why didn't you call and ask."

"I haven't forgotten, mainly because I can't take care of it. The nature of my job determines that I have to find out the situation of every drug addict in my jurisdiction, so yesterday afternoon I went to the Chengbei Police Station to participate in a random inspection. After the random inspection, I received an emergency call Ordered to participate in the arrest of the murderer Wang Baocheng hiding in our Linghai, and caught a gambler by the way..."

The situation is basically clear. A young man as cunning as Yang Qianli not only has no responsibility but also has merit in this matter.

Weng Da didn't want to affect him in investigating the drug case, or to be precise, he didn't want to affect him and that old fox Yang Qianli traveling together in the mountain city, so he encouraged him and asked him to go back first.

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