The action of Mr. He and Mrs. Yang to sue for blackmail officially declared a failure.

Who told these two people that Yang Tiezhu's nose is not a nose, a face, or a face, and who said that these two people would not be choosy and pillowy. No matter how much you smear it, when you meet a man who loves your daughter-in-law, there is no reason to talk about it, not to mention Wanwan's pillow style is also very good. o(n_n)o……

From that day on, Big Sister Yang looked at Lin Qingwan and took a detour. People have also restrained a lot. Usually, she always likes to point fingers when watching other people cook, but now she doesn't come out anymore. Her three children are also tightly restrained. The youngest daughter Li Yaner rarely shows up in front of people, and always stays with her aunt Yang Ermei. The two boys, Dahu and Xiaohu, don't fight with the boys in the big room every three days. It's noisy.

The current situation of the Yang family is harmonious.

After another two days, Lin Qingwan thought a few times in the room and decided to go to town tomorrow.

The embroidery work she took in the 'Jinxiufang' last time, she had already found time to finish it, but she had no time to go to work, and it was not a problem to keep dragging it.

And the weather is getting colder, and there is nothing to do at home. Except for the housework every two days, she is idle the rest of the time. I just want to take some work back and earn some money.

Thinking of Yao Shi, she was going to go over and say hello to Yao Shi, to see if she had any intentions.

Although there is no family division in the family, the money is not a problem for anyone, and the Yang family's rule of paying half of the additional income other than the family's farming is only for the sons, and women are not included. It is estimated that in He's eyes, women can't make much money. So they make money, as long as they usually pay attention to cover up, it will really fall into their pockets.

Sure enough, when Yao shi heard it, she was naturally very pleasantly surprised. After all, which woman does not have any needlework skills? Of course, Yao shi did a good job. Naturally, she wanted to save some money for herself.

The man in his family has no craftsmanship. Every time the slack farm work is finished, he goes to the town to find some odd jobs, and he puts in some hard work. even less. In the past few years after they got married, they had only a handful of money saved by the three families, not to mention that the He family would find some excuses from time to time to scrape some.

The two women made an appointment to go to town together tomorrow, and it happened to be Wang's cooking tomorrow, so they had no worries. Knowing that his daughter-in-law was going to town, Yang Tiezhu wanted to accompany her, but when he heard that his third siblings were also going, he felt relieved and let the two women go by themselves.

Early the next morning, Lin Qingwan and Yao shi went out together. He shi asked them where they were going, and the two replied that they were going to the town to buy some needles and thread to sew up the old cotton-padded clothes at home.

When they got out the door, the two who had a shared secret smiled at each other.

I took an ox cart and came to the town. The last time, it was Yang who took Lin Qingwan, and this time it was Lin Qingwan who took Yao.

Although it had been two or three months since the last visit, Lin Qingwan still generally remembered the way.

All the way to the 'Jinxiufang', the two walked in, and the shopkeeper Su still remembered her.

"Is it the Qingwan girl? Long time no see—"

This shopkeeper Su can actually call herself right, and she deserves to be the boss. With this memory and affinity alone, Lin Qingwan knew that the business of 'Jinxiufang' would not be bad.

"Manager Su, I'm really sorry." Lin Qingwan knew that her work had dragged on for too long. No matter whether Shopkeeper Su blamed others or not, first of all, she had to show her apologetic attitude. "Look at my delay for so long..." The gentle face was full of sincere apologies.

Shopkeeper Su smiled enthusiastically, not blaming at all.

"Look at what you said, did Aunt Yang say that you were going to get married soon? I knew that this batch of work would definitely take some time. If I'm afraid of your delay, I'll do it for you?"

I have to say that Shopkeeper Su is very good at being a man and speaks nicely. No matter if she said it sincerely or in a casual way, at least Lin Qingwan felt very comfortable when she heard it, and also felt that this person was a good person.

"Then I'm really thankful to Shopkeeper Su." Lin Qingwan smiled and handed the small package to Shopkeeper Su. "This is my job here, take a look."

Shopkeeper Su opened the packages and took them out one by one. After reading, he nodded and said, "The craftsmanship is very good, especially your two embroidered purses, you can see that you have really learned them, and they are all qualified. How is it? Do you want to continue to do it again?"

"Of course. But this time, I want to take embroidered purses." One embroidered purse is 12 wen, and if you make a few, Lin Qingwan feels that her hands have been practiced smoothly, so she doesn't want to make 4 wen each. purse wasted time.

"Okay." Seeing Lin Qingwan's handiwork, Shopkeeper Su knew it. This embroiderer is considered one of the best among so many people who work under her hands. Wouldn't it be a loss if she didn't use her?

"Then how much do you take back this time?"

Lin Qingwan thought for a while, "This time I want to take 30 people back to try, you know it's not easy for a woman like us to come to town." After speaking, she quickly added, "But shopkeeper Su Don't worry this time, it won't last as long as this time."

Shopkeeper Su nodded, "That's fine, but I said that you have a certain idea in mind. Embroidered purses are different from blank purses. There are many people who do blank purses for me to do the work. It doesn't matter if they are earlier or later. Not much, so it can't be delayed too long."

"It's natural." Lin Qingwan nodded and explained, "This time I was in a special situation. It wasn't long after I got married, and there were too many things at home, and I didn't have time to spare.

come. "

"Well, wait, I'll get you the materials." Shopkeeper Su was about to turn around and enter the room, but was stopped by Lin Qingwan.

Shopkeeper Su looked at her suspiciously, and Lin Qingwan hurriedly pulled Yao Shi, who had been shrinking behind her, out of her back.

"Manager Su, I don't know if you have any extra work to do here. This is my younger brother and sister, and the embroidery work is also good."

Shopkeeper Su looked at Yao's, pondered for a while, then nodded, and then introduced Yao's work that could be taken back to him.

Just like what I told Lin Qingwan last time, it was a blank purse with 4 inscriptions for each embroidery and 12 inscriptions for each embroidery. She provided the materials for embroidery and thread, and Yao shi only needed to provide the craftsmanship.

In fact, Shopkeeper Su's 'Jinxiufang' is not only in the fabric business, she has her own way, and is also in the business of providing semi-finished or finished products to some large embroidery workshops in Yangcheng. Otherwise, with such a small storefront, where can she use so many purses, even if she sells it for a month, she will not be able to sell a few of them, mainly for those big embroidery workshops.

Yao's appearance was very restrained, but Boss Su didn't care at all. After hearing her say the amount to be received, I went to the warehouse at the back to get the materials.

Yao's job was a blank purse. There are very few rural women who have embroidery skills like Lin Qingwan. They have not been taught systematically. Most of them are taught by their parents at will. They can make shoes and clothes, and they can usually sew and mend.

The craftsmanship required in the rural environment is just like this, and embroidery is not needed. People in the countryside are fine if they don't wear patched clothes, so let's get some flowers and plants for someone to see.

"Okay, here's your materials, they're all acquaintances, I won't say much else, just come to me to settle the bill after you're done." After finishing speaking, the shopkeeper Su handed Lin Qingwan a string of copper coins. " This is your last salary, can you count it?"

Just how much money is there? The last time I received less work, so the money was also less, adding up to less than a hundred cents, and Lin Qingwan also trusted Shopkeeper Su.

☆、Chapter 37

Yao shi came back after picking up the work, and started to do it as if he had been beaten with blood.

Usually, when she has no work, she stays in the house alone and works hard. For a few days, Lin Qingwan saw bloodshot eyes in her eyes. She couldn't help but sighed Yao Shi's desperate efforts, and then stimulated her to speed up.

After doing it for several days, it was not until He asked Yao whether the pickles were out of the vat this year, and Yao realized that the pickles at home had not been made this year. Hurry up to find Wang Shi and Lin Qingwan, ready to start making pickles.

The first thing to do is pickled sauerkraut. The basic material used is Baisong, which is commonly known as Chinese cabbage by Lin Qingwan.

First, put Baisong in the yard to dry, you don't need to dry it too much, and the gang outside Baisong can wilt. Then break off the old cabbage outside the bai song, and cut off the head of the cabbage. Because the Yang family's pickled sauerkraut tank is very large, there is no need to split the bai song in half, and put it aside for later use.

Yao Shi cleaned the jar used for pickles, and after wiping the jar, sprinkled a handful of coarse salt on the bottom of the jar. The coarse salt was prepared in advance by He's, and it was all large grains of salt, much coarser than what they usually eat. Arrange the baisong neatly at the bottom of the tank, sprinkle a handful of salt after stacking two layers, and then sprinkle a handful of salt after stacking two layers, until the whole jar is filled with baisong, and finally sprinkle a handful of salt. Covered with a blue cloth, a large stone was pressed against the door and placed under the wall.

The next day, Yao shi filled the tank with well water again, and the well water just filled the Baisong. Yao shi added another stone to the tank, and it was over.

The Yang family had marinated two jars of sauerkraut. Yao said that it would take a month before they could be eaten. There were few vegetables throughout the winter, so they could only rely on some pickled vegetables to eat.

Of course, not only pickled sauerkraut, but also pickled mustard greens. The pickling method of mustard greens is similar to that of white sauerkraut, which is to peel and wash mustard greens in advance, and soak them in water for two days before starting to pickle.

There are also pickled leeks and eggplants, huáng melons and the like. Lin Qingwan lived in the south in her last life, and it was the first time she saw this method of pickled vegetables.

After a few large jars of things have been pickled, the whole process of pickling is truly over. During this period, Mrs. Wang always made excuses and never came to help, so only Yao and Lin Qingwan made these pickles, which really tired them both.

Although very tired, the two of them are also very happy in their hearts. Because these things are what I want to eat in winter, and it looks like a big tank full of them, which is very fulfilling.

Men not only go up the mountain every day to chop wood, but also take the time to clear the chimney and kang at home. The vegetable cellar at home was tidy up, and a lot of vegetables that could be stored for a long time, such as potatoes, white woks, and radishes, were moved into the vegetable cellar.

It was only then that Lin Qingwan knew that the Yang family had a vegetable cellar, which was at the corner of the backyard. She also went in and took a look. The inside is not big, about 10 cubic meters, and it is dark. You can only see it with an oil lamp when you go in.

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