The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 689: The Fat Girl No One Cares About

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"Why did you lie to me? Why did you lie to me?"

Ahhhhh! ! ! !

Barbara yelled crazily, and kept pounding the ground with her fists. The force was so great that it cracked the concrete floor, and the last blow exploded.


The dust was flying, the ground exploded, and a round pit nearly two meters appeared.

Barbara covered her cheeks and sobbed. She didn't want to kill, she never wanted to, but she just couldn't control her body. Why did she become like this? What am I doing wrong.

Unwillingness, remorse, and pain hovered in my heart, gradually turning into some kind of obsession.

"Aren't these what you have been pursuing?"

A voice rang in my ears, full of sneers and sarcasm, "Poor, helpless, low self-esteem, ugly fat girl, since childhood, no one has approached you, and no one has asked for your phone number, and the object of your crush has left with someone else." Entering the marriage hall, I don’t even have the courage to send blessings. I pass by the park every day, hoping to have an unexpected sweet encounter like in the movie, but unfortunately, what I get is the indifferent eyes of the homeless.”

"Hehehehe!!! The homeless are not interested in you, you are poor, you are the most pitiful woman in the world."


Barbara hissed, "No, I didn't."

"I am you, you are me, I know everything you think, including going to the park, including not liking nightclubs, eight years ago, you approached a guy in a bar, but he let you go, and laughed at you with your peers Since then, you haven't been to the night show again, but you secretly swear in your heart that one day I will become the king there."

"Isn't it done now, the sexy and hot Night King, using his beauty to tease others, trampling down those despicable men who once humiliated you, trampling their self-esteem, torturing their bodies, making them worse off To die, to let them feel the pain you once felt, isn't that what you thought of?"

"No, don't say it, please, don't say it."

Barbara covered her ears and shook her head frantically,

"Why reject yourself? Look at you now. You are beautiful, sexy, strong, confident, and you are the center of attention wherever you go. Just like Diana, didn't you always want to be a woman like her, and now you have achieved it." , stronger and more perfect than her."

"But I don't want to kill people, I...I...I..."

Barbara stared blankly at her hands. The blood stains on her arms indicated that everything last night was not a dream, but a real story. She killed someone and even ate the other person's internal organs. Thinking of this, her stomach churns , could not help but vomit.

"Everything has a price."

The voice in my ear became colder and colder, "Compared to insignificant sacrifices, you should carefully taste what you get. Now you are not a human being, but a god, the god of cheetahs running on the vast land of the African grasslands, all creatures are Is your prey, men, women, beasts, demons including the treacherous gods, your speed is unmatched, your strength can tear the earth, your claws are indestructible, your fangs contain deadly poison,

Anyone bitten by you will become your servant and serve you like a master. "

"Why not continue?"

"Diana, the Wonder Woman you envy and envy, or, his boyfriend - Luke Shaw, that handsome, strong, smart, elegant and perfect man, imagine him kneeling in front of you and kissing your feet Isn’t the picture exciting and exciting.”

Barbara froze, her eyes wandering and unfocused.

The voice in my ear continued, "You are a god, the immortal god of cheetahs, the world is destined to crawl under your feet, go, start with Diana, step on her boyfriend's back, and then become the king of this world .”

"I do not want."

Barbara suddenly yelled, "I don't want to kill people, let alone eat people, please, let me go."

"Giving up strength is equivalent to giving up everything, and turning back to the original ugly, inferior, fat girl who no one cares about. No one will look at you, and all envious and loving eyes will turn into indifference and sarcasm. You will get nothing like this, and you are doomed. Lonely life."

"No, I have Diana, she's always considered me a friend."


The other party giggled, "It's so funny that you naively thought she was your friend. How could the majestic Wonder Woman be your friend? She is just pitying you, an ugly duckling that no one cares about."

"Get out, get out, I don't want to listen to you anymore, get out!"

"Poor little guy, in fact, you have always known that she is not a friend. The basic condition of a friend is trust and openness. You tell her everything, but she doesn't tell you anything."

"Wake up, idiot, she is not a human being at all, but a god, the mantra lasso, starlight flying crown, silver guardian bracelet, Vulcan sword... The equipment on her body is the famous artifact of Mount Olympus, Only the gods are qualified to use these equipments. The Diana you know is actually an old woman who has lived for thousands of years. She is not the same creature as you. When you are gray-haired and old, she will still look the same now. .”

"It's so funny that you naively think that such a god is your friend, hahahahaha!"

Laughter echoed wantonly in the basement, and the light flickered on and off, reflecting the half-distorted, half-numbed face.


In the South Park of Washington, due to the occurrence of the homicide, it was crowded with people and reporters who did good deeds.

When Diana arrived here, the sheriff was dealing with the reporter of the local radio station. Diana was not interested in listening to his nonsense, so she went around the crowd and came to the roof of the building opposite the park.

Her eyesight is excellent, and she can clearly see everything in the park even if she is hundreds of meters away.

The body of the homeless man was at the place where he was robbed last night. His neck was bloody and bloody. The wound should have been shattered by a blow. His chest cavity was split open, and all the organs inside disappeared, leaving only his ribs and spine, and a few claw marks on the wall. , as deep as several centimeters, ordinary beasts do not have this kind of power.

"Sure enough, it's a superpower."

Diana muttered to herself, thought for a while, took out the communicator,

"Ava, I need your help."

"Please tell me, Your Highness."

"The homicide in Washington's South District Park is right in front of my current location. I want the police to collect all the evidence."

"OK, just a second."

A few seconds later, the communicator made a beeping sound. Diana closed her eyes and projected the obtained data information onto her retina. After seeing the slightly familiar thing, her pupils shrank slightly.

"this is……"

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