The Pope of Basketball Community

Chapter 14 [1 must be the wrong way for me to open it]

Hu Weidong received the ball from the right side frame, and Bowen was the main defense.

China's Jordan VS Bo Wen, Yang Rui sweated for Hu Weidong on the sidelines. In the future, Bo Wen's full nickname will be "Southern Boxing, North Legs Covering Crotch School Bao Sanshu", referred to as "Southern School Sanshu", McGrady, Carter , Francis, Kirilenko and other stars have all been injured by his dark energy. Szczerbiak was the worst. He got a kick from Foshan Wuying, and he was almost able to go to DC to play the double-faced man.

Yang Rui was really afraid of Bo Wen's rise, so he stretched his feet when Hu Weidong made a jump shot. Before the game, he specially reminded the players not to hurt others maliciously. Why do marginal people make things difficult for marginal people?

Bowen is not only good at shady people, defensive skills are not vegetarian, Hu Weidong broke through with the ball, Bowen made an accurate judgment and blocked the breakthrough route.

Hu Weidong passed the ball to Wang Zhizhi to beat Ben Wallace. The 20-year-old Da Zhi caught the ball with his back and collided with Da Ben. His center of gravity immediately shifted.

Wang Zhizhi's physical fitness determines that he can only thrive in Asian light confrontation competitions. The stronger the confrontation, the easier it is for his weaknesses to be infinitely magnified. This time, the Mongolian center "Ba Xinghao" (this person's name seems to be cursed by God, and it will automatically become an asterisk when written out) did not enter the national team due to personal reasons. The men's basketball team lacks a powerful center inside, which is a major weakness.

After a few passes, Sun Jun missed the outside shot and the rebound was taken by Moore.

The Knicks are in a positional battle, and the players pull away.

Moore once again covered Atkins from the outside. They didn't do anything else this morning, they mainly practiced this. After the screen, Moore didn't have to move, and stood still and waited for the return pass.

Wang Zhizhi followed Moore, who was about the same height as him, and asked Li Xiaoyong to chase and defend. Atkins was short, faster and more sensitive, how could he be easily caught up?

Many people think that South Korea's basketball level has regressed after 2004. It used to beat China twice, but was crushed later. Actually otherwise, Chinese basketball finally learned to defend in the 21st century.

Although the Chinese men's basketball team in the 20th century entered the quarter-finals twice in the international arena, it was commonplace to lose to strong teams such as the United States and Lithuania by more than 40 or 50 points. Among them, the worst part of men's basketball defense is outside shooting, so South Korea won twice by virtue of Xiao Kuailing's style of play.

How can the talents of Yang Rui's players be compared with the sticks? Atkins completely got rid of the ball and made a 70-degree jump shot from the left, 6-0.

The Chinese team attacked, and the ball was still handed over to Hu Weidong. He broke through with the ball, and Bowen followed and interfered, staying close.

Bowen's defensive experience is not as good as that of the Spurs, and his physical fitness is much better than then. After being encouraged by Yang Rui, Bowen tried his best to defend, just to get a basic salary in the Knicks.

Hu Weidong didn't have a good chance to make a shot, so he distributed the ball to his teammates. Li Xiaoyong ran without cover and was followed. He then distributed the ball to Wang Zhizhi, and Daben was the main defense.

Wang Zhizhi singled out and turned around to shoot. He was far away from the basket and was disturbed. The ball missed and Moore got the backcourt rebound.

The Knicks continued to run tactics, this time Wang Zhizhi came out, Atkins took the ball, Moore left 60 degrees, and made a jumper near the penalty area. Li Xiaoyong, who is 189cm tall, just stretched out his hand and scored. 8 to 0.

The Knicks played a wave in the opening game, and Thibodeau admired Yang Rui more and more. This tactic is simple and effective, which is to pull the opponent's inside line out and then hit the wrong position.

The Knicks insiders Ewing, Oakley, and Johnson can all shoot. The tactics are also completely feasible for the Knicks. To extend it, as long as the guards on both sides repeatedly move in this way, catch the ball and shoot from a long distance, it is enough for those insiders who are not good at switching defenses The team deserves it.

Yang Rui stood up to watch the game. When the players returned to defense, Moore and Atkins ran to the sidelines to give him a high five.

This scene happened to be captured by the cameraman, and the audience in front of the Chinese TV was in an uproar.

"Who is this guy? Why is he with the Knicks?"

"Traitor, Chinese players are cheering for their opponents?"

"Where is Zhang Bin? One of your team members has rebelled.


Zhang Lili was at a loss, and opened his mind to analyze: "We saw the Chinese player on the sidelines and the Knicks players clapping in celebration. He was obviously not wearing a Knicks uniform. This is too unreasonable. The strange thing is that the Knicks People on one side are very natural."

Sun Zhengping took a deep breath and said, "He was sitting with the head coach, and the two communicated. I guess he might be a staff member of the Knicks team, and he should be of Chinese descent in the United States."

Everyone thinks this explanation is reasonable. As for the staff member, it is hard to guess, anyway, it looks like it won't play.

Yang Rui also wants to be a player, but his physical fitness is mediocre, and he has no chance to practice since he was a child, let alone now?

The officials of the basketball association also guessed that Yang Rui might be of Chinese origin, and the leader made a big blush. Just now, he wanted to catch a model, but it turned out that he was not under their control at all.

The Chinese men's basketball team did not score a goal until the sixth round. Ben Wallace and Moore scored two more goals for the Knicks, leading 12 to 2. Zhang Bin called a timeout.

After the timeout ended, the Chinese team's offense was still not smooth, and the stars were suppressed one-on-one. Everyone felt that something was wrong.

Is this the Knicks summer league team? A group of players that the NBA doesn't want are so good?

On the defensive end, they hardly lose their position in single defense, they switch defenses inside extremely fast, and they are as strong as beasts in physical fitness.

It is difficult to create open shooting opportunities outside the men's basketball team, and it is difficult to score inside. The short and sturdy Ben Wallace withstood it. lack of.

At this time, many Chinese fans are missing the "Baxing".

There were only 10 minutes in one quarter of the summer league. The Knicks did not make any substitutions in the first quarter, leading 31 to 13.

In the second quarter, the Knicks went up and down and began to inspect the lineup.

Three black players with excellent quality, big center Luke, and white Brad Jones, who is 193cm tall and good at shooting, played.

Brad changed to play point guard, and it doesn't matter if he is not good at organization. Anyway, he grabs rebounds and launches a counterattack. Luke is responsible for guarding the penalty area, rebounding and passing.

The Knicks' defensive quality declined significantly, and the Chinese team's offense finally opened up, but the point difference still could not be narrowed. Four minutes later, Yang Rui was dissatisfied with being evenly matched with the Chinese team and called a timeout.

The camera went to the sidelines, when Yang Rui stood up holding the tactical board and beckoned the players to gather together, the audience in front of the TV were all stunned.

Zhang Lili couldn't believe it and said, "Is this young Knick talking about tactics? Am I dazzled?"

Sun Zhengping's eyes changed from Lin Yilian to Chen Yulian. "He must be talking about tactics, my God, that fat man is watching, as if...he is the head coach!"

The on-site cameraman was also surprised, because the Knicks hadn't held a press conference to announce the new assistant coach, so the American media didn't know that the Knicks had a coach who was Chinese.

China's Internet has not developed these days, otherwise the post bar will definitely explode. Even so, many fans called their friends and told them to turn on the TV, a miracle happened in the summer league, and there were Chinese coaches in the NBA.

Some people suspected it was a dream, turned off the TV and turned it on again, thinking "it must be the wrong way for me to turn it on"!

How could he be a coach at such a young age? !


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