The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 84: How can you buy things like this?

   Some people say that happiness, often happens when you accidentally come!

   Antiques, I like this sentence the most.

   April 17th, Friday.

   The sun is shining in New York, and the weather forecast says today's temperature is 8 to 17 degrees Celsius-Zhang Nan uses Fahrenheit to convert it himself, which is suitable for traveling.

   It's been the third day since Zhang Nan arrived in New York in first-class flight. He went to the bank yesterday and his assets are still increasing. Nicole and the bank are doing well.

The nearly 20-hour journey of this trip is much easier than the last time I came to New York. At least I can sleep much more comfortably when I sleep-although not like the advanced entertainment system on the first-class seats of the aircraft 20 years later, the spacious leather The seat can be put down a lot, and finally there is no need to "sit and sleep".

   After I arrived in New York, I went through the same passage as Americans when I passed the customs, and I passed the customs very quickly.

   Yesterday Zhang Nan also met Nicole’s assistant and her classmate, Jenny Hathaway, a beautiful woman with a small figure and brown hair.

   At Citibank, a full-time financial consultant like Nicole can equip himself with an assistant, and he can recommend to the bank himself, and he has great autonomy.

  If there is no suitable person, the bank will assign you one.

   Nicole directly recommended an old classmate who worked at the Financial Credit Center of Citibank New Jersey Branch: New York is the world's financial center. With good treatment and promising development, Jenny Hathaway agreed without hesitation.

   After finishing the bank affairs, Zhang Nan went to Fifth Avenue with Nicole's company yesterday afternoon, bought some suitable clothes, and bought a Patek Philippe watch.

   Before returning to China last time, Zhang Nan was low-key, and basically didn't buy anything for himself. This trip needs to be modified a bit, so I consulted Nicole's opinion, and the financial consultant turned into a super shopping guide directly.

   spent a total of more than 30,000 US dollars, which is not a top-level luxury item, but a low-key event that meets the needs of oneself.

   The watch is a top brand, but it is not a limited edition or luxury type. It is the most common and best-selling style.

   When I saw that Nicole was still wearing a very simple "Tianmeishi", I felt a little strange, "Nicole, your income should not be low, do you want to change the watch?"

   Nicole clothes are famous brands, and work in the bank requires an image, but watches are classic American brands: to put it bluntly, they are the favorite watches of the general public, but the elites of Wall Street wear very few.

  The President of the United States does not count, unless he wants to cause trouble to himself, it is best to wear American brands all the time.

   "A gift from my family."

   After finishing speaking, there is no more. Zhang Nan doesn't care: Don't think that many Americans leave their parents to live as an adult. In fact, Americans have a very important family concept.

   I rarely talk about my family at work. Nicole said it was a gift from my family, which is not surprising.

   But the original plan to give Nicole a Patek Philippe ladies watch stopped here: it was not an unreasonable idea, but people tried their best to do so many things for themselves and made so much money, I would like to thank you in general.


   When he saw those invitation letters and materials yesterday, Zhang Nan didn't know what to say at first!

   The Hong Kong auction was very normal, it was a special sale of porcelain, calligraphy and painting, but this so-called Oriental art sale in New York made Zhang Nan cry and laugh!

   The East is the East, this is true, but the problem is: nothing is an antique of China!

   What's even more cheating is that the nearly 200 lots returned to him are all of the same variety!

   The auction time is only one day. This is the rhythm of continuous battles from 9 to 5!

   Nicole also offered to go to Xiangjiang together. Now Zhang Nan understands: This girl deceived herself as a second fool, first lied to New York, and then set off to Xiangjiang.

   Of course, the possibility that Nicole is really an antique "idiot" cannot be ruled out.

   "Returning to an oriental art auction? Hey..."

   But I saw Nicole's reluctant expression-forget it, I'll be fooled once by a beauty, and this kind of travel is also pleasing enough.

   And my mind turned around, that "Oriental Art" special auction will also have some effect on filling my own collection, and there may be surprises.

  The surprise is not on the auction items, but on the circumstances that may arise in the future.

   is just possible.

   Zhang Nan and Nicole are hanging out at the Brooklyn Flea Market. This market is right by the Hudson River. There are not many stalls today, but there are enough for them to wander around.

   Neither of them wore any suits or formal suits. They were all dressed up in casual sportswear, which was also in line with the identity of the crowds hanging out at the flea market.

  Old furniture, old clothes, small accessories...

   People who come here for the first time will look at them!

  Nicole Lopez is a high-end gold-collar in the bank, but when he gets here, he becomes an ordinary American girl. Buying a small hairpin can fight the stall owner for three hundred rounds!

   The small silver hairpin is very delicate, with a row of crystals on the top. New, there are not only second-hand goods at the flea market, but the small accessories sold are basically new crafts.

   Without asking Zhang Nan to pay, Nicole bought it for $18, and tried it on the mirror on the booth.

   Obviously it doesn't match with sportswear-Zhang Nan thinks viciously: "It doesn't match with those worn by the bank for when you wear it, you will become a nymphomaniac!"

   It’s not that easy to pick up treasures from the stalls. I have been shopping for more than half of them. Zhang Nan hasn't picked up a thing to see, but has helped Nicole on the staff several times.

   However, when the two of them randomly turned around a row of stalls and turned into the last row of sheds in the flea market, Zhang Nan's eyes were attracted by something!

   The stall owner is a 50-year-old American bearded man. Most of the stalls are military products. New York's gun management is second to none in the United States. There are no guns in the stall.

  But what old helmets, goggles, carrying equipment, inert bullets, shells, bayonets, daggers... World War II, Vietnam War, American, German, Japanese....

  Miscellaneous everything!

  The most conspicuous are the three long knives-two RB sabers, one of which is a Japanese non-commissioned officer's knife, which is commonly known as the "iron rod", which can be seen at a glance from the aluminum grip.

   The other handle is wrapped around the ribbon, showing a row of blue on the inside, which is the devil's lieutenant sword.

  It is not surprising that the sabers of the World War II devils appeared on the stalls in the United States. The American soldiers were good at it at the beginning: it is a big harvest to have the sabers of the devils on the battlefield!

   In the 1940s and 1950s, the US military stationed in Japan also collected a lot of good things from devils and returned to China, including this saber and samurai sword.

   Then most RB people will be so poor!

   Zhang Nan stepped forward, took the Weiguan knife and the other long knife directly, and handed the long knife in his right hand to Nicole.

   Nicole took it confusedly: How can things look like this? Let’s grab it Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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