Ignoring the pain of physical activity, I quickly turned the recorded pharmacopoeia to page 527.

"Shengji Fugu Pill: Return the required medicinal materials, red peony root, white peony root, drynaria tonic, and hit the ground..."

Then compare the herbs on the bone medicine.

"Guiwei, Bailian, Xixi, Red Peony, Landing Fight..."

Many drugs are not much different between the two!

The medicine list in the pharmacopoeia is more comprehensive than the bone medicine.

Based on Yang Xiaofan's understanding of the medicinal properties of the pill, there are a few things in the ingredients of the bone medicine that have no effect at all. This is completely added indiscriminately. This may be for the protection of trade secrets.

I go!

This is a drug formula worth more than trillions!

Let him know!

If this pill is sold, he will immediately become a very rich group of people.

Yang Xiaofan's inner excitement couldn't be added, his heart rate reached 200 per minute, and his excited hand wanted to post the news on the Internet to show off.

"No, you must calm down, and you can't be dazzled, otherwise you will make wrong judgments."

He suddenly yelled, "Master, your **** is big and round!"

Three seconds later, a shadow rushed into the room. The shadow shook a man who was about 1.8 meters tall with one hand and threw it on the ground. After a few feet, he turned and left.

The intense pain calmed Yang Xiaofan and his brain functioned normally.

"It can't be sold. If the news is released, let's not say whether it can be auctioned smoothly. The next day there may be an interstellar warship coming to level it."

"Even if it can be sold, this kind of prescription involves the interests of many consortiums, and if I sell it, it will cause serious losses to them. It is very likely that I will be killed by a missile when I walk... This prescription can only be made for my own use. "

He climbed up from the ground with difficulty, clicked on the shopping platform, and searched for these medicines. There are Chinese medicines and Western medicines, the product of the combination of the two.

Just like the Luban book, it is clearly a BC book, but there are records of gunpowder formulas that only appeared in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Adding these drugs to the shopping cart, and buying other drugs to study, is more to cover up.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, but just in case, once someone finds it out, the result will be disastrous.

By the way, I bought a pair of silver needles and placed an order together.

A truckload of medicines only cost more than one million yuan, while this vial actually costs 10 million yuan.

Ha ha.

It seems that the price of his drugs in the game is going to be raised, otherwise it will not be up to date.

This time he didn't feel sorry for the medicine anymore, and sprayed the medicine on the painful part of his body. There were more than 10 million left in Kari, which was enough for him who did not like luxury goods.

The massage of acupuncture points to save Bai Xiaocao and bone medicine made Yang Xiaofan further realize that the Pharmacopoeia is a peerless treasure that cannot be measured by money.

Yang Xiaofan was thirsty for knowledge of the pharmacopoeia, reluctant to sleep until one o'clock was seen.


A big cow hit him violently, extremely cruel, and scared him to wake up several times.

At 5:30 in the morning, Wang Dan put on his practice clothes and entered Yang Xiaofan's room, picked it up, and "woke up and ran in the morning."

Yang Xiaofan, who had slept for four hours, was stunned and didn't want to open his eyes at all.

Wang Dan swiped another punch directly towards his stomach.


He almost spit out the lamb that he had eaten last night, and immediately came to his senses.

"As an agent, you must exercise your spirit and keep yourself vigilant. If the killer enters your room, you will die ten thousand times. Put on your clothes and go for a run. I will give you 30 seconds and wait for you outside... Also, don’t wear any clothes next time you sleep."

After speaking, Wang Dan left Yang Xiaofan and walked out.

Yang Xiaofan grabbed his stomach and climbed up with difficulty, hating him through gritted teeth, "Cow, you wait..."

He put on clothes smoothly and didn't dare to delay any time, this woman really dared to fight.

Putting on his clothes, he rushed out of the villa and came to the wide courtyard.

The sky was already very bright, and a ray of sunlight shone on the earth, shining on Wang Dan's Himalayas, the reflections were so dazzling.

"You are five seconds late, run five kilometers more." Wang Dan said coldly.

"No, twenty-eight seconds." Yang Xiaofan lifted the watch in his hand, and it was counting on it.

Wang Dan glanced at it, pulled the watch off, squeezed it with one hand, "Be ten seconds late, and do 500 more push-ups."


It turned out that not only Xu Lotto and his sisters would play rogues, the world was as dark as crows.

He realized.

In the future, we will never show truth to women.

Run, what else can I do?

Wang Dan ran with him.

"Master, do you run every day?" Yang Xiaofan asked suddenly.

"Almost." Wang Dankuku responded.

"Then you two things swing back and forth every day, why is it still more than ten kilograms, not small at all? Or is it a false proposition that exercise can lose weight?"


The huge courtyard was full of screams from Yang Xiaofan.

The screaming stopped at half past six.

Two beautiful servant robots helped bring Yang Xiaofan back, who was unable to get up.

Several women who got up hurried over to help.

Su Meng hugged, the second sister fed, the third sister fed water, and Xiaocao helped spray medicine.

Xiaocao looked at the miserable Yang Xiaofan, a little worried, and said to Wang Dan: "Sister Wang, Brother Yang has just started, so there is no need to start so hard."

Sister Wang's expression is still so cool, "He is the person with the best muscle memory I have ever seen. He can really see his progress every second, and pain can make him remember faster."

"I'm leaving soon. I don't worry about others. For your safety, I must train them. I will reimburse him for the medicine he was injured. Moreover, this is the path he chose. The more you ask him, the more he doesn't want to go. Go on? If I don't want to, I won't force it."

"I don't want to." Yang Xiaofan responded decisively.

Wang Dan's face became stiff.

The face was cracked.

"Haha, just kidding, you look embarrassed, it looks like my sister came to my aunt." Yang Xiaofan, with a swollen nose and a swollen nose, lay in Su Meng's arms and laughed.

Smiling, seeing the expressions on the faces of the three sisters, the smiles gradually solidified, and they couldn't laugh.

Do not live by committing evil.

Su Meng silently buckled Yang Xiaofan in his arms, Su Yuyu covered her mouth, Su Su scratched her feet.

Yang Xiaofan struggled painfully, wanted to laugh but couldn't.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaocao couldn't help extending a helping hand and began to scratch his nest.

Yang Xiaofan wanted to struggle, but the four women pressed on him. He was unable to resist at all after training all morning and could only be slaughtered. He wailed in pain, but these women laughed extremely happily.

He realized that next time he was attacked by them, he must wear an oxygen mask, otherwise he would not know whose **** or mountain peaks were always blocked in his face, and he couldn't breathe.

Brutal, cruel, and tragic incidents happened here, and Yang Xiaofan climbed into the game cabin with difficulty to end all the pain.

Resurrected in Novice Village, he was deprived of his rank yesterday and returned to rank zero.

It seems that everything has just begun.

He did not escape from the clutches of his sister, nor did he upgrade.

I like three sisters to cut me to upgrade, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) Three sisters cut me to upgrade. The literature update speed is the fastest.

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