The Only Normal Human In The Universe

Vol 2 Chapter 184: eliminate female worms

An Yan didn't think too much about it, but he was a little hesitant to see Cheng, so he asked again: "Why don't you tell me what you want me to do later? Maybe that matter. Simple for me?"

Cheng Yi replied carefully: "We have to destroy the female worm before it launches a mental attack."

"It sounds very difficult, but I have studied it before, it is not impossible," Cheng Yi deliberately slowed down his tone, as if this matter is really not that difficult, "We As long as you first break through the Zerg surrounded by the female worm, and then hit five physical attacks in a row before the female worm is about to launch a mental attack, it will never have a chance to launch a mental attack."

This description sounds simple, but it is very difficult to operate.

In the previous battle between humans and the Zerg, the Zerg showed a very crazy and powerful attack, but now in order to protect the female insect, they will only inspire a more powerful force, even desperate Guarding around the female insects is their instinctive mission, which cannot be stopped by any weapon.

So trying to tear a gap out of the Zerg who are surrounded by the female insects is a very laborious thing, not to mention the five consecutive hits after that.

The reason why you must hit five consecutive hits without interruption is because once the middle is interrupted, the female worm will immediately launch a mental attack.

In this case, the difficulty of these five attacks is undoubtedly very large, not only must the attack be continuously launched without gaps, but also must hit the female insect every time, otherwise as long as one fails, Then all previous efforts will be in vain.

Cheng Yi chose to cooperate with Lu Chen before, because he wanted to use the tiger's sharp blade to open the gap of the Zerg and give Lu Chen a chance to attack physically, as long as he opened a big enough gap, Lu Chen The mecha control ability should be enough to complete five consecutive hit attacks.

But the problem is, Lu Chen doesn't want to cooperate with him at all.

The reason why Cheng Yi did not force him to do what he said was because five hit attacks could prevent the female worm from launching a mental attack. He himself is very sure of this conclusion, but there is no sufficient basis to prove it.

In this case, how could he use this conclusion to convince Lu Chen, who was already very hesitant?

Instead of having some unnecessary disputes and wasting more time, it is better to just give up from the beginning.

"Does it have to be a physical attack?" Hearing Cheng Yi's description, An Yan thought about it for a while and asked, "Can you use spiritual power to launch an attack?"

Spiritual power... Hearing these two words, Cheng Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, how could he ignore such an important existence!

Although the little guy's spiritual power is a combination of human spiritual power, it doesn't seem to be much different from the spiritual power now, but Cheng Yi knows better than anyone how much the little guy's spiritual power actually contains A powerful force against the sky.

If it is the mental power of other people, it may not pose any threat to the female insect at all, so the problem can only be solved by physical attack.

But if it is a little guy, his spiritual attack is definitely much better than ordinary physical attacks, and there is no need to worry about attack speed and accuracy.

And this way, he doesn't need to worry about the light on the little guy being seen by others.

This kind of thinking may be a bit selfish, but Cheng also really hopes that the light on the little guy is only seen and owned by him.

"Yes," Cheng Yi immediately gave a positive answer, "The female worm's spiritual power attack is indeed very powerful, but its body is also very fragile, you just need to make sure that your spiritual power falls on it That's fine with you."

An Yan nodded immediately: "I see."

Cheng Yi emphasized a few more points to An Yan, and was about to take action when Lu Chen suddenly panicked: "The mother insect seems to be moving! Is it going to launch a mental attack?! "

Cheng Yi immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the female insect, because the female insect was completely surrounded by the Zerg, he could not see the female insect at all, but the restlessness of the nearby Zerg was clear at a glance.

Lu Chen is right, this is indeed a sign that the female insect is about to attack!

Cheng Yi's pupils shrank slightly, and she rushed in the direction of the female worm.

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked and mourned when they saw this scene. Some audience members even closed their eyes in despair, and didn't dare to see what was about to happen next.

No matter how fast Cheng Yi's speed was, it was too late to stop the female worm's mental attack. At that moment, although he acted very decisively without the slightest hesitation, his heart was already covered by despair .

He should have acted sooner!

A little earlier, even a little bit, and they can stop the female worm from launching a psychic attack!

It's too late!

In that brief moment, Cheng Yi's movements did not stop at all, but many thoughts flashed in his mind.

He remembered that the first time he saw the little guy, he was holding a red apple with a greedy look on his face.

Thinking of the serious look he smiled and called himself "Senior".

Thinking of his shy and expectant look when he said he liked him.

Think of…

It was not Cheng Yi who took the initiative to recall these, but these pictures jumped out of his memory and appeared in front of his eyes.

Just as these memories flashed one by one, making Cheng Yi feel extremely nostalgic and extremely heavy, a dazzling white light spread from the direction of the female worm, and soon extended to his before.

This is the psychic attack of the female insect. It looks like warm sunlight, but it can kill countless lives in an instant.

Cheng Yi thought that he was about to usher in a cold death, but when the white light touched the mecha, the ring on the white tiger's claws instantly exuded an incomparably soft glow White light.

This soft light is not as dazzling as the female worm's mental attack, but it is extremely strong to block the dazzling white light that has extended to the front, and form around the mecha A soft aperture was formed, and a faint fluorescent light surrounded the entire mecha, gently protecting it.

At the same time, a part of the soft fluorescent light quickly stabbed in the direction of the female worm as sharp filaments like vines.

The scene in front of him was completely beyond Cheng Yi's expectations, but he only opened his eyes slightly, and then he immediately came back to his senses and rushed towards the female insect with the fluorescent light.

During this process, An Yan, who was also quite surprised, was not idle. After realizing that his spiritual power could actually dispel the spiritual attack of the female insect, he immediately mobilized a part of his spiritual power. He protected Lu Chen who was not far away.

At this time, the female worm's mental power attack is still extending farther, An Yan's mental power moves out at a faster speed, whenever she finds the trace of human beings, she immediately uses Spiritual power protects them.

Thanks to An Yan's spiritual power being sufficient and flexible enough to use, otherwise it would be really difficult to keep up with the spread of the female worm's spiritual power attack.

An Yan used his power to protect human beings one after another, and at the same time did not forget the task entrusted to him by Cheng Yi.

He used his spiritual power to cooperate with Cheng and successfully eliminated the female insect. The whole process was much simpler and easier than he imagined.

The Zerg who lost their female worms fell into madness, but no matter how mad they were, they were quickly and completely suppressed when facing Cheng Yi's sharp blade.

Of course, although Cheng Yi's mecha is in the form of a white tiger, tiger teeth, claws, and tiger tails are indeed his important attacking weapons, but this does not mean that there are no other mechas on this mecha weapons.

As an advanced mecha, this white tiger mecha has all the weapons that other mechas have, and it will only be more advanced than them.

Now Cheng Yi is using two different attacking weapons at the same time, while blasting a few laser cannons and swinging a few claws, a Zerg brush will fall down.

Of course, An Yan was not idle. After completing the rescue work, he immediately joined the battle to eliminate the Zerg, using his spiritual power to poke non-stop, just like poke bubbles Yes, a poke and a quasi, not to mention the joy.

The atmosphere on the field was relaxed and happy, but the atmosphere in some places was still stagnant.

In the senior conference room of the military department, the expressions on everyone's faces are extremely solemn, even before the problem is solved, and their eyes are all directed to the electronic screen in the center of the conference room.

What was played on the electronic screen was the scene where An Yan's spiritual power blocked the female insect's spiritual attack, protected the humans present, and helped Cheng Yi to eliminate the female insect.

This video has been played five full times in this conference room, and it continues to repeat, but no one seems bored, they all stare without blinking Looking at the picture in the video, I tried to discover the hidden secret through my wide eyes, but the result was obviously unsuccessful.

When this video was played for the sixth time, someone immediately said eagerly: "Play it again!"

Every time the video is finished, someone will immediately speak like this, and the people who speak are different.

But after someone said this this time, an objection sounded: "Don't look at it."

Everyone immediately followed the voice and glared at them, and then embarrassedly found that it was Admiral Zheng who spoke. "But we haven't figured it out yet."

Admiral Zheng frowned and snorted coldly: "With the minds of you people, even if you read it a hundred times, you won't be able to get a clue!"

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