Veteran new police officer

Chapter 68 Lost in spirit

My first love girlfriend handed the packed children's meal to a cute little guy, then put the little guy on the electric car, looked back at him, said nothing, put on the helmet, got on the electric car and left.

No phone number, no WeChat message...

Everything that just happened seemed like a dream.

My cousin sent me several WeChat messages in succession, but when she got no reply, I called again.

When Han Xin woke up from a dream, she thought that her first girlfriend, whom she had eloped with back then, had actually become the parent of a student of the "Ai Meili" teacher. How was this marriage going to happen?

Not to mention how complicated his mood was, not to mention how apologetic he was. Not only did he not go to see "Amelie", he even became a deserter for the first time in his life and returned home without a trace.

Xu Linlin didn't expect that he would break the appointment, so she could only bite the bullet and invite others to dinner, and go home as soon as the meal was over.

"Why are you so dazed? Why didn't you answer my call? Why did you let me go?"


"Brother, what do you mean, you are talking!"

Han Xin took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "I met Jiang Weiling downstairs."

Xu Linlin was stunned: "The female classmate in middle school, the Jiang Weiling who eloped with you?"


"It's such a coincidence that I can meet you like this."

"She recognized me. She has changed so much over the years."

They were really in love back then. Although it wasn't like couples living together now after they got close, it was almost the same as living together. Parks, movie theaters, Internet cafes, empty classrooms... were all places where the two of them had trysts, and one time they even took them to Toutun.

Xu Linlin could understand his mood at this moment. She sat down and said with a smile: "We'll meet her when we meet her. How is she now?"

"She is doing well. She is married and has a son. He is six years old this year."

"It's six years old. It's definitely not yours. Since it's not yours, why are you so nervous?"

Han Xin really couldn't laugh, and said with a frown: "She is different from your first love. We really loved each other before. If I hadn't joined the army, she would definitely not have married anyone else."

"When I talked to my ex-boyfriend, we were very serious."

Xu Linlin sighed softly, thought about it and then said: "Besides, you didn't betray her. She didn't want to wait when she saw that you were joining the army. It's not like you didn't call her after you arrived in the army. She didn't answer the phone later. If you believe her and don’t reply, I can’t blame you!”

"This is not a matter of whether she is willing to wait, but why she is made to wait."

"You still love her?"

"I have no idea."

Han Xin scratched her head and said solemnly: "Actually, I have almost forgotten about her. If we hadn't met today and if you hadn't always made fun of her, I might not have remembered that she was there. I suddenly realized I have no conscience."

Xu Linlin held his arm and comforted her: "Brother, this shows that you are a person who values ​​love and justice. But now she has a husband, children and a family. You should bless her and be happy for her. You should also have your own Life."

"I know."

"I know you let me go at noon."

"What are you doing? I can't help it."

"Why can't I help it?"

"Her son is in the 'Amelie' class!"

Xu Linlin was shocked: "Ah... such a coincidence!"

Han Xin pushed her hand away, hugged the pillow and lay down and said, "I'm a little confused right now. You have to go to work in the afternoon, so hurry up and don't ask anymore."

"Then do you want to talk to 'Amelie'?"

"No one can talk to, not 'Amelie', otherwise it will be embarrassing again."

"Ke Linghai is so big, there are some things you can't avoid."

"I know, please let me calm down and let me think about it."

"What are you thinking about?"

"I don't know either."

"It seems that the lingering love is over, but she already has a husband, you can't destroy her family!"

"Where are you thinking? How can I be the third party? Can you please just leave me alone?"

Xu Linlin realized that it was useless to persuade her, so she simply stood up and said, "Okay, I'm going to work, you can think about it slowly."

Han Xin's mind was really messed up. She wondered why Jiang Weiling didn't even leave her phone number, wondered whether she was happy now, and even suspected that she had married under pressure from her family.

While I was thinking wildly, Jiang Yue called me.

As soon as the connection was connected, I heard her say like a machine gun on the other end: "Brother Han Xin, I brought the salted duck back for you. I'm downstairs at your house. If you're at home, come down and get it. If you're not at home, I'll leave it with the doorman for you. .”

"Thank you. I'm at home. I'll go down right away."

"You're welcome."

There was something wrong with the tone, but it sounded quite polite, and Jiang Yue felt a little strange.

After waiting for a while, Han Xin came down, took the salted duck, and said apologetically: "Xiaoyue, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have caused trouble to you, and I shouldn't have forced you to help carry things."

It looks very sincere...

Jiang Yue calmed down and said quickly: "It's nothing, we are neighbors, and besides, it's just a little effort."

When he met his first girlfriend by chance, he thought of many things from the past. Not to mention how unpleasant it was, Han Xin murmured: "It is said that a person's nature is hard to change. When I wanted to eat salted duck that night, I thought of you. I thought When I asked you to take care of me, I remembered a lot of things from my childhood, and it also showed my childhood face. I forced you to do something difficult, and I must apologize to you."

"Brother Han Xin, what are you talking about? You were not particularly bad when you were a child."

"It's bad enough. He has done a lot of wrong things."

"Brother Han Xin, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm sorry."

"As long as it's okay, I'll go back first if it's okay. If you want to eat, call me again."

"Okay, I won't send it to you."

He stopped joking or bullying anyone, looking at him who was worried. The more Jiang Yue thought about it, the weirder she became. After taking a few steps, she ran back and asked, "Brother Han Xin, are you really okay?"

Han Xin forced a smile: "It's really okay. What can I do?"

Jiang Yue saw that he was smiling so reluctantly, and was thinking that something must be wrong. His cell phone suddenly rang. He listened to the other party for a while, and then asked in a low voice: "Chengbei Police Station... Okay, I'll be there right away. If you haven’t been there, I can use navigation.”

"Brother Han Xin, is there any police information?"

"Well, your father's office caught a few people gambling, and one of them was suspicious. He asked me to go take a look."

"I'll go with you. I'm familiar with the Chengbei Police Station. I've been an intern at both the Chengnan and Chengbei Police Stations."

Thinking about the trouble of driving the navigation, and thinking that she could now be counted as half of the branch, Han Xin agreed: "Okay, let's go to the basement. My car is parked in the basement."

If there is no one to guide you, and if you don't have a navigation system, it will be really difficult to find the Chengbei Police Station. It is actually located in a large residential area, not on the main road like the Chengnan Police Station.

Han Xin parked the car and followed Jiang Yue straight to the duty hall.

The two auxiliary police officers on duty downstairs knew Jiang Yue. As soon as they stood up, Han Xin showed his ID: "I am from the Criminal Police Brigade. Please open the door."

"Team Han, our Xu office is waiting for you upstairs." The old auxiliary policeman glanced at his work ID card and hurriedly swiped his card to open the security door to the second floor.

Didn't he just get transferred back? Why did he become the Korean team... Jiang Yue was stunned. He didn't even bother to greet the two auxiliary police uncles, and followed him by accident.

The two climbed to the second floor in one go and met a second-level police inspector.

"Team Han, right? I, Xu Guangcheng, I'm sorry, I haven't had time to congratulate you on your promotion, so I would like to trouble you to come over for guidance."

"Xu Suo, what are you talking about..."

Han Xin was about to ask where the gambler who looked like he had taken drugs was being held. Xu Suo smiled and asked, "Isn't this Xiaoyue? Xiaoyue, when did you come?"

Jiang Yue said obediently: "Hello Xu, I am here with Brother Han Xin."

"Do you know Team Han?"

"Brother Han Xin and I are neighbors. Brother Han Xin and I used to live in the same village and team, but now we live in the same community."

"What a coincidence." Xu Suo held Han Xin's hand tightly and joked: "Team Han, it turns out you are also a demolished household, it turns out you are also a rich man!"

"What kind of local tycoon, Xu Suo, let's get down to business. Where is he being imprisoned? What's going on?"

"Yes, yes, let's get down to business."

Xu Suo took the two people to the monitoring room, pointed at the 20-year-old man tied up with a police rope in the monitor and said: "Early this morning, we received a report from the masses that there were several outsiders in the third group of Lingbei Village. There was a gambling gathering in a rented house, and there was a lot of noise, which affected people’s rest.”

"I rushed over and took a look, and it turned out that they were gambling on gold flowers. There were six people in total, all young people, and the gambling was not big. More than 3,000 yuan of gambling money was seized on the spot, and we took them back to the police station for investigation and punishment according to procedures."

"Unexpectedly, about twenty minutes ago, this boy named Sun Jianfu suddenly made a lot of noise, banged the table and smashed the wall. He was very irritable and talked nonsense. We were worried that he would hurt himself, so we tied him up quickly."

The kid was in the corner, his head hanging down as if talking to himself. His face cannot be seen due to the camera angle.

Han Xin asked in a low voice: "Have you tested his urine sample?"

Xu Suo said helplessly: "I don't know if he is really crazy or pretending to be crazy. Anyway, he is uncooperative. Xiao Luo, who can operate the hair detector in the institute, went out to handle the case again, so we thought of you and called Zhang Da to ask you Come here and help me take a look."

"No problem, find a few people to control him, and I'll cut some hair."

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Han Xin did not rush to the detention room. Instead, she went downstairs, opened the car door, took out spare hoods, masks, goggles and gloves, and put them on one by one. When everything was ready, she walked into the detention room at the far end of the first floor.

With the assistance of two police officers and an auxiliary police officer, they first lifted Sun Jianfu's chin to look at his face, opened his mouth to look at his teeth, lifted up his sleeves to check his arms, and then picked up the scissors and cut some. The hair was put into two plastic bags and returned to the second floor.

"Team Han, how are you?" Xu Suo asked eagerly.

"It doesn't look like a drug addict. Have you asked the other boys if he has a history of mental illness?" Han Xin opened the testing box in the institute and took out the portable hair detector.

"I asked, but they didn't know each other before and they all said they didn't know."

"It doesn't look like he's pretending to be crazy. Suo Xu, it's better to contact his relatives as soon as possible. Letting someone like him out is a security risk. If you don't release him, you can't keep him locked up forever."

"You test first to see if he has taken drugs."

After waiting for about ten minutes, the results came out.

Han Xin tore off the "ticket", stood up and said, "Negative, I have never taken drugs."

If he is really mentally ill, it will be troublesome. Xu Suo took the ticket and said with a wry smile: "I will arrange for someone to send him to the Sixth Hospital first and see what the doctors from the Sixth Hospital say."

"You might as well send him to the Sixth Hospital to check whether he is a mental patient or not."

"Sorry to delay your rest."

"What's there to be embarrassed about?" Han Xin took off her mask and packed up the things for testing, while smiling: "Xu Suo, even if you don't call me over today, I will come to trouble you tomorrow."

Xu Suo reacted and patted his arm: "Zhang Da and Captain Liu told me the whereabouts of the six drug addicts. I will ask the community team to help you find them tomorrow."

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