Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 864: Tell Oliver 1 good news

"He is my son, it has nothing to do with you!" The woman was a little emotional, but in the indifferent gaze of Thea, she retracted again.

"You misunderstood me, the child is still yours. I just think that the child should know the truth. If he only wants to be an ordinary person, then naturally he can. If he wants to become extraordinary, it is not difficult for me."

She wasn't arrogant. After all, the first light and the troublemaker can change the reality of ordinary people. Although the timeliness of this change is short, after all, the fate of the big brother lived well, without his consent, the result of random changes It is re-corrected by fate, without active curing, changing reality is not as good as it looks.

Thea is not too far from that realm. The big change can't be done. After the small change, it's easy to add talent to her cheap nephew.

Even if it is a super wastewood, she can pile it up.

It depends on their choice now.

"Call the child out, or do you go in and talk to him? He's eavesdropping by the edge of the door."

The young woman hurried into the bedroom and negotiated with the child.

Thea waited slowly, this was just a task for her, and she had no opinion on any other choice.

Not long after, the young woman led the little boy out.

The little boy is about the same age as Damien, but his eyes are full of confusion and helplessness, like flowers in a greenhouse.

"William, I'm your aunt, you can come to me if you have any trouble." She reached out and stroked the child's head, the other side's tension eased slightly.

"Well, tell your choice."

The young woman held her son. "I didn't love Oliver. It was just a moment of confusion. We won't go with you."

Thea nodded. She also welcomed the woman's choice. After all, Shaduo had a good relationship with her. Now she was pregnant, and she brought a woman back to her brother.


"But William ... he is smart and deserves a good education."

After a few negotiations, everything was finally agreed. The child still had the same surname as the mother. The only thing he needed was to ensure that he had access to excellent high school and college resources.

Mother and child still live a quiet life, and what Sia paid was to make a few calls.

"Are you going to be an ordinary person?" On the return journey, she was thoughtful. Even if she vaguely mentioned that the child has some talents, the mother and the child chose to refuse. Not everyone likes superpowers and likes to be super Heroes, their mother and son just want to live like ordinary people, and Thea didn't say much.

After leaving the town, she can say that she has completed all the tasks, respected the wishes of the mother and child, protected them, and let them live a peaceful life. This is enough.

Now she just needs an opportunity to make it happen.

After thinking about it, it seems a bit arbitrary to take the idea privately. After all, the child ’s father is still alive. What is the young woman ’s name? Thea never asks from the beginning to the end. , In all respects is a good woman.

Thea felt she should tell Oliver that this was his son and he had the right to know.

But how to say this requires some skills and methods.

She can remember that some time ago, all the people knew that the grandson of Barry's family came to the door, and a bunch of heroes were almost laughing and laughing. Among them, Green Arrow Oliver laughed loudest.

In order to take care of her brother's face, she felt that she had to study what to say.

One person is short and two are long. One step forward, she has to discuss with Diana.

As an invited expert at the Louvre, Diana also has an independent office and assistant here.

The young lady walked in and knew the atmosphere was wrong as soon as she entered, and the Valkyrie was sulking.

"Who provokes you? I'm going to cheer you up!" She was very sure. In this place on the earth, she was very energetic.

"That guy is so rude that he can't believe it, he's a prince!" At the office, Diana put up with it again and again, complaining about Thea.

The matter was not complicated. A few days ago, out of good intentions, she introduced a job to the weak chicken duo now called Carter and Kendra.

The combination of the ancient Egyptian prince and priestess was more than enough to be an expert in ancient civilization in the Louvre, at least she thought so.

The result was shocking. Modern people think that it is a holy artifact. It is a daily decoration in Kendra's mouth. What a gorgeous decoration. Carter said that it is the guard of honor used by the guards. .

The two ancient people talked straight and staggered, blasting experts and professors in the Louvre, and finally broke up.

After pouring a lot of bitter water, Diana was much more comfortable. Today, she was combing a single ponytail, a beige top with a one-step skirt and high heels, and it was not a style at all in the battle.

Take off your shoes and rest your feet generously on her leg. "Knead me."

Thea used her fingers to press her leg muscles freely. With their physique, she would not be tired for ten years. However, Diana was too strong and too disciplined. She always guarded human beings as her duty at all times. Young, pretending to look at the worldly situation.

Only when the two were alone could she reveal the little girl's expression.

The young lady massaged from knee to ankle thoroughly, and finally scratched twice on the soles of her feet.

"Ha!" Valkyrie rolled her a particularly good-looking white eye, and Thea felt that she could play ninety-nine points.

"Your breath seems to be more ... longer?" Diana wanted to say it was darker, and it looked nothing like it.

"Yes, I have a deeper understanding of death in the battle with the Black Death Emperor, but I came here today to ask you to discuss another thing ..." She scratched her head ~ ~ Tell the story of Oliver's bastard.

Diana's face wentssip "He has a son? Are they all ten?"

Is that child smart, how tall and fat, can he shoot arrows ...

Many materials have been investigated by Xia. She answered without any problems. When she talked about the child being bullied and should call the police or learn to fight back by herself, the two goddesses realized that they were crooked.

"Should tell the truth to Oliver." Diana didn't think of good words at last, and the two were going to talk about this together.

When I found Oliver, I found that the archery club was throbbing, and a bunch of people were here.

"Sister head." "Miss Thea." "Sister Thea." "Sister Diana." A group of people greeted them.

Looking at Damian, Tim, Raven, Cassie in front of him. The two goddesses are a little puzzled. These guys have no connection with each other. They usually live in Tiannanhaibei, why are they here today? Find this site Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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