This lich needs more money

Chapter 54 Cautious Paladins

The tall and towering city walls were in sight, and the stars and other paladins breathed a sigh of relief.

After running around for so many days, I finally arrived at the Alchemy City.

Fanxing raised his right hand and made a gesture, and the Knights of Condemnation slowed down uniformly and then stopped quickly.

They were visiting in an official capacity, representing the face of the Lion Empire, so they could not enter the Alchemy City in such a dusty manner.

A rain suddenly fell from the sky, drenching these heavily armored paladins.

This was rainwater created by magic, which washed away most of the dirt on their bodies.

Coupled with simple spells such as the light spell, the sacred armor produced by the Lion Empire shone brightly in the sun, and everyone looked like they suddenly changed from country bumpkins to noble paladin masters.

Then everyone walked towards the Alchemy City at a leisurely pace.

The closer you get to this city, the more prosperous it is.

Even though the Alchemy City has recently fallen into an economic crisis, there are still many caravans coming and going, and the airships in the sky are also densely packed.

But even among the dense crowd, the Knights of Conviction are still the most dazzling presence.

Before they could reach the huge gate of the Alchemy City, a huge airship had already squeezed through the crowd and landed in front of them.

A gorgeously dressed alchemist stepped down from the airship and said to the group of condemned knights: "Welcome everyone, I am Gustavo Flynn. On behalf of the Alchemist Council, I welcome everyone from the Lane Empire."

The stars knew this name, Gustavo Flynn, the Sixth Seat of the Council of Alchemists.

Although this person had a very high position, Fanxing still felt that Alchemy City did not let the mysterious president come out to greet him, as if it did not pay enough attention to the Lion Empire.

Although it may look like the Nine Kingdoms, it is actually one super power with many powers.

The Lion Empire is the only superpower, and Fanxing naturally treats people from other countries with a bit of arrogance.

But Fanxing would not show this arrogance. He contacted Gustavo Flynn very appropriately, and then took his teammates on the magic airship.

Gustavo Flynn exchanged a few words with Fanxing and then arranged for the group of paladins to rest on the airship.

When he was the only one left in the box, Fanxing couldn't help but sigh: "The magic technology in Alchemy City is really powerful. I also have a magic airship at home, but I have never seen one so huge."

This magic airship is indeed huge. It can carry one or two hundred people without any problem. With a little modification, it can become a very good aerial fortress.

Another paladin said: "No matter how big it is, it's useless. The airship is too slow and can only be used as a target."

Fanxing nodded. This statement is correct. The magic airship can only be regarded as a very good means of transportation, but it is not very suitable for use on the battlefield.

Mainly because everyone has magic cannon technology, plus flying units of various races and camps, it is not too easy to deal with slow airships. Once the airship crashes, the loss will be too great, and the gain outweighs the gain in fighting.

However, the airship is good for bullying monsters like goblins and jackals in the wild.

"I have heard about this Gustavo Flynn. He is a very famous alchemist. He should be able to represent the attitude of the Alchemy City. Unfortunately, they seem unwilling to cooperate fully."

After boarding the airship, Fanxing couldn't wait to discuss rescuing Allen with Gustavo Flynn, but the answer he received made him very dissatisfied.

Alchemy City stated that Alan Watson was hired by others to attack the lich's castle and was captured after the failure. The lich's behavior did not violate the laws of Alchemy City, so they could not take the initiative to ask the lich to hand over the person.

This statement made Fanxing very unhappy.

If you talk to a lich about the law, just rush over and demolish his castle, smash his phylactery and scatter his ashes. It is indeed a country where heretics gather, and the rules here are simply unreasonable.

After Fanxing protested, Gustavo Flynn said in a very subtle way that if the Alchemy City wanted to break its own rules, the Lane Empire needed to pay a higher price, rather than just sending a diplomatic document and asking them to cooperate.

Fanxing hesitated again and again and did not continue to argue on this issue.

On the surface, Fanxing is an envoy of the Lane Empire, but he is not here to negotiate, but to save people. The Supreme Court has made it clear that it will not accept any negotiation conditions. Even if his son dies at the hands of a lich, the Lion Empire cannot negotiate conditions with others.

Therefore, Fanxing did not continue to ask for the cooperation of the Lane Empire, but only obtained relevant information from Gustavo Flynn.

Now Fanxing took out all the intelligence information and discussed with his teammates how to save people.

After carefully reading the information in his hand, Fanxing breathed a sigh of relief.

The report shows that this lich has not been reincarnated for long.

Although he is a legendary level, the young lich is definitely easier to deal with. The reason is simple. The power of the Lich is not only his spellcasting ability, but also comes from the huge army of undead.

But undead require corpses and souls to create, especially high-level undead like death knights. Not only do they need suitable materials, they also need a lot of time to cultivate suitable souls.

This Lich's reincarnation time is short, so he will definitely not be able to have a huge undead army. The undead troops that left traces in the valley before should not belong to this Ultraman Tiga.

This is the best news. Without the assistance of a huge undead army, the threat of this lich is directly reduced by more than half.

A paladin suggested: "Should we attack this lich's castle directly? Allen has been captured for too long. If we rescue him one day earlier, he will have a greater chance of survival."

Fanxing shook his head and said: "Although the Alchemy City allows us to attack directly, it is too reckless. We have traveled so long and exhausted our physical strength so much that we need to rest and return to our best condition. And Alan is not Weak man, he brought thousands of militiamen and a priest to help him, but he was captured anyway. This lich was not as weak as he thought.

"After all, it is a castle full of all kinds of magic traps. We may not be able to break through if we attack it by force, and it will easily cause unnecessary casualties."

The Conviction Knights are not afraid of death, but we are all the future of the Lion Empire, and no one can die in vain. As the captain, Fanxing must be responsible for his teammates.

"We will find a place to stay in the Alchemy City later. Today we will disperse our efforts to gather more information and have a good night's rest.

"Although the officials of Alchemy City are unwilling to send troops to help, isn't there an economic crisis here? We can come up with a sum of money. I believe many people will be willing to take risks for money.

"Recruit some rogues or rangers and let them sneak in to investigate first. Maybe we can avoid many dangers."

Everyone was convinced by Fanxing's solid arrangements. With such a cautious captain and a mere legendary lich, wouldn't it be easy to catch him?

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