The Wizard’s Immortality

Vol 2 Chapter 757: return

Latest website: "Have you started ..."

Standing in the same place, feeling the sense of oppression from the world around him, Adil didn't change his face and smiled a bit, so there was no surprise.

It looks as expected.

It is indeed expected.

If such a crazy killing is carried out in the material world, and life is slaughtered in such a sad and frantic manner, if the world will of the material world does not respond at all, then hell.

The reaction at this moment was just normal. If there was no response, Adil would have to wonder if he did not perform well enough.

On the other hand, the greater the response of the material world at this moment, the more excellent Adil has done at this moment.


A steady stream of power poured out of the body, feeling the rising power, and Adir opened his arms and burst into laughter.

In the middle of laughing, his body began to transform.

A black field enveloped his entire body, covering his upper and lower body, and looked like a thin film, which continued to emerge on the surface of his body.

This is a layer of territories formed by the concentration of highly concentrated demon forces on his surface. It seems to be ordinary. In fact, just a light touch is enough to reinvent a legend.

At this moment, accompanied by the vigorous will of the abyss, a majestic force was fed back from above the will of the abyss, blessed on Adil's body, so that Adil's body began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The area covered by the whole body gradually became more complicated, and a more profound rule was derived from the flesh.

Without a hard understanding, without the process of continuous exploration, in such a simple moment, Adil has completed the road that ordinary people need to walk for a long time.

Advance to Tier 5!

The breath of terror does not flow outward from him, and rolls in. Every breath spreads to the outside like a long dragon rushing out, grisly and frightening, enough to easily destroy an entire city, let it All the creatures of the world are turned into a piece of blood.

If it were not that the creatures in the endless surroundings had already been slaughtered at this moment, this breath just spontaneously leaked out of Adir, it would be enough to kill countless creatures and cause endless killing.

Feeling the power in Adil, the power of world consciousness began to riot around.

One after another, the thunder appeared in the sky. The place was covered with clouds. The purple thunder began to fall straight and fell on the devil's body of Adil.

These purple thunders are not ordinary thunders, but are condensed by the terrifying pure world power. Every hack is like the whole body from the origin to the flesh, every cell and every flesh and blood is counted by countless blades. Chopping, as if to wipe you out, disappeared from the soul level in a flash.

A pair of huge demon wings slowly spread out, instantly covering Adil's body and blocking the purple thunder directly.

The strong demonic power turned into a barrier, and the purple thunder confronted each other. The two stalemate in the air, and they froze for a while.

World consciousness began to riot, and a more terrifying offensive is beginning to brew.

This time it wasn't just in the sky, there was a swell of breath in the space in all directions, as if there was a rush of space rushing towards Adil.

In response, Adi smiled on his face, and the figure disappeared directly in the next moment.

Abyss world.

A figure two meters or so, which looks similar to humans, appears in a barren area. When it appears, it collapses time and space, distorting the surrounding concepts.

In the middle of the air, this demon stood like a devil, just standing in the middle of the air, the breath from all over him collapsed a piece of time and space, and shattered a piece of heaven and earth.

"Is it random transmission ..."

Feeling where he is at the moment, Adil was surprised.

With his return at this moment, the surrounding world began to appear strange.

The forces of the abyss came to him spontaneously, and the violent power kept pouring in. The attitude completely changed from before.

If you said that you wanted to refuse to return, then it is now an active way to scare people to death.

I'm afraid that the power in your body is not enough.

In general, after this promotion, Adil has more than one grade of affinity with the power of the abyss.

The power of the abyss began to gather in the body, the original exhausted power was quickly replenished, and the peak was quickly restored.

Until a moment later, Adil opened his own pair of demon wings, exuding his breath in the air.

boom! !

As if a **** sun appeared in mid-air, the vast earth began to shatter at this moment, countless demons stared blankly at the scene in front of them, feeling the majestic majesty, where the body shivered and did not understand what happened What's wrong.

In the depths of the world, the will of an abyss is being distorted. At this moment, I feel the spread of Adir's breath, so he is entrenched in him, with some intimacy.

However, after the promotion, the abyss has always been closer, but there is always a layer of isolation blocking in front of him, like something is blocking there, blocking the communication between Adir and the will of the abyss, making the communication between them impossible Achieve a more perfect situation.

For the isolation that caused all this, Adier also knew what it was.


As the demon lord of this area, the other party has already controlled the authority within this area. In a certain way, it is in line with the abyss will of this area and occupied that position early.

It is almost impossible for Adier to take the position of the demon lord when the opponent has already occupied the position.

I think there is only one way to do this.

There was a smile on Adil's face, and this one looked up silently and looked into the distance.

At the next moment, his figure disappeared in place, the breath of all his body converged, and he left the region in an instant and went to a distance.

boom! !

A soft sound continued to sound in place, sounding very pure, like the sound of iron.

"I'm going to kill you !!"

On the previous black mountain, Ankra's face was furious. At this moment, a paw was holding a black robe to worship, and his face was angry.

The huge pressure spread from his body. At this moment, a little black blood of demon was flowing above his body. Although it seemed to be hit hard, it was still incomparably powerful, just standing In front of him, people felt a suffocation.

Even if the demon lord is hit hard, his strength cannot be fully exerted at this moment, but as long as he has not swallowed the last breath, it is still an existence that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Have the power that ordinary people can't imagine.

In fact, for his demon lords, even a look, a little breath, is enough to crush any existence under the fourth order, so that the essence of his body is directly destroyed and disappeared from the ground.

Can't bear the breath on him.

However, the sacrifices in front of them are somewhat special.

In the face of the full fire and the angry Ankra, these priests were able to maintain their own existence despite the trembling, they were not directly shocked to death in the breath of the other party, and they all seemed to have vitality. Very tenacious.

One by one can be comparable to Xiaoqiang.

"Dear Lord Demon ..."

Being caught in the hands of Ankra's claws, the old-looking black robe sacrificed a somewhat difficult opening: "The information we provided is accurate, this time it was just an accident ..."


Ankla smiled coldly, putting a little pressure on his hand.

A huge force emerged from his paws, and in a flash, the black bubble sacrifice screamed.

Most of his flesh and blood was directly torn by Ankra, leaving only my upper body intact, struggling above the ground.

Above the ground, he struggled to scream, but still not dead.

The powerful nature of the Transcendence supports his life, allowing him to survive stubbornly even though he has lost half of his body at this moment. It can even struggle for a long time to see this.

If he has the next chance.

Looking at the black robe priest who was struggling and crawling on the ground, Ankla smiled coldly and stepped on one foot directly.

With a loud bang, the black robe sacrifice under his feet was directly crushed by him, his body was directly broken, and flesh and blood were everywhere.

The scene looked rather bloody.

The other black robe priests around them fought a chill.

They knew in their hearts that this time they were more and more fierce.

The devil is a chaotic and ferocious creature, and no one can find out the character of the other party, and there is no way to know whether the other party will take a knife against you in the next moment.

They cooperated with the demon lord in front of them, and they were originally seeking to hide from the tiger.

Earlier, they had use value for them, but it was okay to say.

Although the opponent was brutal, he did not strike him at that time.

But up to now, with the end of this expedition, the other party suffered such a big loss, after all, they still started on them.

They were already prepared for this. Despite their fears, they barely maintained their bodies without shaking. At this moment, they were ready to sacrifice.

"All right……"

Ankra's cold voice came from the front.

"Tell me now, where is that scepter ..."

He opened his mouth and a terrible grinning smile appeared on his face.

"Tell me where the scepter is, I will let you die!"

"Demon, you dare to defile my Lord's artifact!"

A priest couldn't help but roared, snarling at Ankra in front of him.

The words fell, and the next moment, his body exploded directly, and his flesh and blood spattered outward.

Ankra with a greasy smile on his face ~ ~ He moved his paw manually, and then turned around to look at the other black robe sacrifices.

"Now, would anyone tell me?"

A place of silence.

In front of them, the several black robe priests were silent, standing there right now, looking at Ankra in front of them, taking these hostility.

There is no time to reveal the meaning.

They are already prepared for sacrifice.

As a bridge to communicate with demons, when they came to this area, they had already thought of such a day.

At this moment, the imaginary scene began to take place.

"So hilarious ..."

A voice came from not far away.

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