This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Final Chapter Welcome back, Lord Demon King

Remember【】for a second!

One year after reincarnation fusion.

Blank sat in the library of the New North Wind City, while referring to the materials provided by the slimes, while completing the seventy-six-year history based on his own experience.

The impact of the fusion has gradually calmed down, the pattern of the world has changed a lot, and some undercurrents are slowly surging, but the overall development is moving in a better direction.

A person who should have died may still be alive in another reincarnation. After fusion, his own existence will fall into a kind of "Schrödinger's existence". easy to understand.

And those that exist in both reincarnations will usher in an epic level of enhancement, their upper limit will be opened, and the burst of potential will allow them to go further and step up to a higher mountain.

In fact, in the past year, a large number of powerhouses have appeared. Some of them accepted the invitation of the royal family, and some chose to defect to slime, making each other's camp stronger.

The Great Holy Church was completely destroyed a year ago, and the financial collapse made countless investors lose their money. The biggest creditor, the royal family, directly dragged the Great Holy Church away, and thoughtfully left a toilet for the Roland Church above them for their convenience. prayer.

Knowing that King Luo Lin could not return for the time being and that the Demon King was playing chess with Shenshangshen, this group of royal families became very arrogant.

However, a new Dharma King has been born, and that new Dharma King is likely to be the only female Dharma King, which adds a touch of color to the Roland Church that has been destroyed several times and reborn several times.

And the conflict between the slimes and the royal family is becoming more and more intense, but the royal family has royal concerns, and slimes have slime concerns. They are still in a very delicate period, but no one can tell, The war should not be far away.

Stretching, Blank was about to get a cup of slime tea when someone put a cup of tea in front of him.

After seeing clearly who the other party was, Blank smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Martin."

"You're welcome." The ogre butler opposite said with a smile.

Martin and Allie came back half a year ago.

In order to find the devil and the slimes, they traveled to many places, met many people, and even opened up a certain Garden of Eden by accident, and finally knew the plan of the devil and the slimes.

On the way, they also met a certain writer who was hunted down by their editor and wife. The travel notes based on their stories are still on the bestseller list.

Martin's return relieved the burden on the leader a lot, and she finally had time to go out for some tea with her best friend Luna, but Blanc always felt that the best friend looked at the leader strangely.

Sipping the delicious slime tea, Blank looked out the window.

There, tens of thousands of slimes are cheering and running around. They climbed to all the places that can be climbed and chewed all the things that can be chewed. Driven to try everything possible.

According to the leader, they are currently slowly expanding the channel, trying to accommodate 300,000 slimes in the near future.

Soon after, the slimes who are familiar with this place will begin to integrate into this world, shoulder different tasks, and participate in the confrontation with the royal family.

They called it the "big epic mission," but Blank had no idea why they used that name.

After chatting with Martin, a lovely maid came in and brought out a mini Kate who didn't know when it slipped in.

The group of maids who stayed here is also a place to write about, and in fact, the author is writing their story too.

In the author's manuscript, the maid group is described as a special force of the devil, they can go to the sea as pirates, and they can also go to the sky as air pirates.

They have Kate who can make others obey unconditionally, and there is also a mysterious strong man who is omnipotent but can only complete 70% of everything.

Among them is the leader of the succubus, the forever fourteen-year-old Miss Allie (specifically referring to certain parts).

There are great assassins, economic masters, design experts, and explosive geniuses. Roses always have thorns, which is fully reflected in them.

The author also specially emphasized that they are all the shame of the succubus, because of this passage, the author was hunted down again, and then fled without a trace.

After learning about their relationship with the Demon King, Blanc is very curious about how the Demon King will deal with their relationship after his return.

The leader is ready for war anyway, and the Maid Corps looks the same.

Incidentally, a certain god in the library of the royal family's blasphemy is also preparing to join the battle, and the priests of the earth god also said that the supreme mother goddess Gaia is also preparing to join the battle.

"The war started because of mating rights is quite interesting."

After drinking tea, Blank flipped through the previous documents, and accidentally found the record of the fall of the Demon God.

After the fusion of reincarnation, most of the gods fell, and the demon gods began to rise. The remaining troops, led by King Luo Lin and assisted by Ferdinand II, launched a war against the demon gods.

This war lasted for thirty years, most of the demon gods were maimed, the death demon god fell, and the painful clown was resurrected in the death demon god's body, and then he began to avenge the death demon god as the black dagger, and launched a follow-up campaign The grievances of the Dinant family.

History, no matter how you look at it, is very interesting.

After working until late at night, the leader came in with a tired body and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Blank, I asked you to do this. The work of being a spy is already very heavy, but I really have nothing else to do." People can please."

"It's okay, I quite like it. But the matter of the royal family is giving me a headache. Zlatan's resurrection ceremony has been carried out for most of the way, and I haven't found a suitable way to stop this ceremony."

"That's not easy to stop, there's no need to force it. Remember, you have to protect yourself, after all, you are our important companion."

"Don't worry, I will protect myself."

After resting for a while, the leader's body froze for a moment, and then said: "By the way, I have another gift for you. You will be very happy."

"Really? I'm looking forward to it." Blanc smiled politely.

The door was pushed open.

Artoria appeared at the door, looking around curiously.

"Wow, this game is so real, no wonder Ayana girl spends here every day."

Although it was Artoria's body, Blanc immediately recognized that there was a completely different soul in the other party's body.

The opponent clumsily used his body, carefully moved to Blank's side, and looked up at Blank.

After looking at it for a while, "Artoria" asked suspiciously: "Well, have we met before? I always feel that you look familiar. No, a game character, how could I have seen it?"

Blanc rubbed his somewhat sore eyes, picked up "Artoria" and placed it in front of him.

"Yeah, we've met before."

"Oh, when was that? Sorry, but I really can't remember."

"Seventy-five years ago, Dad."

The fourth year after reincarnation fusion.

Accompanied by the sound of the curtains being drawn, the crazy little policewoman who was sleeping soundly on the bed turned over in dissatisfaction, avoided the sunlight, and muttered: "Let me sleep for another five minutes."

"That's what you said five minutes ago."

"You also believe what I say?"

"Get up, the wedding is about to begin."

The crazy little policewoman yawned and sat up, brushed her teeth and washed her face in a daze, then turned back and took off her clothes to the man who was flipping through the book on the sofa and said, "Doctor Wang, when will we get the certificate?"

Facing the crazy policewoman's question, she took off her clothes and said calmly, "It's not ours, it's Emma and Chipmunk's."

"Oh, isn't Winston out?"

"She said that tauren is also a good way to play, and I didn't understand who she wanted to be good at."

"Pervert! Then when shall we argue?"

"Let's talk about Ouhuang and Feifan 4+1 first."

"Oh, that's something to wait for. That's it, let's go online."

Entering the game together, a city with a very sci-fi color rushes towards us. The passages leading to different planes are constantly opening and closing above the city. The planes perform different tasks, looking for the devil's alien plane counterparts and the secrets of the Holy Grail.

As soon as he went online, the professor took off his clothes and said anxiously: "Let's go, the coordinates have finally been determined, and now we can still catch up with the wedding."

The huge portal is fixed, and the huge battleship is ready to take all the slimes away from the singularity and temporarily return to the original world.

All tasks were temporarily suspended, and every slime sat excitedly in his seat, waiting for the professor to set off the boat.

Standing in the command cabin, facing the group of slimes, the professor cleared his throat: "At this grand moment, I want to represent..."

"Go away, Professor! Didn't the beating in the alley last time make you understand the consequences of talking too much nonsense?"

"I knew it was you who did it! You must be my graduate student!"

"So what? I graduated early!"

"After graduation, I can also pick you out and let you know how powerful the schoolboy's fist is!"

"You fourth-rate professor is doing third-rate research and living a life like a bum, but you try to claim to be first-rate? You are only top-notch at the level of brain damage! Shit!"

"Come here, one-on-one!"

When the tragedy was about to take place, he took off his clothes and walked forward helplessly, pressing the start button.

Accompanied by a teeth-stinging roar, the entire battleship soared into the sky, causing unprepared players to shoot around like glutinous rice balls in a pot.

Afterwards, the battleship began to accelerate, a huge amount of energy was poured into the battleship, magic runes flashed on the surface of the battleship, causing it to accelerate to one-tenth of the speed of light in a very unscientific way, and the battleship was converted into pure energy through a sacrificial ceremony body.

The terrifying energy passed through the portal, jumped over the light speed barrier in the nothingness behind the portal, spanned hundreds of millions of universes in an instant, and finally tore apart the space and landed in the city of New North Wind.

Emma, ​​who was wearing a white wedding dress, looked at the battleship above her head and waved her hands excitedly: "You are here, you are really here!"

Through the monitor in the command room, the players found that almost everyone was present.

Martin, Ellie, Christine, Weak Chicken Man and Terra, the leader... and nearly 300,000 players who joined afterward.

Looking at the familiar faces, the players jumped off the battleship with cheers, and began to warmly embrace their friends.

The grand wedding lasted until midnight.

Although it was late at night, the players were still excitedly exchanging experience, setting off fireworks, and discussing how to proceed with the general attack on the royal family.

Taking off his clothes, he restrained himself and participated in some activities organized by players, and then climbed to the roof with the crazy policewoman, sipping fruit wine and looking at the remains of the Dawn Demon God in the sky, muttering to himself: "It's a pity, if there is another person Just be here."

"Yeah." The crazy little policewoman lying on his back also looked at the sky and said.

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in the ears of all players.

"System Broadcast: Players, after four years, we finally fixed a bug, and we can finally restore the Demon King."

"After this dynamic update, the Demon King will appear as a resident NPC again, but the returning Demon King will have a long period of exhaustion, please do not give the Demon King anything during this period, and provide various pornographic reading materials in time Let the devil relax with the magic stone, satisfy the devil's various requirements, and never disturb the devil's rest."

"Thank you for your strong support for "The Devil and the Dungeon". I hope you will enjoy the game in the future."

Looking at the stars in the sky, I took off my clothes and didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly.

Raising the wine glass in his hand, his voice, the voice of the crazy policewoman, the voice of 3l, the voice of the weak chicken man, and the voices of all other players sounded at the same time at this moment, converging into the most simple greeting:

"Welcome back, Lord Demon King!"

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