The secret war is silent

Chapter 60 Twilight

Got it, got it...

The cicadas outside the window were calling one after another, which was a bit annoying. It has been three days since Luo Yao and Gong Hui returned to Jiangcheng. Within these three days.

Luo Yao asked Liu Jinbao to take Yan Ming and Xiaodongbei "Qiao Sanyang" to get familiar with the environment of Xiakou, especially some iconic buildings and urban roads.

You need to be aware of these, as they may come in handy in future actions.

And he locked himself in the French Concession. In the house he bought two months ago to handle the case, he studied all the case files related to the "ghost" station and the spy leader "Lin Miao" lurking in Jiangcheng.

This espionage team's method of obtaining intelligence is actually very simple, and it is similar to the "Huang Jun and Son" espionage case solved in Jinling.

However, the method is much more sophisticated and secretive than that of Nan Zao Yunzi in the "Huang Jun" case. Nan Zao Yunzi used beauty, simplicity and roughness to seduce Huang Jun and his son to betray information. There was only one very simple line. It is naturally much easier to crack.

"Lin Miao" has been lurking for many years. His target is not the key figures like "Huang Jun", but the small figures in key positions. These small figures are usually very inconspicuous, but the information they can handle is extremely valuable. .

A small railway dispatcher, inconspicuous, right?

However, as long as he is willing, he can know how much food and ammunition has been transported to the front line. By calculating the consumption of food and ammunition, he can figure out how many troops are deployed on the front line, how many light and heavy weapons there are, etc...

Isn't this information important?

It is quite important, and even an inconspicuous message can determine the outcome of a battle, and even affect the entire battle situation.

Our party has a principle for intelligence personnel who lurk in the enemy's heart, and that is "prefer to be a small clerk in a large agency." This is the reason.

The targets were carefully selected, each targeting its weaknesses, and dragging them into the abyss step by step. When some people were discovered, they didn't feel that what they did was wrong, or they didn't know the harm of what they did. It will be so big.

Once the target is exposed, they will immediately cut off all contact with the target.

The vigilance of this group is very high.

And very careful.

Although some Chinese people who were bribed by them have been captured, the core of this spy group has never been touched.

The biggest blow was when Luo Yao took action and accurately found three "ghost" radio stations hidden by this organization in the French Concession.

Telegraph operator Yoshida Touyama was also captured.

Later, the Shoto Bookstore, a contact point for delivering messages, was destroyed, liaison officer Katayama Xiaomi was killed, and translator Oikawa was arrested.

Oikawa later bit his tongue and committed suicide during the interrogation.

Without Luo Yao's action, the military commander's knowledge of this Japanese spy group code-named "Kappa" would have been very limited.

"Kappa" is actually a water ghost. In Japan, it is a monster with the beak of a bird, the limbs of a frog, the body of a monkey and the shell of a turtle.

The name of this spy team obviously has a certain meaning. The bird's beak is very sharp, indicating that it is very aggressive. Frogs and monkeys are both very flexible animals. Frogs can be in water and monkeys can be in mountains and forests. Among them, it shows that it has a very strong ability to survive. As for the turtle, it is better explained.

The water ghost is a legendary and terrifying creature. With such a name, it also gives itself a layer of mystery and fear.

This information was transferred to Luo Yao, and had already been handled by several departments within the military. If this "kappa" group could be uncovered, there would be no need for Luo Yao, a newly formed rookie group, to take over.

It's said to be reused.

In fact, it was a dead horse being treated as a live doctor. After all, Luo Yao almost caught the other party, but because the other party was too cautious and did not take action personally, the success was in vain.

Before returning to Jiangcheng.

Luo Yao also secretly met with Yoshida Shoushan, but Dai Yunong was a man who kept his promise. He announced his death to the public, gave him a new identity, and arranged for him to join the military command.

He and Yoshida Shoushan were alone for nearly two hours, and the content was naturally about everything about the "Kappa" group. Yoshida was going to the mountain city soon, so he didn't know when they would meet again next time.

Pull all the clues together.

Use the elimination method to make cuts.

Luo Yao discovered a point that he had never thought about.

Twilight Cafe.

This place was where Luo Yao originally planned to use Yoshida Shoushan as bait to ask "Lin Miao" to meet, so as to frighten the snake and make an appointment.

Later, "Lin Miao" did not go, or in other words, he went and found out that it was a trap and did not show up.

But Luo Yao's goal was achieved.

Otherwise, at Songtao Bookstore, Tang Xin would lead an ambush and set up a net, so nothing would be gained.

"Lin Miao" woke up and did not go there in person. Instead, he sent his own men. Katayama Xiaomi was dead. This mystery can only be known until he is caught.

But what is certain is that "Lin Miao" knew that Twilight Cafe was a trap, and Yoshida must have rebelled after being caught, but he still sent people there.

The radio is so precious that I believe that no spy lurking behind enemy lines will let it go. Even if he takes the risk, he will give it a try. If it were him, he might make the same choice.

Or, he had reason to believe that Yoshida did not really rebel. In fact, Yoshida did not really rebel at that time, and the reason why he pretended to rebel was to use this opportunity to warn "his own people".

Yoshida didn't know that Shoto Bookstore had been exposed at that time. Luo Yao took advantage of this and designed to lure his opponents to notify Oikawa of Shoto Bookstore and the transfer of the radio station, so that he could take the stolen goods all by himself.

This plan seems to be successful, but the results are not satisfactory. The largest leader of the spy organization is still at large.

In addition to the agreement between Yoshida Shoushan and "Lin Miao" to meet at Twilight Cafe, during the search of Songtao Bookstore, it was also discovered that Twilight Cafe's homemade dessert packaging bags, Oikawa is a frequent visitor to Twilight Cafe.

Twilight Cafe is indeed the most popular cafe in the French Concession, with many customers. There is no doubt about this. Both Yoshida and Oikawa have been to Twilight Cafe. This is not difficult to understand.

One is a bank employee with a good income, so he can naturally afford to drink coffee. The other is a bookstore owner and a cultural person. Drinking coffee is a petty bourgeois sentiment and fashionable. There is no doubt about this.

However, one detail made Luo Yao feel that Twilight Cafe might not be that simple.

He remembered that Yoshida entered after him and Gong Hui. The person who greeted Yoshida was a young waiter. At that time, he asked Yoshida what he wanted to drink.

Yoshida's reply was: "A cup of coffee, thank you."

Generally, coffee shops will never offer only one kind of coffee. Even if you are a regular customer, the waiter will ask more questions. After all, what if the customer wants to change his taste?

Even if Yoshida was a regular customer, the waiter shouldn't have turned around and left without even asking, but he could see clearly that Yoshida had no other communication with the waiter.

Later, he recalled that another waiter should have brought the coffee to Yoshida, which was not in line with the rules of cafe service.

Generally, whoever receives the service will serve until the end. If someone is replaced midway, it is not clear who should receive the tip from the guest.

There was something wrong with the waiter, or was Yoshida hiding some key information from him?

Yoshida has already rebelled. Logically speaking, he shouldn't hide anything. Is he overly concerned, or is there no relationship at all?

Those clues have been cut off. Those who should be arrested and those who should be killed have been killed. We can only find one or two things from the confessions, but this is not an ordinary difficulty.

"Xiaohui, you've been stuck at home for two days. Do you want to go out with me for a walk?" Luo Yao walked downstairs while twisting his sore arms.

"Are you willing to come down?" Gong Hui was sitting in the living room downstairs, eating iced watermelon, feeling very comfortable.

"Who bought the watermelon?"

"Lao Liu bought it and chilled it with well water. Can you eat a piece?" Gong Hui said.

"If you don't want to eat, please change your clothes and go out with me." Luo Yao ordered. Since he had doubts about Twilight Cafe, he naturally had to take a look.

However, he would not tell Gong Hui and others easily until his suspicions were confirmed, so as not to affect their judgment.

"where to?"

"Drink coffee." Luo Yao said.

"Oh." Gong Hui quickly threw away the watermelon rind in her hand and ran into her room. A moment later, she came out wearing a lake blue brocade cheongsam.

"How's it going? Are you okay?" Gong Hui walked around in front of Luo Yao and asked.

"The hairstyle is too mature and doesn't suit you. Please change it."

"Then wait for me for a while." Gong Hui rolled her eyes at Luo Yao, picked up a corner of her cheongsam, ran back quickly, and came out after twenty minutes.

Her hair was shoulder length, gathered behind her head, and tied with a simple bow.

"That's good. You look most beautiful naturally without makeup." Luo Yao nodded. He didn't like heavy makeup. Although Han Yun was considered a beauty, he couldn't appreciate her taste.

"Then let's go." Gong Hui picked up the pink calfskin bag on the table, her eyes filled with joyful smiles.

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