Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

The Beyonder of Xingyue Gensokyo Chapter 38

"Of order!" Hisau Maiya nodded resolutely, got up and left the conference room, Emiya Kiritsugu did the same, he didn't even look at Saber from the beginning to the end.

Brazenly breaching the contract in front of the King of Knights, I have to say that even though Emiya Kiritsugu is cunning, he is not qualified in the way he commands others! If it's Liangyiluo, even if he really betrayed the covenant, he will do it without Saber's knowledge...

Irisviel and Saber stayed, but she didn't know what to say, and the King of Knights naturally didn't need other people's comfort...

After staying for a while, Irisviel also left here, looking for Emiya Kiritsugu, and Saber was the only one left in the empty hall...

Just when Irisviel went to another room to talk to Kiritsugu, there was a reaction in the barrier of Einzbern Castle...

The two who were being warm suddenly looked into the distance.

"—Are you here?" Emiya Kiritsugu lit a cigarette and said calmly.

"Fortunately, Caster came before Maiya left! Ellie, prepare the crystal ball!"



At the same time, not far from the city of Einzbern, Liangyiluo, who had been paying attention there, was also watching quietly.

"Has it started?" With a confident tone, Liang Yiluo looked at the turbulence of the barrier in the distance.

"Lancer, get ready to fight!" The void behind him trembled, and Lancer knelt on the ground on one knee, "Your will!"

‘Emiya Kiritsugu, this will be our first meeting, and I will give you a meeting that will impress you! And in the end, you will definitely pay the price of your life with your regretful face! '

The breeze blows, and there is no one here...

Chapter 0018 The Magical Girl and the Tentacle Monster

"Is that Caster?" A strange figure with blood-red patterns on his clothes appeared on the crystal ball, but the strange thing was that Caster didn't come by himself, but followed a group of people.

"What is he going to do?" Irisviel wondered. All those following Caster were underage children, they staggered as if they were hypnotized.

But no one answered her, and no one knew what Caster's plan was.

"...Are you tempting us?" Emiya Kiritsugu asked suspiciously.

When Irisviel heard her husband's words, she asked half hesitantly, "Could it be that those children... are hostages?"

Yes, it makes sense to think so. With Saber's personality, it is impossible to ignore these children. From this point of view, although Caster is crazy, he is not stupid...

Suddenly, Caster's voice came from the crystal ball, "According to the agreement, I have come to visit you specially, so let me meet that beautiful saint again!"

Saber stared at Emiya Kiritsugu and Irisviel, the determination in her eyes seemed to be urging them to quickly let her play!

But the two didn't say anything...

After waiting for a while, Caster found that there was no response, and came again with a pleasant laugh, "It seems that I haven't made up my mind, hehehe..."

Caster snapped his fingers, and the children woke up from their confusion, but the sudden sobriety made them very confused, looking around helplessly, not knowing what happened...

"Jie Jie Jie, listen up, children, let's start playing hide-and-seek! The rules are very simple, just run away from me, if you are caught by me..."

Pausing, and when the children fully understood where they were, Caster reached out and grabbed the one closest to him.

"Stop!" Seeing this scene in the crystal ball, Saber couldn't help shouting, but she also knew that she couldn't stop it at all!

Caster's hand was strong, and the child who was grabbing the head cried out heart-piercingly, but Caster pressed even harder as if hearing the most beautiful music.

"Pfft!" Like the sound of a watermelon being broken, the child's head was scratched by Caster, and the brains and blood splashed, but none of them splashed on Caster's body.

"Ah!" Irisviel covered her mouth and exclaimed. After all, she is also the mother of a child. Such a scene naturally touched the maternal love in her heart, and at the same time, she said without hesitation, "Saber, please defeat Caster!"

"Of order!" Saber replied bluntly, she had already been prepared and disappeared in the hall in the next instant, that endless anger, even after she left, still lingered in the room.

Emiya Kiritsugu wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, he gave up this decision.


Saber hurriedly ran towards Caster's direction. It took her less than a few minutes to cover such a long distance, but she was still late.

When she arrived, all she saw was the huge magic circle on the ground, and countless stumps and broken arms. What kind of species.

Saber knew that these were the children I saw in the crystal ball before...

"—Oh oh oh oh!!! I finally see you again! My beautiful holy girl!" Caster said with a joyful and cruel smile. At the same time, he aimed at the only surviving child in the arm of the forehand.

"Painful? Joan! These are the people of God!" Caster shouted like the best speaker.

"You respect and love God so much! Look at the holiness in your eyes, look at the anger in your eyes, how beautiful it is!"

"Let go of that child!" Saber roared angrily as she watched the scene, her eyes tearing open.

"Ah! Do you want to save this child? Ah. Yes, you are the most devout believer!" Caster let go of the child full of joy.

Caressing the child's head, Caster said softly: "Go! Child, God has sent its messenger to save you! Feel happy!"

Then he pushed the child, and the child staggered and fell to the ground, but he got up immediately, and with a sad cry, he ran eagerly to the big sister who made him feel safe at...

The child pounced on the armor on Saber's legs, Saber touched his head, and said softly: "It's dangerous here, run away! Run to the castle over there!" At the same time, she pointed in one direction with her finger.

However, the rescued expression of the child in front of him suddenly became distorted, "Crack!" The crisp sound of the spine breaking spread, and the young body suddenly swelled up, and with a bang, the whole body It exploded into several segments, and countless snake groups spewed out from it!

No, that's not a pack of snakes! If you look closely, you will find that it is more like a tentacle!

"Hahahaha!" Seeing Saber being entangled by tentacles, Caster laughed wildly, and at the same time took out a book written in human skin.

The spell came out from Caster's mouth, the magic circle on the ground began to change drastically, the wreckage on the ground was absorbed, and countless tentacle creatures emerged from it!

"How noble, how holy! My holy maiden! That soul is more noble than gods!" Shouting wildly, the endless monsters rushed towards Saber...

"I'm deep in the quagmire of love! Holy maiden!"


Liangyiluo and Lancer rushed forward, and a burst of magical power suddenly burst out in front of them...

"It seems that Caster used some great magic!" Liang Yiluo still had the strength to sigh while moving forward rapidly.

After a few jumps, Liangyiluo and Lancer came to the depths of the Einzbern Forest...

"Well, it's here!" The scene that appeared not far away caught the boy's eyes...

It was a noble and holy girl, waving the holy sword in her hand, the pupils of the holy blue were inviolable, although the expression was angry, but it did not lose a trace of its nobility and magnificence, the holy body seemed to be dancing, Traveling among the monsters, one monster would be killed every time he slashed. However, after the monster's limbs twitched for a while, they gathered here...

This picture of a magical girl fighting a tentacle monster made Liang Yiluo amazed!

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