The Unconventional Legend

Chapter 13: Banknote ability!

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Even if No. 2 Middle School loses the spiritual leader, the old principal He Yuanyue, even if there have been changes in this period of time, no matter how many negative situations,...

But just based on the fact that they have been among the top ten for several consecutive years, it is really not difficult to get a Phoenix No. 1 Middle School!

Relatively speaking, it is sad that Phoenix City No. 1 Middle School has to break the halberd and sink into the sand in the first battle and return home!

After playing, the moment the two sides met each other, they all stared at the opposite side slightly stunned.

The expressions on both sides were a bit wonderful.

Because of the representative team of No. 1 Middle School, three of them are the three young masters of Fengcheng...

But for a moment, Zuo Xiaoduo and the others showed a strange and interesting look on their faces, while the whole group of people on the opposite side was like a concubine, timid before the battle.

What happened after that became more and more confusing, making everyone look stupid.

The faces of the six players from Phoenix City No. 1 Middle School were pale, and their legs could not stand up straight. In particular, Fengcheng Third Young Master, who was in the lead, was trembling like a chaff, and his eyes were full of fear.

Probably some bad memories, all rushed into my mind.

When someone was a martial artist, they were able to beat themselves and others down to the ground, and they had to sign a treaty that would humiliate the country, so that they could survive. If it was another fight...

In front of everyone's eyes, Zuo Xiaoduo, the captain of Phoenix No. 2 Squadron, stood up and said with a smile, "One million!"

Opposite, six people nodded together.

Zuo Xiaoduo said, "One million for one person!"

On the opposite side, the six people whose faces were getting grayer and more defeated once again nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Zuo Xiaoduo nodded and smiled.

Then, the six players from Phoenix No. 1 Middle School turned around collectively and faced the judges: "We conceded and abstained!"

! !

Everyone, including the judges, even Luo Lie Hu Ruoyun, and the two leading teachers of No. 1 Middle School, without exception, were all stunned!

In fact, it's not only them, everyone who saw this scene, all of them were stunned on the spot, I don't know how to feel!

what is this?

Is that the end of it?

admit defeat? Abstain?

Zuo Xiaoduo raised his hands as a victory sign: "Hahahaha, we won the first battle!"

The whole place became quieter.

A female judge showed a look of contempt on her face and said, "Victory in the first battle? You are blatantly offering bribes!"

Zuo Xiaoduo said disdainfully: "The judge teacher, the fact now is that the opponent abstained and we won without a fight. In this arena, what we want is only the result, not the process, right?!"

"And we use the shortest time, so we are the first, which is also within the rules!"

The audience immediately fell into an uproar, with crazy discussions!

"The banknote ability is strong. For a victory, I directly smashed 6 million, and if I bought one, I abstained and admitted defeat. It's good to have money!"

"Hateful rich second generation!"

"I'm waiting for the poor to have a bright future!"

"The six people in Phoenix City No. 1 Middle School really have no seeds. They sold themselves for only 6 million?"

"A mere six million? You give me one million, and I can admit defeat. Can you pay such a price!"


The teacher of No. 1 Middle School rushed out with a dark face, and slapped Teng Hao, the captain, on the face: "What's the matter with you? You bastard, you are too useless..."

"I..." Teng Hao and the other six became increasingly dejected.

"I tell you, you are a crime!"

The teacher was furious: "It's better to openly collect bribes in public! You wait for the school's punishment!"


"Then one million per person, you don't have to count on it, and it will never land on your head!"

The teacher was so angry that he almost had a brain hemorrhage on the spot: "Tell you, don't be delusional!"

Teng Hao finally opened his mouth and was extremely aggrieved: "Teacher...we gave million per person..."

"!!" The teacher shook his head, feeling that he had hallucinated on the spot.

"We can't beat them, we can't beat them long ago..."

Teng Hao lowered his head and said, "When they were martial artists, they repaired all of us...and signed countless alliances under the city..."


The teacher is like listening to a fairy tale, and has not recovered for a long time.

It's really thunderous!

This extraordinary world is really amazing. I never dreamed that this time I led the team and showed such a big face!

"Anyway, it's always a fact that you lose without a fight. You can't hide from the school's punishment. No amount of excuses are useless..."

"That's better than being beaten up in front of tens of thousands of people here, and being beaten into a dog..." The six thought to themselves.

If you don't know you will lose, you can still play a game, but since you know you will lose, you still go forward and get beaten?

Not to mention, the other party has so many pigtails in their hands...

No matter what the opinions are, the second middle school won anyway. This is a sure and indisputable fact.

For a time, the referees who didn't know the inside information looked at Zuo Xiaoduo and others with disgust.

But no matter how reluctant he was, he could only stick a little red flower on Phoenix No. 2 Middle School to show it.

Phoenix No. 2, win one, lose 0.

Time: zero seconds.

Number one.

But Zuo Xiaoduo and others didn't care about it at all, Shi Shiran returned to his seat, looking forward to his appearance, high spirits, and waiting for the next draw.

Hu Ruoyun slapped the back of Zuo Xiaoduo's head with a slap, and his handsome face was a little distorted with anger: "You, you, why are you so confused... This is in the public eye..."

Zuo Xiaoduo was beaten forward and nodded, and grinned unconcernedly: "It's still easy... Even if the opponent is more troublesome, they still have to sweat a lot, and it's so uncomfortable. There is such an easy and rich Bashi..."

"But this way... I don't know the first impression of the judges and judges of the Central Plains Commission. It's hard to reverse this impression."

"Mr. Hu, I think you're thinking a bit biased. All we want is victory. It's never whether they have a good or bad impression."

"Even if the impression in their eyes is good, can we directly arrange for us to enter the chief's reward room, but the first place with a complete victory can, what do you think?"

Zuo Xiaoduo plausibly spoke at length, spitting out his words and drooling.

"Hurry up and take a rest. In the next game, Yu Moyan will play and strive for a good start. No, it's not a fight, it's a must!"

While being beaten, Zuo Xiaoduo calmly dispatched troops, his face full of confidence and calmness, the virtue of which everything is within his grasp.

This provoked Hu Ruoyun to reward him several times.

The second draw began, and Phoenix No. 2 Middle School was drawn to Antai City No. 7 Middle School.

Yu Moyan stepped out one step at a time, although he was full of energy, but he was not in a state of waiting.

The six people from Antai City No. 7 Middle School all scolded their mother in their hearts when they saw this. You guys are waiting for us to recharge and wait for us. We have gone through a fierce battle first, so why do we have to come out alone! ?

Is it? !

So, a chubby captain stood up and slapped Yu Moyan: "Five million!"

Immediately said: "I know that you are not short of money, but it is five million per person! Let's admit defeat!"

Rules are rules, if you can use them, we can use them too!

You only sent one person to the stage, which is obviously the plan, implying that it has been done clearly enough, the so-called smugness is just to make us bid higher, can we still not see this trick?

The captain is obviously not a poor master, and smiled reservedly: "If you think it's not enough, you can negotiate."

Yu Moyan's face was iron-like: "Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!"

The captain was stunned, five million still not enough? ! Is this too greedy?

After weighing it for a moment, he said, "Ten million, this is the highest price. If you don't know how to promote it, then we will go to war. Even if we are not in a good state, if we deal with your group of money slaves, who will die!"

Yu Moyan looked at him with a foolish look, and said lightly: "It seems that everyone has misunderstood, the so-called one million just now is that they gave each of us one million in exchange for not being seen by us. Beat up violently to make your face look better, what is ten million for you? You also want to lose better!? If that's the case, then it's fine!"

"????" When everyone heard this, they fell into a state of confusion again.

I wipe, there are other operations?

How about bragging? !

Yu Moyan urged impatiently: "I really don't want to talk nonsense with you now, UU reading hurry up, I have to go back and play enough after cleaning up, hold back three, my cards are very good , the boss left on the opposite side can't drive; I can eat tribute. You have less ink!"


The six people on the opposite side became more and more fascinated.

I rub, I can clearly understand what you said, but why does it seem to be incomprehensible in the current context?

A very pretty **** the opposite side couldn't help it, she jumped out with a puff, and said with a face and frost: "Sign up!"

"Yu Moyan!"

"Go to war!"

"bring it on!"

The girl jumped up and shot, and the knife in her hand glowed with a cold light. She had already protected herself, and then rushed into the air again. Even the person and the knife turned into a shining light, attacking Yu Moyan!

Actually seeing the sword but not the figure, no matter how well the swordsman is cultivated.

"This Antai City's personal strength is good..." The referee on the stage lit up.

"Well, it's hard for others to say, but this girl is already very good."

A trace of contempt flashed in Yu Moyan's eyes opposite the girl, but the flowery fist and embroidered legs, flashy, pure-looking goods, can be used in actual combat?

Facing the incoming sword light, he did not dodge or evade.

The knife light on the opposite side was coming very fast, and it was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the knife approaching the door, Yu Moyan took a sharp step forward, and with a click of his left hand, the knife was already flying into the sky. Peiran's momentum smashed out!


The punch hit the girl's chest, directly smashing one of the two bulges. With a scream, the girl flew back faster than the oncoming force. When she fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out. Obviously, her injuries were not minor. .

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