Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 3471 She can

The next day, Fengling got up, but Luo Bi didn't think about it.

Therefore, Fengling still cooks.

This meal didn't count. Luo Bi was worried that Fengling would come back at noon, so she told Fengling: "Don't worry about me, I will do it myself."

Fengling was a little worried, but still agreed.

At noon, Fengling didn't go home as usual, and Qin Yilang was still surprised: "You don't have to go home to take care of your wife anymore?!"

Fengling leaned back in the chair and chuckled: "Luo Bi said that she will support the family from now on."

Qin Yilang hehehe: "Can she support the family?!"

Talented people strive for status in the talent world. Talented disciples are held in high esteem, and almost all of them are piled up with interstellar coins. They know how to spend interstellar coins, and they are very keen on comparison. No amount of interstellar coins is enough to spend.

Is it enough for a talented person not to ask for interstellar coins from his family, but also to support his family? Qin Yilang didn't believe it.

"Let's go, it's rare that you're free, let's go to the restaurant to eat." Qin Yilang asked Fengling to go to the base restaurant for dinner.

Fengling stood up and Wen Xiao followed.

After dinner, Fengling was worried that Luo Bi was used to it, so she dialed a message uneasily.

Luo Bi picked up and Fengling asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Eat at my parents' house." Luo Bi replied to him.

Fengling: "······"

Well, this meal doesn't count. He's not at home, so Luo Bi will just go to her parents' house to eat.

When Roger heard that Luo Bi wanted to support the family, he laughed and said, "She can do it."

None of them were optimistic, so Luo Hang didn't take it seriously.

After dinner, Luo Hang saw that there were not many seasonings at home, so he planned to buy seasonings in the afternoon. He also saw some fresh vegetables and bought some. If there were no fresh ones, he could go to the underground city to buy them early in the morning.

Luo Hang knew about Luo Bi's temper. He told Luo Bi in advance: "We don't have much nutritional energy seasoning at home. Should I buy it? Or should you buy it?!"

This was the right question. Luo Bi said, "I'll buy it."

Okay, Luo Hang asked her to buy it and said, "There's not much fragrant rice left."

Luo Bi doesn't eat fragrant rice. She likes steamed buns, but Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting eat it, and Hua Ran also eats fragrant rice. If she doesn't eat it, she can't let the whole family follow her.

"What else should I buy?" Luo Bi planned to buy everything at once.

The household energy stones are almost running out, but Luo Hang is worried that Luo Bihua has too many interstellar coins, and Luo Bihua spends too much interstellar coins. He has to consider it, so Luo Hang said: "Let's buy these for now!"

Luo Bi took a handful of melon seeds and called Zhu Xingzhi to ask if he was free in the afternoon. Zhu Xingzhi said, "I want to practice my skills, but it's useless!"

Forget it, Luo Bi called Wei Bun again. Wei Bun was free. The two agreed to go shopping in the underground city in the afternoon. The supermarket also had nutritious and energy seasonings, but compared to the underground city, they were not complete.

Luo Bi went upstairs to take a nap. When she got up from her lunch break, the Bunting also came over from home.

There is a special seasoning shop in the underground city. Luo Bi put away the sports car and went shopping with Wei Bun. Wei Bun went shopping with Luo Bi in the underground city for the first time, and thought it would be enough to just buy them.

Unexpectedly, Luo Bi wouldn't go to the store because it was too small. But when the store was too big, she would be annoyed by too many people.

There are few people in high-end stores, and no one grabs the condiments to look at.

In this industry, Luo Bi and Wei Bun entered a high-end store. Luo Bi had a very poisonous eye. Whatever she liked, they were all high-grade nutritional and energy seasonings. There was nothing she could do about it. Luo Bi didn't mind the price and bought it.

There are many varieties of nutritional and energy seasonings, but there are only a few that are used at home, and I think the Bunting can accept them.

However, Luo Bi bought more than a dozen items at once and spent millions of interstellar coins.

The problem is how many taels it is.

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