The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 374: A gentleman is like a jade, Li Chenglong!

"Left Taoism (


Sound transmission came: "What's going on? They seem to know about it too? How do you know? You Dongtian, can you rely on it? Can such a secret be told everywhere?"

The left-wing Tianwang is in a hurry.

If this identity is leaked, who can bear it if something goes wrong?

You Xiaoyu: "How do I know how they know? Anyway, I didn't say it, maybe it was Nan Zhenggan. Well, it should be Nan Zhenggan."

"...When will you be able to correct your stubborn flaws!" Zuolu Tianwang was so angry that he couldn't speak clearly.

This is too big!

If the three great witches on the Wumeng League side know it, doesn't it mean that the other party's high-level officials know all about it?

The other party's high-level officials know everything, but most of their own high-level officials don't know, so what guarantee is there for the safety of the younger brother?

If anything really happens...

The Heavenly King Zuolu didn't dare to think about it any longer, and the sound transmission Yu Xiaoyu said, "Thorough investigation!"

You Xiaoyu: "Anyway, it's either Nan Zhenggan or Wu Tiejiang, and it's just these two people who are suspected. Of course, maybe it's you... Maybe it's you who coveted Uncle Zuo's property..."

"I'm drafting the uncle!" The Zuo Lu Tian Wang broke out directly!

There are only a few insiders in total. Except for yourself, all of them are suspects?

Are you clean yourself?'re just throwing the pot, but you still have to spray people with blood.

It's really a dog bite into the bone.

Six sticks were remade; Minister Ding was a little nervous when he drew lots.


It is said that the more you know, the more inferior you feel. Minister Ding knows what happened when the lottery was drawn just now.

The two of them didn't know what went crazy, and suddenly their power exploded in front of their own eyelids.

Others may not know that the key point is so powerful, but Minister Ding knows it. At that moment, even the space was shattered in front of him!

Dog day!

It was so close to the smallest detail that Lao Tzu was smashed into slag!

Now I have to let Lao Tzu smoke again...

It's not you who dare to be crushed, right?

Minister Ding tried his best to control his legs not to tremble; he mustered up the courage to stretch out his hand and pump...

Hey, no movement!

No movement is good luck!

Good luck!

Minister Ding quietly wiped off his sweat and said, "The draw for the first battle is over."

"The first battle, Li Chenglong vs. Bu Yunxiao."

Li Chenglong stood up, Zuo Xiaoduo patted his shoulder: "Remember."

Li Chenglong swept away the previous decline, and turned into a confident: "Remember!"

Rubbing his face, he walked out in one step.

Behind him, Xiang Bing said nervously, "Li Chenglong, you have to be careful."

Li Chenglong turned back, and there was a clear cherry mouth tooth mark on the left side of his face.

Grinning: "I won't lose."

Then he walked out all the way, Su Jie Shengxue's martial arts uniform, long sleeves fluttering, fluttering like a fairy.

As he went out, every time Li Chenglong took an extra step, his temperament became more introverted. When he arrived in front of the ring, he had completely changed the image of a gentleman who was elegant and gentle.

Swelling has undergone a lot of tempering and practice, and his own image no longer has the "swelling" of the past. At most, it is only after discussing with Zuo Xiaoduo that he has the "swelling" appearance of the past. "swollen".

Today's Li Chenglong has a fair face and eyes like stars. Although he is not very handsome, he has a calm atmosphere all over his body. People's first impression is that this child is gentle, elegant, graceful, and confident.

There is a sentence that can be very apt to describe the current Li Chenglong——

A modest gentleman, gentle as jade.

Of course, if there weren't that tooth mark on the face...

Whoops, even better.

Opposite, Li Chenglong's opponent in this battle, Bu Yunxiao, was already standing in the ring.

As a true junior, although Bu Yunxiao was usually very arrogant and had no sons, but now he does not dare to be presumptuous.

Li Chenglong's body floated, and the whole person came to the stage like a gust of breeze.

First, he saluted to the three commanders, and then to Minister Ding. Everything was done in a smooth manner. He was indescribably calm and content, and there was an indescribable gentleness and gentleness.

"Let's go, Li Chenglong." Li Chenglong saluted his opponent and smiled before saying a word: "Brother Bu, see you today, what a blessing."

Bu Yunxiao was stunned for a moment: "Hello."

It was the first time that I met such a person who was full of classical Chinese, and for Bu Yunxiao, it was really a little uncomfortable.

But the other party smiled kindly, and it really felt like a spring breeze.

"Brother Bu has come from a long way, all the way to the wind and dust, thousands of miles away, and many obstacles."

Li Chenglong said slowly: "Now that we are here at Qianlong, we will have a fight before we can fulfill the friendship of the landlords. Brother Bu, why not take a break?"

His voice was slow, like a lullaby.

Although he has deepened his gentle and elegant 'Confucian general' temperament, but at this moment, everyone's brows are furrowed.

Is this kid sick?

Why are you still dragging the text in the ring?

Bu Yunxiao smiled dryly and said, "No need, since you and I are destined to fight, it's better to make a break earlier."

He was brought by Li Chenglong unexpectedly and became elegant, and he was careful with words.

Li Chenglong smiled warmly, and the tooth marks on his left face trembled, and said elegantly: "In this case...Brother Bu, please show your heroism and let the younger brother admire the unique skills of Brother Bu."

Bu Yunxiao looked at the shaking teeth marks on the other person's face, and couldn't help but his left cheek also trembled, and said, "Please."

Li Chenglong said elegantly: "Brother Bu, I don't know what weapon you use?"

Bu Yunxiao froze for a moment: "I use a sword."

Li Chenglong: "What a coincidence, I also use a sword, little brother."


Li Chenglong flipped his wrist, and with a clanging sound, the Dragon Sealing Sword was unsheathed, and the cold light flickered.

This battle is the first battle after Li Chenglong Fenglong started!

Li Chenglong looked at the body of the sword as if he was looking at his dream lover, rubbed it carefully, and said politely; "Brother Bu, this sword of mine is three feet and three long, and it is the essence of mining cold iron from the bottom of the sea, and the soul of meteorites outside the sky; The soul of stars and steel is cast. The sword is named Fenglong, with a net weight of seventeen catties and sixty-two or three dollars. It cuts iron like mud, blows hair and breaks hair. It can be said to be the best weapon in the world.

Bu Yunxiao became more and more confused.

Do you have to follow these rules when you come to this Qianlong Gaowu competition?

But now that he is on someone else's territory, even if he claims to be a dragon, let the local snake get three points!

While his heart was turning, he unsheathed his matching sword, stood horizontally with the sword, and imitated Li Chenglong: "Brother Li, the sword in my hand is three feet and one long. It is a sword named Xingguang. The net weight is thirteen and a half kilograms, cutting gold and breaking jade, destroying dry and rotten, and it is also the sharpest sharp edge of the world, which is rare in the world!"

Li Chenglong sincerely admired: "Good sword!"

Bu Yunxiao had to follow, and said solemnly, "It's a good sword!"


Countless classmates were stunned, and even the leaders of the first team, the second team, and the fifth team didn't know what to do.

This is so special, this kid is not singing on stage! ?

Why is it so embarrassing!

Just got goosebumps.

The difference in the reaction is that the captain of the first team sighed, and the commander of the three armies on the stage showed admiration.

"This Li Chenglong is insidious. As soon as he came up, he spoke softly and brought that Bu Yunxiao into his own rhythm. Moreover, he came prepared, accumulated his own momentum along the way, and made a first move, but Bu Yunxiao obviously did not. The preparations in this regard... I was subconsciously led by Li Chenglong to drag the text, impetuous and beyond words."

"Sure enough, it is insidious and scheming. It is worthy of the comments of a generation of military advisers."

"Not bad, this kid is shady enough."

"Little Yin forces one!"

Li Chenglong definitely would not have thought that he tried his best to create a way of appearing for himself, in order to implement the established policy and make himself a gentle and generous Confucian general.

As a result, since the evaluation of a generation of military advisers has been familiar to the three commanders, this natural performance is judged to be premeditated and sinister.

What a pity.



Li Chenglong took the lead in retreating, holding his sword and salute. Bu Yunxiao followed suit, holding his sword in the same salute.

Immediately, two cold lights shot into the sky, and the two were already fighting together!

As soon as you make a move, it is an extreme confrontation, do your best!

It was only for a moment on the field, and there was no one to be seen. I saw two cold lights, rolling around in the ring, intertwining with each Seeing that the confrontation continued, Xiang Bing held his breath and became extremely nervous. Looking at the ring, but in the bottom of my heart, I regret that I had a conflict with Li Chenglong just now.

This time...the original image that was not good was ruined by himself, and Li Chenglong's image that was not good was also ruined by himself.

I don't know if that outing just now will affect his mood?

Will it affect his performance?


Confused for a while.

Zuo Xiaoduo on the side did not fall into the trap any more, and comforted: "Don't worry, Li Chenglong will definitely win."

Xiang Bing widened his eyes and said, "Really?"

"Well, really." Zuo Xiaoduo sighed: "When Tuo Tuo wins, there must be more girls who like him... Last night Li Chenglong was still discussing with me about who looks better... Hey , and also said that he is the leader of steel, who does not know how much his heart is spent..."

Xiang Bing bit her plump lips and looked at Zuo Xiaoduo angrily.

"Hey, you should really take care of it... Li Chenglong is really too much. He probably knows more girls than I have ever met..." Zuo Xiaoduo shook his head and sighed.

Wen Xingtian flew over, tightly pinched Zuo Xiaoduo's ear, lifted his body by two centimeters, then lowered it, and stared at him.

Zuo Xiaoduo dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak, and hurriedly changed his tone: "But swollen and swollen are eloquent, and my heart is still very single-minded. I heard him call Bingdan in a dream last time..."

Xiang Bing's eyes lit up and his face turned red: "Really?"

"I heard it with my own ears."

Zuo Xiaoduo was serious: "We live together, so we don't sleep in the same bed. How can I lie to you?"

Xiang Bing blushed: "I don't believe it, you two don't sleep together, how can you know what he's talking about when he sleeps..."

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