The Original Vampire

Seven hundred and twenty-eight Druid's secret

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Wan Dao Xiaguang swayed down, covering Huiyue Forest with a golden veil.

The huge oak tree towering into the clouds is declining at a very fast speed, and countless yellow branches and leaves are falling with the wind, playing an elegy about life.

Colin slowly let go of Elanther, who had lost his voice, but found that the other party's body began to change.


Blossoms of golden flames bloomed on Elanser, but they went out instantly, as if all the vitality had been burned out.

In this flame of light and extinction, Elanthel gradually grew red feathers, and finally turned into a phoenix!

Seeing this scene, Colin frowned thoughtfully, and his doubts deepened.

The swirling oak branches and leaves slowly fell all over Elancer's body, as if to bury her.

The clouds in the sky suddenly exploded, and a stair condensed from the golden holy light extended down from the boundless void, straight to Ke Lin.

Colin had already seen this scene when he was promoted to Legend in Tinder City.

He didn't climb the steps at that time, but this time, he smiled slightly, and his deep eyes seemed to have passed through time and space and saw the end of the steps.

So Colin stepped up the steps.

up, up again.

Away from the mortal world, through the void, Colin saw an altar at the end of the steps.

In the center of the altar stood a huge column with a silver snake wrapped around it—

The silver giant snake that Colin had seen twice in fantasy!

Its body is almost integrated with the cylinder, regardless of each other, it looks a little weird.

"You finally came."

The silver giant opened his mouth, but his tone was old and weak.

"Are you waiting for me?" Colin was cautiously alert.

"Yes." The silver giant snake looked at Colin with extremely complicated eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Humans call me, Lord of Glory."

Colin was shocked, but not too surprised.

He had expected that the one who summoned him was the Lord of Glory, but he didn't expect that the legendary Supreme Lord, the god who dominated the beliefs of mankind, actually—

So miserable.


Colin could feel the weakness of this giant silver snake, exuding an aura that was about to come to the end of his life.

Seemingly seeing the doubts in Colin's eyes, the giant silver snake said again:

"Do you think that the gods who have been worshipped by you are just like that?"

Colin shrugged, but said nothing.

In fact, he didn't have much devout beliefs, so there was no disillusionment at this time.

The silver giant sighed and said:

"Actually, I wasn't really a god at all. Neither of us are, we're just a bunch of pitiful bastards who want to be gods..."

Hearing this, Colin couldn't help but say:

"If I'm not mistaken, you should all be Druids who survived from the ancient times, right?"

"That's right." The silver giant snake's eyes showed unconcealed surprise, "You are really smart, and you have already guessed it."

Colin licked the corner of his mouth and said:

"Then Elanser, who fought with me just now, should be the goddess of fate of the elves' beliefs, right?"

"Yes, the goddess of fate 'Phoenix', the lord of glory 'Silver Snake', the god of war 'White Wolf', the god of destruction 'Goshawk', the god of storm 'Monitor Lizard'... the so-called mortal races serve 'Gods', but we druids who survived the ancient times."

Colin's eyes flashed and he asked again:

"So, there has never been a god in this world, and it's all you ninth-order demigods who are pretending?"

Silver Snake laughed and said:

"It is true that there has never been an existence above the ninth order in this world. The so-called gods are not only the imagination of mortal creatures, but also our delusions.

However, we did find a way to break through the shackles of the ninth-order. If we succeed, we may truly become an omnipotent god! "

"This so-called road,

It must be a belief system, right? But how come you guys don't seem to be successful? "

"Yes. We firmly believe that the belief system can indeed help break through the ninth order, but we did fail because we found a serious problem..."


"This is going to start with the war between the elves and dragons in ancient times...

As recorded in ancient mortal books, the giant dragon family is the only race capable of giving birth to demigods, which is why they have been able to dominate the world for thousands of years.

At that time, the most powerful Druid of our elves was only an eighth-order legend, far from being an opponent of the demigod dragon.

At that time, the elves were only vassal races that were subservient to the giant dragons.

Until later, some powerful druids in the elves gradually mastered a terrible power - forbidden spell.

The forbidden spells circulating among the mages now are just some skins of the ancient forbidden spells. The real ancient forbidden spells are extremely powerful. They can easily move mountains and reclaim the sea, destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and even for demigods, it is a a huge threat.

But similar to today's Forbidden Spell, the casting of the Ancient Forbidden Spell also requires Druids to pay a great price, so it can only be used as a means of deterrence.

However, this aroused the fear of the dragons, and they wanted to eliminate this threat, so they decided to cut off the inheritance of the Druids.

Of course, the Druid refused to be captured, so he led the elves to fight back, and finally started the war between dragons and elves that lasted for thousands of years.

In the early days of the war, the giant dragon had a huge advantage. After all, the giant dragon family had real demigods, and our druids could only reluctantly threaten each other by relying on the expensive forbidden spell.

But at the end of the war, the elves once again ushered in a turning point.

The reason is that a Druid has developed a brand-new transformation arcana through the remains of ancient beasts that have been exterminated by giant dragons.

Using this arcane spell, the druid can take the form of an ancient beast and gain some of its powers and talents.

You must know that although these ancient beasts have been exterminated by giant dragons, they have also deeply threatened the existence of giant dragons, and there are also demigod-level powerhouses among them.

Although the transformed Druid has not yet reached the strength of the ninth-order demigod, he has already surpassed the eighth-order. With the advantage of the number of elves, it is possible to fight the dragon head-on.

Gradually, the balance of war began to tilt, and the dragon was defeated in front of the druid who mastered the arcane transformation, and was eventually exterminated.

The elves, or more precisely, the druids of the elves, became the masters of the world.

We called ourselves the High Elves and established a new reign.

Under the circumstance of being invincible in the world, the Druids began to concentrate on the study of arcane magic, especially the transformation arcane art. We firmly believe that this arcane art contains the secret that allows us to break through the shackles of the eighth order.

The first to make a breakthrough was 'Phoenix' Elanser. She discovered the secret of faith and established the Church of Destiny among the elves, gathered a large number of believers, and began to develop family members - that is, the elves today. The so-called 'professional' ranger.

Through this belief system, Elancer quickly broke through the shackles of the eighth order and reached the real ninth order.

The sudden change in Elanser's strength quickly attracted the attention of other druids, and everyone united to force Elanser to hand over the secret.

Subsequently, various churches sprang up among the elves, and the druids frantically divided the elves' beliefs.

At the same time, a war for faith was started.

There are also some druids who have taken a different approach, thinking that since elves can provide faith, can other races also do it?

Therefore, the battle for faith began to spread to the major races in the world, humans, trolls, orcs, Naga... all were not spared.

However, in this process, we discovered another phenomenon, that is, the beliefs of different races cannot be integrated.

For example, Elanser, since she accepted the belief of the elves, she can no longer absorb the beliefs of humans.

Thus, inter-racial warfare gradually turned into intra-racial warfare.

After all, Elanser had a first-mover advantage. Her Fate Church was the first to unify the beliefs of the elves and became the only god served by the elves—the Goddess of Fate.

Later, several other major races also completed the unification one after another, 'white wolf' Wrynn became the only god served by trolls - the god of war, and 'goshawk' Magni became the only god served by orcs - destruction God, 'Monitor' Alonso became the only god served by the Naga - the God of Storms, and humans..."

Having said that, Silver Snake suddenly stopped and looked at Colin with complicated eyes.

Colin said thoughtfully:

"I'm afraid it wasn't you who was the first to unify the beliefs of mankind?"

Silver Snake smiled slightly and said:

"Yeah, it was indeed not me who unified the beliefs of mankind at first, but Wensos the Blood Bat. He was the original Lord of Glory."

"Blood bat..." Colin chanted the Druid's nickname, and strengthened his guess, "Could it be that I accepted the inheritance of this 'blood bat' Wensos?"

"Yes. After the 'blood bats' unified the beliefs of humans, we discovered a terrible problem. That is, humans can gradually nibble other races!"

"Nibbling?" Colin immediately understood what the silver snake meant, "You mean that humans are the only race that does not have reproductive isolation from other major races, right?"

"Reproductive isolation?" Silver Snake apparently heard this term for the first time, but quickly understood, "Yes, through the incompatibility of racial beliefs, several of the most powerful Druids have already After dividing the sphere of influence, the elves' faith belongs to the goddess of fate, the trolls' faith belongs to the god of war, and the orcs' faith belongs to the god of destruction...

But humans have become an exception!

Because they can intermarry with other races and give birth to children, and these half-elfs, half-trolls, half-orcs... and so on can actually transmit their beliefs to the 'blood bat'!

This gives the 'blood bat' a great advantage in this battle for faith. If things go on like this, the new race of the rest of the metahumans will grow stronger and stronger, and the 'blood bat' can also use this method to gradually eat away the other half The Faith of God Druids!

This obviously made the 'blood bat' offend the public anger, so the four demigod druids immediately united to strangle the 'blood bat'! "

Colin suddenly remembered a record in the Holy Codex and asked:

"Could it be that what is recorded in the holy scriptures is that the Lord of Glory sacrificed himself for the future of mankind, sprinkled his flesh and blood on the earth, and strengthened the power of mankind, which is actually alluded to?"

"Yes. The most powerful ability of the 'blood bat' is immortality, but this is not true immortality. There is no immortal life in this world, unless it is a real god.

He was torn to shreds by the four demigod druids and completely obliterated, but he was indeed very powerful, and he actually used this method to integrate his heritage into the blood of mankind.

Since then, humans have a very small chance of awakening, mastering the innate skills of the 'blood bat' and becoming his successor..."

Colin thought about the Great Emperor of Ghana who made him feel very kind, and immediately realized:

"So before me, Garner San Lorenzo was the first human to awaken the heritage of the 'Blood Bat'?"

"No. He's not the first, there are several before him." Silver Snake smiled lightly, "but naturally they all ended badly."

Seeing the doubts on Colin's face, Silver Snake continued to explain:

"After the death of the 'blood bat', human beings were torn apart, and a group of druids, including me, began to carve up the beliefs of human beings, but since the four demigod druids did not want to see another new 'blood bat' The birth of the bat', it monitors the movements of human beings at any time and prevents the unification of human beings.

Moreover, they also keep an eye on the birth of human powerhouses. If they find out that they may be the inheritors of the 'blood bat', they will kill them without hesitation! "

Colin couldn't help but ask:

"Then how did the Great Emperor of Ghana survive like this? How did he establish a unified human empire?"

Silver Snake smiled bitterly and said:

"Because, our faith becomes the way of God, and new problems have arisen..."

Ke Lin looked at the weak demigod in front of him and thoughtfully said:

"Could it be... is this method backfired?"

"Yes." The silver snake wriggled its body with difficulty, and immediately showed pain.

Moreover, Ke Lin also noticed that the body of the silver snake was really fused with the cylinder, and the slightest movement would be stripped of flesh and blood.

"You see? The belief system has made us, but it has also bound us firmly. And, as time goes on, this binding has become more and more terrible, and it has even begun to assimilate us!

Not just me, all druids who have taken this approach have had this problem and can't solve it!

If things go on like this, we will only be overwhelmed by the vast power of faith and become mindless puppets.

Hehe, maybe, this is the real appearance of the gods..."

Colin remembered the holy pools overflowing with the power of faith below the church, and immediately understood: "No wonder you don't absorb the power of faith anymore."

"Yes, we dare not absorb it any more. However, even if we no longer take the initiative to absorb it, the assimilation process will continue, but the speed has slowed down a little. It will not be long before we will be completely swallowed by this belief system." Yin The snake sighed, and then said again, "But only one person is the exception!"


"Iranthel, Goddess of Fate!"


"Because she absorbs the faith of the elves."

Colin immediately woke up: "Could it be that the key to not being assimilated by the belief system is to absorb the beliefs of the same kind?"

"Yes." Silver Snake nodded, "When we discovered that Elancer was the only Druid who was not affected by assimilation, we thought she had discovered a mystery, so we united again to question her.

But she bluntly stated that she has no secrets, and the secrets of the belief system have long been announced.

At first, everyone naturally wouldn't believe it, so they joined forces to attack her.

Elanthel is stronger than us, but after all, outnumbered, he was quickly beaten to death by us.

In the end, even when we have destroyed her altar of faith, so that she can no longer continue to absorb the power of faith, we still haven't got the "secret" we want.

Only then did we wake up to the fact that the secret did not exist at all.

The reason why Elancer was not assimilated was only because she absorbed the beliefs of the same race, while other Druids absorbed the beliefs of different races, so assimilation problems occurred. "

Hearing this, Colin finally understood why the Goddess of Order was so strong and hard-working, and why the elves were reduced to what they are today.

Immediately, he thought of another question:

"Then why did she mislead me several times with her designs? What happened to the Great Emperor of Ghana? Is it also related to Elanser?"

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