The secret war is silent

Chapter 61 Lao Mu

It's already the beginning of autumn.

By three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was no longer so fierce. Although it was still very hot, it didn't have that sweltering, sticky feeling when you sweat a little.

The Japanese military planes that bombed Jiangcheng still came from time to time, but most of the time they came in the morning and noon. In the afternoon, they basically didn't come.

If it gets dark right now, Little Japan's plane won't be able to see the way home. It's easy to get lost in these high mountains. (Japanese fighter planes are not used to fighting at night. This is probably not what I said)

As the Japanese army was approaching the city, the atmosphere in Xiakou gradually became tense. People did not have great confidence in the authorities. Therefore, many people had abandoned their homes and businesses long ago and were preparing to leave.

The bustling concession gradually became deserted.

The number of pedestrians on the street has dropped by 30 to 40% compared to two months ago, and the business of the shops along the street has also dropped a lot, with many closed.

The catering service industry, which relies on popularity such as cafes, has naturally been greatly affected. With the war approaching, there are fewer people who have time to drink a cup of coffee.

"Mr. Qin, Miss Hui, long time no see." As soon as Luo Yao and Gong Hui sat down, Lao Mu came over with a smile, bowed slightly and greeted.

Luo Yao chuckled: "Boss Mu still remembers us?"

Luo Yao used the pseudonym "Qin Ming", so Lao Mu called him "Mr. Qin".

"Of course I remember. You and Miss Hui came to my place for coffee twice, but you never took advantage of the free bill for new customers. This impressed me very much." Lao Mu explained naturally.

"So that's the case. It's our fault for not using the benefits." Luo Yao said with a smile, "Then can we still use this benefit?"


"Forget it, I want to save this benefit for future use. This way, there is a reason for me to come to your place again, isn't it?" Luo Yao said with a smile.

"You are a very interesting person."

"Boss Mu, you are also a boss with great ideas and good management." Luo Yao praised.

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Qin." Lao Mu asked, "Both of you, are you still the same as before?"

Luo Yao nodded.

Lao Mu smiled and said, "Wait a moment, I'll be here soon."

The taste of the coffee did not change. Luo Yao took a small sip and began to enter the "listening to the wind" state, since he had doubts about Twilight Coffee House.

Then of course he would come and listen.

Calm down and ignore the music and the sounds of customers talking, leaving only the busy sounds of the waiters and chefs in the coffee shop, as well as the boss Lao Mu.

There are four waiters in the coffee house, and three people in the kitchen, a barista, a pastry chef, and a busboy.

Including the boss, there are eight people in total.

All are male.

The Twilight Cafe is open from the morning until it closes at about eight o'clock in the evening, which lasts for eleven hours. During such a long period of time, there should be shifts and breaks.

Luo Yao didn't pay attention to the appearance of the waiter who greeted Yoshida. After all, he didn't suspect the waiter at the time, but he still remembered the waiter's voice.

As long as this voice appears, he can find the waiter.

Unfortunately, he didn't find the waiter he was looking for. If he hadn't already resigned, he was probably on leave.

Drinking coffee and listening to soothing music, I felt rarely relaxed.

I have to say that this is indeed a comfortable place. If you sit here every day, your depression will be gone.

"Mr. Qin, Miss Hui, would you like to try the new product just released in our store, the Black Forest Cake." A waiter came over, bent down and asked, "This is made by our boss himself."


Luo Yao nodded. Black forest cake is a dessert from Germany. It is not popular in China right now, and there are not many pastry chefs who can make it.

Lao Mu actually knows how to make this kind of dessert. This is because he lived in Germany.

The Black Forest cake is extremely exquisite in workmanship and the process is quite complicated. It is even a protected dessert in Germany. If it is not made according to the craft requirements, if someone is found out, the cake shop will even be closed and the pastry chef will be thrown into jail. Stay for a while.

After a while, two pieces of black forest cake were delivered.

After biting into the black chocolate chips, you can see the rich black cherry pulp inside, which is sweet and mellow, with a hint of sweet and sour flavor in the mouth.

The stimulating taste buds instantly burst into joy.

Very authentic.

This is the most delicious black forest cake Luo Yao has ever eaten in his life, no, I should say in his memory. It is simply perfect.

"It's delicious." Gong Huike didn't know the origin of the black forest cake. She took a bite, and the chocolate and cream melted in her mouth. The aroma of milk was mixed with the aroma of cherry brandy. The taste buds on her stimulating tongue bloomed like flowers. She was happy. The taste fills the entire mouth at once.

"Can I have another piece?" After finishing her small piece, Gong Hui asked with unfinished thoughts.

"The calories of this black forest cake are equivalent to three bowls of rice. Are you sure you want to come again?" Luo Yao asked with a smile.

"How could you miss such a delicious thing? At worst, I won't have dinner today." Gong Hui said, desserts are very attractive to women.

"Miss Hui likes the black forest cake I made. It's my honor. Miss Hui can eat as much as she wants today. I'll treat you." Lao Mu took off his apron and walked over with a piece of black forest cake. One piece was obviously much larger than the one they just had.

"Boss Mu is still refreshing and generous." Gong Hui said with a smile.

"Boss Mu, have you been to Germany?"

"I once studied in Europe for a period of time, Germany, and stayed in Berlin for about two months." Lao Mu recalled.

"No wonder." Luo Yao nodded, "Boss Mu, how many years has your coffee shop been open?"

"It must have been four or five years ago. I bought it from a Frenchman who didn't manage it well. I had just arrived in Pankou and wanted to find a way to make a living. I saw that the location here was good, so I bought it." Lao Mu explained.

"This location faces the busiest street in the French Concession. As long as the door is open, you can make money while lying down. How can it be managed poorly?"

"That Frenchman likes to gamble. The money he made is not enough to defeat him in the casino." Lao Mu said with a smile.

Luo Yao nodded: "This gambling is really harmful to people, and Boss Mu also got a big advantage."

"The transfer fee is not cheap. There were several people who valued this place at the time. The Frenchman only agreed to transfer it to me because of the French food I cooked."

"I see, will our chatting like this affect your business, Boss Mu?" Luo Yao asked thoughtfully.

"No, there are not many guests at the moment. They are very busy and don't need my help." Lao Mu smiled slightly and shook his head.

"That's good. I think Boss Mu speaks very elegantly. He must have an unusual background." Luo Yao smiled slightly and asked tentatively without leaving any trace.

"As for me, my ancestors were descendants of the Eight Banners. With the Qing Dynasty gone, we people no longer have the privileges we had in the past. I went to study abroad in the early years, so I have seen some of the world." Lao Mu talked eloquently.

It can be seen that Lao Mu still has a trace of the arrogance of the old aristocracy in his body, but this arrogance is restrained and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

"It turns out that you have been disrespectful since you were a nobleman."

"It's already old, so I won't mention it anymore. It's the Republic of China now, everyone is equal, and the Eight Banners aristocrats are a thing of the past." Lao Mu chuckled.

Boss Mu is a very talkative person. He can chat with you about astronomy, geography, history and cultural anecdotes. He is also humorous and is a rare chat partner.

Half an hour passed before I knew it.

"Boss Mu, I've bothered you for too long. It's time for us to leave." Seeing the dusk fall outside the window, Luo Yao stood up and said.

"Mr. Qin, Miss Hui, if you two are free, you can come and sit at any time." Lao Mu said.

"Okay, thank you Boss Mu for the black forest cake." Luo Yao nodded slightly and paid the bill for the coffee. As for the black forest cake, he was not polite.

Return home.

Luo Yao first poured a glass of water and drank it in one gulp. Then he turned to Gong Hui and asked, "Gong Hui, how does this Boss Mu make you feel?"


Gong Hui thought for a long time and finally choked out a word.

Luo Yao thought about it carefully, and it was true that Boss Mu made people feel very comfortable in terms of his behavior and conversation, and how he treated others, but there was no "real" emotion in this comfort. , even somewhat deliberately.

He can treat anyone with the same attitude he treats himself today, talking and laughing without any barriers, just like a close friend.

However, the fact that he can do this to anyone just shows that everything about him is fake and he is wearing a mask, or in other words, he has a hidden true self.

"Call Ah Cheng here tomorrow." Luo Yao told Gong Hui, then got up and prepared to go upstairs.

"You don't want to cook anymore?"

"You've eaten so much black forest cake, do you still want to eat it?" Luo Yao turned around and asked in confusion.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Lao Liu comes over in the evening, he will bring me supper." Luo Yao also ate a piece of black forest cake just now, and now he is not hungry at all. Besides, he is more energetic when he works on an hungry stomach.


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