Walker just watched as the transfer student who was the first in his class was blocked by Frey in the aisle...

Thinking of her feat of piercing the stainless steel tabletop just now, and then looking at the group of waiting officers behind Frey, a strangeness suddenly appeared...

In the air, factors of anxiety suddenly floated.

Liao Sijie clenched her hands tensely, her lips trembled slightly, and she just thought of making a sound, but she was suddenly caught by Chenzhi Fan.

He pointed to the three boys who were trapped outside the door.

Those who usually rely on their identities, who are not the stingers in the class, now? I am a fish and a knife. Before I can figure out the situation, I rushed to shoot, and I didn't know how to die!

This Leng Yiyao's identity has become a mystery, and her character is too arrogant, too stubborn, and she has to meet an iron plate once.

Liao Sijie has known him for so long and has never seen him look so cold. For a time, I was so scared that I couldn't even speak.

But here, Frey suddenly stopped at a distance of three steps from Leng Yiyao.

The eyes of the two crossed, and his upright figure stood with her student outfit, making him look taller and stronger.

But why not, the colonel who had just watched Walker suddenly bowed, and respectfully bowed to her: "Miss Leng."

The three words respectful and solemn, like bullets, are sonorous and powerful! Coupled with his slightly bent waist, such a courtesy is definitely not something ordinary people can afford!

At this moment, let alone Walker, even the indifferent Aston wondered if his ears had just gone wrong!

It would be fine if another colonel did this, but that person was the attendant beside Hemo!

What does his attitude show?

Following his ceremony, all the officers behind him immediately moved the weapons in their hands to their left hands, and the sound of guns colliding with their wrists instantly echoed in the classroom, so neat that it was frightening!

The military is the system that abides by the rules and regulations the most. Seeing that the top officials of this trip have already saluted, how can the rest of the people be stupefied?

The rows of arrogant officers actually bowed their heads with Frey at the same time, bowed their heads, their voices were neat, as if they had been practiced thousands of times: "Miss Leng!"

These three words were called out by the soldiers in a uniform voice, adding a sense of heroism and infinite shock!

Who is this transfer student?

All the students' eyes were dull, and the expressions on their faces were terrifying!

That is the representative of the military that even the Shengde Group can do nothing. Standing here, he represents the face of the marshal. Who dares to take a step beyond the thunder pond?

By the way, before the grand ceremony, Leng Yiyao glanced at Frey lightly under the eyes of everyone, then looked down at the watch, turned around and walked over without squinting.


Even a wink didn't bother to give to each other.

The so-called "cold and precious" and "arrogant and arrogant" are about... It is so.

Walker's expression was completely frozen, his palms interlaced, and he pressed himself for a long time before he completely pressed the consternation under his eyes.

But other students can't do his calmness!

Watching that group of imposing military non-commissioned officers fade away like a tide step by step, just to make way for her, for a while, the entire "special class" burst!

It turned out that it wasn't just for classmates, Miss Leng, who really didn't lose face!

But, why, looking at the way she went out without expression on her face, she suddenly felt so mad and cool!

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