Uncle-Master, Please Help Us

Chapter 86 Willow Clothes Contest

As soon as I crossed into this world, I was brought here to undergo all kinds of cruel studies. It has been uninterrupted for ten years. To be honest, during that time, I always wanted to escape. I thought that once I went out, I would not be beaten to death. Coming back, no one expected... In just a few days, he appeared here again.

Inside the forbidden area, it was foggy, there was no sun and moon, and it was impossible to distinguish between night and day. There were no crops, flowers and plants on the ground, and it looked a bit barren.

"It's changed so much?"

Walking forward slowly, a strange look appeared in Su Yin's eyes.

When he was here, even though it was desolate, there was a trace of vitality here, giving people a sense of belonging to home, but now, like the Gobi beach, it is full of decay.

Hastily walked to the tomb of Cannian Life, and came to me in a short while.

The familiar tomb in front of me has collapsed for many years and is covered with weeds. The words written on the tombstone, such as Wu Daoxian, the painting sage, Huang Longtian, the chess sage, Wang Qiancheng, the calligraphy sage, and Li Wannian, the qin sage, are also corroded by something at this moment, and there is no trace of them. .

The whole body was shocked, and Su Yin's face turned pale: "How could this happen?"

Four days, just four days away!

How does it feel like walking for decades?

"Senior Longtian? Senior Qiancheng? Uncle Woodcutter..." Su Yin shouted, echoes resounded all around, nothing but nothing.

Before, he was not allowed to come here, and he could only see the six steles in the front from a distance, that is, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and the so-called sword master, Li Woodman, medicine master, and Li Shiyu.

Every time you pass the nine assessments of a skill, the next Cannian will appear from the tombs.

Now, after learning all the skills, I can come here, but I never thought that those Cannian who accompanied me for ten years would all disappear, not even a single one of them.

"Where are you? Come out quickly..."

Rapidly shuttled among the tombs, Su Yin was full of anxiety.

Although these remnants are severe, he usually likes to make jokes, and he doesn't pay much attention to seniority. In his eyes, he is like a teacher or a friend. He thought that no matter how long he had gone, as long as he came back, they would be there, and he would never have dreamed of this result...

After turning around more than ten times in a row, Su Yin sat on the ground slumped.

The thatched huts that used to live not far away, the fenced yards where donkeys and other animals lived, are all safe and sound, without any change, only these tombs seem to be unable to withstand the vicissitudes of history, decadent in the gray mist.

"They taught all kinds of skills, but each of them left the key point. Let me understand it by myself. Is there something unspeakable? Immortal Zhenzong... a weak sect, but with such a powerful name, Could it be otherwise?"

A series of thoughts surged in his mind.

Before, he had never thought about this. Now, he understood the power of the skills he had learned, and knew that these remnants might not be simple. If he thought Zhenxianzong was ordinary, he would be really stupid.

The road to immortality is cut off, and there is not a single true immortal in the entire continent, but this small sect wants to suppress immortals... Obviously something is wrong!

"Perhaps... Wu Yuan and the others can know something!"

With a flash of eyes, Su Yin stood up.

He didn't believe in these remnants that had been with him for ten years, and he fell directly, never to be seen again.

If this is the case, the other party will definitely leave something like last words for him, instead of disappearing out of thin air like now.

I'm afraid that something happened to the forbidden area after he left, and this... is very likely to involve the Zhenxianzong sect.

Knowing the origin of the Zongmen and the origin of these tombs, perhaps one can know where they went and why they disappeared.

With a goal in mind, Su Yin stopped being entangled and melancholy, walked around the forbidden area twice again, but still found nothing, and then went out.

Even though these remnants had cheated him for ten years, after letting him go out, he became like a fool who didn't know anything, but he was sincerely doing his best.

All kinds of professional skills, exhausted, never shirked, never favoritism, so he learned so solidly, so proficient.

This kindness cannot be forgotten like this.

After leaving the forbidden area, it was already past noon, Su Yin walked directly towards the Elder Hall.

Just as he left, one after another illusory figures flickered, and many thoughts emerged again.

"Are we taking this too far?"

"No way, there are always some things that he needs to discover and bear by himself. What we say can easily touch the secrets. At that time, it will only be him who will be harmed!"

"Having said that, I still can't bear to see him so lost."

"He's grown up and isn't a kid anymore!"

"Although we have already guessed that after he left, we will definitely see that we have been coaxing him these years, but it is quite surprising to find out so quickly and get started with two professions!"

"I think there will be more and more things that surprise us. Once the thirty-six occupations are fully integrated, they may really be able to compete..."

"Don't say it, or you will definitely be sensed!"

"Yes! Although it is pretending to disappear this time, I'm afraid... we really can't wait for him to rise. For tens of thousands of years, we have kept ourselves closed and rarely appeared, but it still consumes too much, especially teaching him skills... ..."


The thought flickered, and after a short time, it disappeared again, and soon the entire forbidden area fell into silence again, like a ruin.

"no one?"

Looking at the empty elder hall, Su Yin was full of doubts.

Under normal circumstances, there would be at least one elder sitting in charge of this place, and even if there wasn't one, there would still be disciples. Why isn't there a single one?

"Go and have a look!"

Just as he was wondering, he heard an anxious voice not far away, looked up, and saw a group of disciples running forward quickly.

"Is something wrong?"

Frowning, Su Yin followed closely.

The more people there are, the more people there are, and soon they came to a huge practice field, where at least a few thousand people had already piled up, and a high arena appeared in front of them.

"What's going on here?"

After watching for a while, no one went up, Su Yin couldn't help but look at a young man on the side.

There are disciples everywhere, and it is a little empty next to this young man.

"Just left the customs?" The young man was stunned for a moment, seeing the face-to-face student in front of him, he didn't care, and explained: "It's Liu Chang, an ordinary disciple who started two years ago, and he wants to challenge the disciple of the same class, Liu Yi!"

Even though Immortal Immortal Sect is the last of the top ten sects, the number of disciples is very large, those who retreated, those who cultivated...there are countless, even if they have been in the sect for decades, there are still many disciples who do not know each other.

Su Yin is young and wears the clothes of the sect. Everyone who sees him will think that he is just an ordinary disciple.


Su Yin nodded, isn't that the girl named Liu Yiyi?

It seems that the talent is quite good. I only said a few words and broke through continuously. How can I compete with others?

Moreover, how can so many people come to watch the competition of an ordinary disciple?

(There will be an update in the early morning. In addition, there is another book "I'm Really Not an Almighty Boss" written by a friend. If you have time, you can read it.)

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