The Original Vampire

ninety-four mission

(Volume 2 [Silver Moon Coup])

The setting sun shed its last rays of light, and then the boundless night shrouded the land.

There were piles of bonfires in the camp, and the guards were busy with their work, boiling water for cooking and feeding the horses.

Colin gave Knight Rhaego a written letter and a cage with pigeons.

At the same time, he ordered: "Rego, you should return to Ice Rock City immediately, tell Aemon and Quincy about my mission to the half-elf kingdom, and let them be fully responsible for the affairs of the territory.

I will write back every five days to explain the latest situation. If I don't receive my letter on time for more than three days, I will release the carrier pigeon.

In addition, let Knight Raymond and Knight Ciel continue to be in charge of military training. When I return from the half-elf kingdom, I hope to see a preliminary formed army.

As for you, after you go back, lead a thousand soldiers to the half-elf capital, Silvermoon City, and join me there. "

"Yes!" Knight Rego took the cage and turned away without asking where the carrier pigeon would fly back to after it was released.

In fact, this is the carrier pigeon that Marquis Garcia gave to Colin before he left. It is self-evident where it will fly back.

Although Marquis Garcia didn't say it clearly, Colin already understood what the other party meant...

This time, as the messenger, Ke Lin did not need to lead his own troops.

After all, this is not a war, and the Saint Hilde family itself has dispatched an escort team of thousands of people, which must be more than enough to deal with thieves or beasts along the way.

However, Colin felt that he had to control a military force that was entirely his own, in case of emergency.

"Lord Viscount, your dinner is ready."

"Send it in."

A squire walked into the tent with an iron plate, put the meal in front of Colin, and then hurried out.

Although Colin no longer needs to eat these ordinary foods, in order not to attract unnecessary attention, he will still stuff the food into his stomach on time.

After eating the food and drinking some "water", Colin walked out of the tent.

The composition of the personnel in this camp is a bit complicated. There are not only the guards of the Saint Hilde family, but also the Silvermoon Guards of the Half-Elves Kingdom. In addition, there are many trolls.

Prince Okamoto's journey back to the Sky Icefield overlapped with Colin's journey to the Half-Elves Kingdom, so the two sides would travel together for a while.

The troll prince has been in a good mood recently. Although he did not marry Vera, he was arbitrarily dismissed by the Duke with a woman from the family, but in any case, this woman was also surnamed Saint Hilde.

Moreover, Prince Okamoto's intention to dispatch this time has been successfully achieved.

The Troll Empire managed to get a precious respite.

As for sending the three important military locations on the border of the Troll Empire to the North, it's not really a big deal.

Because it is impossible to place a large number of troops in these three military centers in the north, otherwise, the logistics supply line of thousands of miles will drag down the north.

And that promise never to violate the North...

Well, this kind of promise is probably not believed by the Duke of St. Hilde himself.

In Okamoto's view, as long as the troll empire can survive this period of time, there is hope for a re-emergence.

"Viscount Angele, come and drink together!" Prince Okamoto called out loudly when he saw Colin strolling around the camp.

Colin looked at Prince Okamoto, who was full of spring breeze. He didn't want to go there, but after hesitating for a moment, he still accepted the invitation.

No way, since he left Winter City, he has been deserted.

The people in the Saint Hilde family guards were not familiar with him, and Vera had been hiding in the carriage and no one could be seen.

And the half-elf side was very happy, Prince Tupe was almost happy to be a fool,

Follow the followers to drink and have fun every day.

But Colin obviously couldn't join them.

At this moment, Prince Okamoto warmly invited him, and Colin came over, just to use a drink to relieve his worries and relieve his recent troubles.

"Come! Your Excellency Viscount Angele! Don't keep your head down, there are so many beauties in the world! Why are you so entangled with Miss Vera's flower!"

Colin rolled his eyes, ignored Okamoto, just took the jug he handed over and poured it straight into his mouth.

"Cough cough..." The pungency of the entrance made Colin stunned for a while.

"What kind of wine is this?"

Prince Okamoto smiled: "This is the medicinal wine brewed by the witch doctors of the troll family. It is most suitable for drinking at night. Hehe, it can add to the fun!"

Looking at the wretched smile on Okamoto's face, Collin suddenly realized what the other party meant by adding to the fun.

"You don't have any other wine?" Colin hurriedly threw the bottle back.

"Haha, don't be angry, Your Excellency Viscount. I have a few dancers here. If you want to vent tonight, I can help you arrange..."

Colin turned and ran away in fright.

Troll dancer?

just forget it.

He would rather go to the five girls.

"Oh? Viscount Angele, don't go!" Seeing this, Prince Okamoto actually chased after him, "I apologize to you, I really didn't mean to offend you on purpose..."

Colin waved his hand: "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, go back to your bar and I'll go around by myself."

"Then I'll walk with you."

Colin glanced back at Okamoto and wondered, "Your mission has already been achieved, so there is no need to continue to be courteous to me."

"I actually really want to befriend you." Prince Okamoto said solemnly.

Of course Colin didn't believe it.

But he didn't catch Okamoto anymore.

The two strolled to a creek on the edge of the camp.

Looking at the slowly flowing stream, Prince Okamoto suddenly asked, "Your Excellency Viscount, do you know why the Duke married Vera to the boy Tupena?"

Colin was puzzled for a while—

Could this kid, Okamoto, have also noticed the open and secret struggle between Duke St. Hilde and Marquis Garcia about the heir?

"Why do you think it is?" Colin asked tentatively.

"Political marriage, what else can there be, of course it is for profit." Okamoto said without hesitation.

"Really?" Colin frowned, "I can understand that the Duke did not choose, after all, I'm just a little Viscount, and there is no value in marriage. And you..."

"Do you think I'm more worthy of marriage than that kid Tupe?" Prince Okamoto suddenly laughed, as if he felt that Colin's compliments were very useful to him.

"Is not it?"

Colin also realized something was wrong at this time.

In his opinion, if the duke wanted to destroy Vera's inheritance, marrying her to Okamoto and Tupe would be just as effective.

Because the North will not accept a woman married to a foreign race to become a duke, let alone make her heir - a half-troll or half-elf - the heir to the duke.

But why did the duke choose Prince Tupé in the end?

In Colin's view, Prince Tupe's status is inferior to that of Prince Okamoto.

Because troll empires are far from comparable to half-elf kingdoms.

Don't look at the fact that the troll empire has just suffered a fiasco, and it looks like it's dying. But as long as they are given three to five years of recuperation, it is not too difficult to pull out another 300,000 army.

And the half-elf kingdom, a small country with a total population of less than two million, no matter how hard it is to use its troops, it is estimated that the army of 100,000 people has reached its limit.

In fact, according to Colin's understanding, this small affiliated country of the Radiant Empire currently has only about 50,000 regular troops.

So, if the duke wanted to win foreign aid through marriage, why would he prefer the half-elf kingdom to the troll empire?

Prince Okamoto saw that Colin was in doubt, he smiled and said: "Actually, the Duke married Vera to Prince Tupe, but it was not the half-elf kingdom that the Duke really planned."

"Then what is he plotting?"

Prince Okamoto stretched out his hand to point to the east and said solemnly:

"It's the eastern border of the empire!"

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