After the meal, the three cubs took the earthworms they had dug to feed them with Huahua and porridge, flour, and noodles.

The big earthworm mentioned by the rice ball is really big, the fingers are so thick, bigger than a loach, it slowly wriggles on the ground in the dark, and it will leave a line of mucus. The small column is divided into sections with a shovel. Chickens are easy to eat when separated. Su Xiaoxiao was scared and disgusted when she saw the earthworms that were still wriggling in sections, and she got goosebumps. She could barely endure the small earthworms. This kind of big earthworm is better than a snail. And the caterpillar was much more disgusting, she glanced at it and hurried back to the room.

Han Cheng was reading a book in front of the dressing table in the room. Seeing that her face was a little pale, he touched her forehead but she didn't have a fever. He pulled her over and asked her to sit on his lap: "What's wrong?"

Su Xiaoxiao held back her nausea and shook her head: "It's okay, it's just that the big earthworms dug back by the cubs are too disgusting."

Han Cheng was a little helpless after hearing this: "Didn't Xiaobao dig often before? Why are you still afraid of this?"

Su Xiaoxiao patted her chest and pressed down her throbbing stomach before saying, "I used to be afraid, but I don't know why, but today I feel very sick."

Han Cheng looked at her lower abdomen, and his expression became a little serious: "Besides nausea, why do you feel uncomfortable? Has there been any change in taste? Did that come on time?"

Su Xiaoxiao was stunned for a while, and she felt a little dumbfounded when she reacted. She nudged him on the shoulder: "What are you thinking? We have taken measures. Didn't we agree that we would only ask for a bigger bean bag?"

Han Cheng is not a Chinese medicine practitioner, so he doesn't ask for a pulse: "It's not 100%, so I'll go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow."

Su Xiaoxiao shook his head: "No, no, it just makes me sick to see earthworms. I don't like all mollusks. Can I still know if my mother is pregnant with cubs?"

Han Cheng wanted to say that many people didn't know that they were pregnant for several months, but seeing how determined his wife was, he changed his words to: "There are already a few stinky boys in the family, we'll just have another girl."

Han Cheng used to think that the stinky boy is better to raise, and it is better to have a boy. After marrying Su Xiaoxiao, he began to feel how good it would be to have a girl as delicate as her.

Su Xiaoxiao leaned on Han Cheng's shoulder and rubbed his neck: "I also like daughters, and when I have a daughter, I want to imitate my mother, tie her braids, buy her beautiful clothes, and let her become the world. The most beautiful little princess ever."

Han Cheng kissed her originator: "I should thank my mother well, and I am willing to marry me with such a well-bred daughter."

Su Xiaoxiao agrees with this point. The original owner is very close to her character, and she is a very kind and good girl.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the ceiling and talked to him about future plans: "Hancheng, after the college entrance examination resumes, I want to take the university entrance exam in the capital. If it goes well, I think Rice Ball and Zhuzi are already very responsible big brothers at that time, Xiaodou. The bag should be as big as a pillar, and you can take care of yourself wherever you live, that is, our daughter who will be born in the future and you still don’t know what to do.”

Even if it was a month ago, Su Xiaoxiao would not openly discuss this issue with Han Cheng. First, it is too early to say. Second, he is not sure how much Han Cheng has feelings for her. To the point of leaving the military area.

Now the relationship between them is firm. The years of time are not long or short, day after day, year after year. In fact, it was when Xiaodoubao was in elementary school. .

The embarrassing Su Xiaoxiao is now at her age. In her last life, when she was twenty-four years old, she hadn't graduated as a graduate student, but she is already an older young person here. She was the first batch of high school graduates who stayed in the old three worlds and went to college for her. At that time, I was more than ten years older than the fresh college students, which is not very pleasant to think about.

Let’s have a baby now, Xiaodoubao is still small, so I’m sure I won’t be busy. If I wait another two years, it doesn’t seem appropriate to take the college entrance examination with a big belly or my child is less than one year old. No, by the time she graduates from college, she will be an advanced mother in her thirties.

The physical quality and medical conditions of people in this age cannot be compared with those of the 21st century. Older women are still very dangerous. Obviously, they can give birth earlier. There is no need to delay until then. Now she can't tell Han Cheng with certainty about 1977. The annual meeting resumes the college entrance examination, and it is quite sad to ask him when it is reasonable to have children.

Han Cheng curled his wife's hair with his fingers, thinking about this issue seriously, and finally came to the conclusion: "Actually, if the mother is willing to help when giving birth to a child, we want a daughter to be the most suitable now, and there are already people in the matter of resuming the college entrance examination. Mention, I estimate that it is at least three years, and as many as five years, sooner or later."

Su Xiaoxiao still admires Han Cheng's foresight, his judgment is very accurate, and it is almost at this point in time.

"I have also reached a staged bottleneck now. I will consider changing the direction of research and development in the future. When the college entrance examination resumes, I will follow you back to the capital to go to a higher-level institution for further studies. Our family will not be separated." Han Cheng continued.

Su Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Han Cheng a heavy kiss on the face: "That's really good, I thought you must be rooted in the military area, no matter where the cubs go, our family will have to be separated. ."

Han Cheng shook his head: "No, we'd better have a daughter before you are twenty-eight years old. Next year's pregnancy will be about the same, when Doubao is three or four years old, it will be better to take it. Later, when you go to the capital, a few stinky boys will go. Go to school, my daughter goes to kindergarten, you go to university, I go to graduate school, just right."

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smile: "Dare our whole family go to school? Then who will work to support the family?"

"Don't worry about this, I am paid, and there will be bonuses with the R&D team at that time. I will work hard to write a few more papers and try to get more manuscript fees. It is not a problem to support my family." Han Cheng said.

The problem that bothered Su Xiaoxiao the most was instantly resolved in Hancheng, and the road ahead suddenly became clear. Su Xiaoxiao lay in his arms: "Then we still have to save a little more money in these few years."

Han Cheng: "You don't need to save it. It's good to maintain the current standard of living. You can spend as much as you want."

The so-called transition from extravagance to thrift is difficult. In the past, Hancheng didn't care about what to eat. Food was the nutrition needed to fill the stomach and maintain survival. Now it is different. The whole family gathers around and eats the food made by Su Xiaoxiao. "Luxury" and "enjoyment" do not mean that every day is a big fish and meat, but that as long as you walk to the intersection every day after get off work, you can smell the aroma of the food at home, and what awaits him at home is the laughter of the child and the delicious hot food. Hancheng is the most precious thing.

"I still need to save money. I have to save money to open a restaurant in the capital, and I have to open a tailor shop for my mother." Su Xiaoxiao looked forward.

"Okay, it's up to you." Thinking of returning to the capital, where Su Xiaoxiao couldn't see, Han Cheng's eyes were still gloomy, and he didn't want to say too much for the time being.

At noon the next day, Captain Xu came to Su Xiaoxiao on time to ask for a print design.

Su Xiaoxiao gave him the design drawing of the brochure, but Captain Xu was frightened: "You, you have it done so quickly?"

Su Xiaoxiao: "I got it together yesterday afternoon, take it back and take a look first, and come to me at any time if there is anything that needs to be changed."

Xu Damu was stunned. He had been working on the publicity team for ten years. He had never seen such high efficiency. He thought it would be good if the design plan of the blackboard newspaper came out, but he didn't expect that she even came up with a brochure. , This is not one or two pages, but a booklet with almost ten pages. Although the information is ready-made, but the pictures and texts are combined with typesetting, even if Li Min works like that, it will take a few days.

Li Min is still alone and the whole family is not hungry. Su Xiaoxiao also has to cook in class and take care of the children. How can other people live with this work efficiency?

Xu Damu first glanced at the design plan of the blackboard newspaper, and he was shocked when he opened it. This is a level that even eight Li Min can't catch up with. What else can be changed?

"You don't need to change it, just click here. Is it convenient for you in the afternoon? If it is convenient, I will find a **** man who can drive to pick you up and go with you to report the changes on the blackboard first."

Su Xiaoxiao: "..." How does Captain Xu say that wind is rain?

In fact, Su Xiaoxiao's life, work and study are all on the right track. Her daily schedule is to start studying when she finishes class in the morning, and deal with the publicity team in the afternoon. It was really packed down.

"Okay, but I have to come back before five-thirty to make dinner for the children." Su smiled.

"No problem, no problem, one blackboard report is enough for one afternoon," Xu Damu thought to himself, what Li Min can do in one afternoon, Su Xiaoxiao has no reason to not do it, "I'll change another one tomorrow afternoon, I'll take it Go back and print a few more copies of this design plan, let the other comrades in the team go out to the field in pairs, and strive to replace the entire military region within a week, and complete the tasks assigned to us by the organization ahead of schedule!"

No wonder Xu Damu is so happy. He usually feels far-fetched after he has come up with the plan. He submits it and changes it a few times. A few days have passed. With his years of experience, Su Xiaoxiao can make a decision right away!

Xu Damu happily led the design drawing on the front foot, and the cubs arrived home on the back foot. Only then did Su Xiaoxiao start to prepare for today's lunch.

The cubs put down their schoolbags, the pillars automatically clean the yard, and the rice **** take the bean bag to pick up the vegetables.

Xiaodoubao didn't make any trouble, just quietly watched his brother shower, occasionally squatting down and poking.

Now the noon time is very tight, so I can only do simple things. I didn’t go to the market to buy vegetables this morning. Su Xiaoxiao soaked the preserved duck before, chopped it into small pieces, added shredded **** and a few drops of white wine and put it on the charcoal Put it on the stove to simmer, and add the soaked dried cabbage after ten minutes. After the rice is cooked, the dried duck dish is almost out of the pot.

The taste of the waxed duck is really domineering. The cubs are already hungry, and they no longer play in the yard. They all surround the charcoal stove, waiting for the waxed duck to come out of the pot.

The little rice ball kept fanning the aroma to his nose with his hands: "Mom, is this waxed duck ready? I'm really hungry!"

Even the small column kept gulping.

Looking at a few cubs waiting to be fed, Su Xiaoxiao smiled helplessly: "Okay, alright, when Dad gets home, you can eat. You go wash your hands and wipe the table and wait."

"Follow Mom!" The little rice ball saluted and dragged his brother out.

Han Cheng came back again with a meal in his hand, and sniffed: "It's wax duck today?"

Su Xiaoxiao nodded: "Your nose is almost as smart as a rice ball."

Han Cheng said: "Fragrant."

Su Xiaoxiao pushed him forward: "Go wash your hands and eat, by the way, I have to go to the field in the afternoon to change the content of the blackboard report, saying that I can be back at 5:30, but I'm not sure how long it will take. , you remember to come back early to watch the two big cubs."

Han Cheng thought for a while: "I heard from Chen Aimin that there is a monthly braised pork in the cafeteria today. Don't cook at night. I'll call back from the cafeteria."

Su Xiaoxiao, who has braised pork, naturally agrees. He hasn't eaten pork for several days.

"Okay, then you call back from the cafeteria and don't do it at night."

The fragrant dried duck dish in the courtyard has once again won five-star praise from the whole family, and there is not even any soup left.

Su Xiaoxiao began to feel a little worried. The so-called half-sized child eats the poor old man. The oldest cub in the family is only six years old. How much food does he have to make to eat at the age of sixteen?

At two o'clock in the afternoon, at work and in class, only Xiaodoubao was still sound asleep, and a male colleague who drove a car came to pick up Su Xiaoxiao.

The male colleague's name is Xiao Zhang, a young man in his twenties, with a small flat head and a very energetic young man. He looks very capable, but Su Xiaoxiao's eyes are not very friendly.

"Hello, Comrade Su, my name is Xiao Zhang. Captain Xu asked me to come over and take charge of this afternoon's board newspaper with you."

Su Xiaoxiao: "I see, I'll call the child up and let's go with you."

Xiaodoubao got up too early this morning and is still taking a nap.

Xiao Zhang nodded expressionlessly: "Okay, then I'll wait for you in the car outside."

Five minutes later, Su Xiaoxiao hugged the half-awake little cub in his arms, and the busy afternoon was about to begin again.

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