The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 642 Dragon Heart

"There is a legend in the underworld. The earth, the land of the gods, hides the power of the origin of life. All creatures that arrive there can evolve and grow into existences that transcend everything." His eyes turned and fell on the huge corpse.

"Avogadro is looking for us desperately because of this legend. He wants to go to the earth, devour the life essence there, and become the most powerful existence in the universe."

Diana frowned and said, "The battle of the gods was also because of this legend."

"I don't know, I can only say that it is very likely."

Ron En continued, "Why do I feel like someone spread this legend on purpose?"

"not necessarily."

Luke shook his head, "The earth is very special, such as Krypton and Mars..." His eyes turned to Clark and Ron, "As a highly developed civilization star system, it must have its own mythology, but how many of them are real? Earth is different..."

"Thousands or even tens of thousands of gods were born here, and a variety of god systems were born. It is unimaginable for other living planets to rely on the power of only one planet to compete with the underworld, and it also has superpowers."

Luke smiled, "Scientists say it's the X factor in human genes, and supernatural powers are obtained because of mutations, but it's actually shit."

"Genes are nothing more than the programming codes of organic life, just like the framework of a building, which only serves as a support. It is impossible to say that changing a pillar can make the whole building fly."

"It is the blood and divine power of the gods that affect superpowers, and they are the source of all problems."

Diana hesitated, "You mean: the rumors are true."

"Although I don't want to admit it, it may be true."

After the words fell, the three of them suddenly felt a sense of oppression that they had never felt before. If that was the case, the earth would probably face endless troubles.

"never mind!"

Luke waved his hand, "Don't think about it anymore, the most important thing right now is to find the valley of no return, we'll talk about it later."

"What are you going to do with this corpse?"

"Dig out the dragon's heart, I will use it to make recovery potions, as for the others..."

Luke showed deep reluctance on his face. A dragon is full of treasures. Dragon scales refine armor, dragon blood boils medicine, and dragon meat can greatly replenish vitality. It is a rare ingredient. As for dragon marrow, dragon tendons, Dragon liver is the top magic material that wizards dream of.

Of course, the most precious thing is the dragon heart. There are too many records about it in the magic book.

Luke knows a kind of black magic, which can replace a human heart with a dragon's heart, gaining great power and immortality at the same time.

Diana said speechlessly, "Judging from his size, Avogadro's heart is at least as big as a room. You must carry it."

Luke's face froze, and his expression became hesitant,

"It shouldn't be that big!"

"I have no problem with you digging out its heart, but don't make me resist."

Diana rolled her eyes and turned away, followed by Clark and Ron shaking their heads.

Luke secretly raised his middle finger. A group of magic idiots don't understand the value of a dragon heart at all. For a purebred dragon like Avogadro, his heart can rank among the top magic materials, which is rare. treasure.

Luke walked up to the corpse and said in a deep voice,

"Have you had enough?"

Akorn didn't care to wipe the blood from his mouth, and quickly prostrated himself on the ground,


He had doubts about a few people before, but after this battle, all doubts disappeared, only surrender remained.

"Come here and give me a hand."

The two walked to the chest, and Luke held the Vulcan sword left by Diana, pierced the dragon scale into the flesh, and cut it down bit by bit.

It has to be said that the dragon's body is indeed hard enough, and the Vulcan sword cannot cut it in half.

After the chest cavity was shattered, the blood accumulated inside flowed outward like a flood breaking through the dam. The corners of Akorn's mouth trembled when he saw it. These were the legendary dragon's blood! What was priceless a drop is now soaking into the dirt in piles.

Luke frowned,

"What are you doing in a daze, come and help."

After a lot of tossing, Luke finally got what he wanted, which was not as big as imagined. It was more than 1.5 meters in length and less than 1 meter in width.

Even if it is out of the body, the heart is still beating, and you can clearly feel the rhythm of life inside if you put your hand on it.

"As expected of the heart of the dragon."

"Good baby, really good baby!"

Luke murmured to himself, he had already begun to simulate the various uses of the dragon heart in his heart, and there were still several demon corpses in the collection hall. Combining them and condensing them with the biochemical technology of the Zhiyuan tribe can completely create another form of creature armor.

Akorn hesitated, "Master, what are you going to do with the corpse?"

"What else can I do, of course I leave it here."


Akorn was dumbfounded, "This is the corpse of the dragon of the underworld!'t waste it like this!"

"You think I do."

Luke snorted angrily, "The body is so big, do you think it is possible for us to carry it all the time?"

Akorn opened his mouth and was speechless, he was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe, it was a dragon corpse, just lost like this, where did you guys come from, and you have never seen such a profligate person, in desperation, he could only beg in a low voice,

"I... can I drink some more dragon's blood, not much, a little is enough."

"The corpse is right there, it doesn't matter if you have the ability to swallow the corpse."

"There are still five minutes, and we will leave in five minutes."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Akorn didn't hesitate, like a mad wolf, got in from the blood hole in his chest, drank blood, ate meat, and stuffed it into his stomach as much as possible.

Diana frowned, "Is this appropriate?"

"He's too weak and will become a liability."

"You are really going to cultivate it, don't forget, it is a half-dragon, a creature of the underworld."

"It doesn't matter where it comes from, the key is the heart. If it is loyal enough and knows how to change, I don't mind giving it a chance."

Diana shook her head helplessly, "Sometimes I really don't understand you. The creatures of the underworld are inherently cruel, adhering to the principle of the weak and the strong, and you can't avoid them. You actually want to subdue them."

Luke teased, "That's the beauty of a man."


Diana snorted coldly, "You're just looking for trouble."

Time passed slowly, and suddenly, a roar came from the dragon corpse. The cry was full of pain, as if it was undergoing cruel torture.

Luke frowned slightly, stepped to the chest, and looked inward through the wound. Akorn, who was covered in dragon blood, curled up in pain, and his body bulged out from time to time, as if something was about to rush out.

"Adam, what's going on?"

"I really want to transform, it's so painful."

Akorn replied hoarsely, his cheeks distorted in a human-like way.

"Master, wait for me for a while, I can do it, it must be fine."

Akorn endured the pain, and continued to bite the surrounding flesh with his mouth wide open. The more he swallowed, the bigger the meatball, giving him an inexplicable sense of horror.

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