The Original Vampire

eighty-eight reunion

Under the leadership of the attendant, Colin came to his room in Lion's Roar Castle.

After a long journey, it was inevitable that he would be contaminated with dust, so Colin naturally had to take a shower and change into clean clothes.

This is also respect for the first family in the north.

"Dong dong dong."

Just after changing into clean aristocratic casual clothes, there was a knock on the door.

Colin thought it was the waiter who called him to dinner, but it was still early.

The housekeeper had told him before that there would be a banquet tonight.

Out of curiosity, Colin opened the door.

Then, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

Outside the door, it was Vera who had not been seen for a long time!

Today's Vera is wearing a red velvet coat, and her waist-length golden hair is still full of water vapor. She must have just taken a bath not long ago.

The fair skin was exuding a moving blush, and it seemed that he couldn't stand Colin's scorching gaze.

"Long time no see, Miss Vera!"

"Long time no see, Colin." The female mage smiled slightly, revealing two faint dimples, which looked very cute.

"You should be coming to Lion's Roar Castle for the first time, right?"

"Yes." Colin, the "bumpy bastard" nodded honestly.

Vera smiled sweetly, turned around and beckoned to Colin: "Let's go, I'll show you around."

"Okay, Miss Tour Guide!"


The crisp laughter still echoed on the promenade, and Vera's figure had disappeared around the corner.

Ke Lin closed the door and followed the faint scent of roses, chasing after him.

"This is the vestibule. Originally, many osmanthus trees were planted, but my father thought that their fragrance was too strong, so he replaced them all..."

"This is a tower. When I was young, I liked to climb it. I could see far, far away, but my father always said that girls should not climb so high..."

"There's the kitchen and the warehouse, and when I was playing hide-and-seek with Charles and Adams as a kid, I liked to hide there. They couldn't find me, haha!

But every time the old housekeeper gets angry and always says that this is not the place for a lady... Hmph, as old-fashioned as my father! "

"That's the garden, my favorite place to go..."

"There's a church over there..."


Vera seemed to be a chirping bird, and kept introducing Colin all about Lion's Roar Castle, as well as the good memories she once stayed in these places.

Along with her remarks, Colin seemed to have seen the innocent, cute and eccentric little girl in a trance.

" the place I was most afraid of when I was a kid."

Vera's voice suddenly fell.

Colin also felt that the atmosphere around him seemed to become solemn.

He curiously followed Vera into a courtyard deep in the castle, and then he froze!

One after another shot towards him like sharp arrows of real eyes, making him unable to move at all.

Lifting it up, Colin was stunned to find that the owner of these gazes turned out to be huge statues!

"These are the paladins in the history of the Saint Hilde family!" Vera's face became serious and her tone became solemn.


Colin suddenly realized, no wonder there is such pressure.

After a quick count, Colin found that there are a total of twelve statues here.

That is to say, over a thousand years, the Saint Hilde family has given birth to a total of twelve Paladins.

They are the guarantee of the power of this family and the embodiment of its noble blood.

It is also Saint Hilde, the source of this supreme glory.

At the same time, Colin also noticed that the eyes of these paladin statues seemed to have been carefully designed, all looking in the same direction—that is, the gate of the courtyard.

Those who just walked in were caught off guard,

Having endured so many gazes, even if it was a statue, it was enough to make timid people jump.

"This is the Paladin of Franseau, this is the Paladin of Britta, this is the Paladin of Lemmings..."

Vera pointed to these statues and introduced them to Colin one by one.

Finally, the two came to the largest statue placed in the center of the courtyard.

"This one is the first Paladin of the Saint Hilde family - Ryan Saint Hilde, the Lion in Fire."

Colin looked up at this huge statue more than ten meters high, and his heart was slightly awe-inspiring.

The pioneers of the north, the gravediggers of trolls, the northern barrier of the empire... These series of incomparably glorious titles all refer to the first Paladin of the Saint Hilde family.

Colin easily pulled out his relevant information from his memory.

More than half of the territory in the north was conquered by the Lion Paladin more than a thousand years ago.

More importantly, he completely broke the backbone of the troll family!

The military and psychological advantages of the North over the troll empire have been laid.

Even after more than a thousand years, the trolls can only linger on the ice plains and never return to their ancestral land.

The life story of this paladin has been sung a thousand times by bards, but it still lives on.

I am afraid that 80% of the reason why people from the north identify with the Saint Hilde family so much is because of this Knight of Lane.

This is also the reason why other families never dare to imagine the position of the Lord of the North.

The North can only be guarded by the Saint Hilde family!

"Colin, you know what? Actually, I used to want to be a knight."

"Really?" Colin turned to look at the female mage, who was staring at the statue of Paladin Lane, with reverence written on her small face.

"Yes. I had planned to ask my father to help me arrange the christening on my tenth birthday. But...

But when I was six years old, my father sent me to Yevil to study the arcane..."

"Why did the Duke send you to study arcane arts?" Colin took the opportunity to ask his doubts.

In this world, nobles and mages are naturally incapable of dealing with them.

Vera, an adopted daughter of a duke, should not have anything to do with the mage no matter what.

"My father told me at the time that if you want to know the truth of this world, you should go to Yeville."

Colin frowned: "Then do you believe it?"

"Why don't you believe it? That's my father!"

Colin rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, what a liar girl.

From the point of view of the old silver coin, the Duke sent Vera to Yeville in order to keep her away from the center of power in the north.

After becoming a mage, Vera will have a harder time inheriting the position of duke.

In short, this should be the Duke guarding his younger brother.

But obviously, Marquis Garcia still found an opportunity to let Vera return to the north while taking advantage of the chaos in the north.

Even he has already got the promise of the duke, and after Charles, Vera will be the first in line to the duke's heir.

But unfortunately, the Duke finally repented.

Betrayed his promise to his brother.

The hatred has since started, and I don't know when it will break out.

"So, have you found the truth of the world?"

"Uh, not yet..." Vera pursed her lips with a firm face, "But I firmly believe that this path is right! The unremitting pursuit of arcane truth will one day guide me to find the truth of the world! "

Ke Lin was about to continue teasing the innocent female mage, but heard footsteps behind him.

"Miss Vera, Viscount Angele! Her Royal Highness's car is about to arrive at Lion's Roar Castle."



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