"He can't die."

After listening to the doctor's sorry answer,Ji Shanhong didn't even glance at Ji Cheying who was late, he asked forcefully: "Have you tried your best? Go and save him. He must not die!"

The doctors did not dare to straighten their waists, and could only say with great sadness and regret: "Indeed,I did everything I could. The bullet that hit His Highness was a blasting bullet,  ;As soon as he entered the palace,the fragments exploded by the bullet completely shattered His Highness's heart, and it was no longer enough on the way here.We are only doctors, and we can't save a dead person."

Ding Fei heard this terrifying description,She finally couldn't hold it at this moment and fell directly to the ground.

In pain,she whined and cried loudly.

Ji Shanhong closed his eyes heavily,he restrained his emotions extremely,but still leaked a little out of control,“I want to See for yourself." He still didn't believe it.

Then walked towards the emergency room without hesitation.

However, Henry suddenly stepped aside and blocked Ji Shanhong.

Ji Shanhong looked at Henry coldly and asked, "What is this?"

A gentle word,but it pressed down on Henry like a boulder.

Henry resisted the urge to retreat, and he said stubbornly: "The Major General has orders not to let anyone approach the emergency room,including you,Marshal."

Ji Shanhong raised his eyebrows, turned sideways, and looked at Ji Cheying behind him.

"I know Your Highness has a close relationship with you, but this is not the time for you to be self-willed." His voice was calm, with an aura that couldn't be refused, "Tell them to get out of the way."

Ding Fei didn't know how it could develop like this, especially when she found that Ji Cheying didn't seem to have any intention of backing down.


It's time, what are they thinking?

Ji Cheying walked steadily in front of Ji Shanhong, his already sharp eyes were like a cold pool at the moment, "You dragged him into all this, you are not qualified to see him."

As a military marshal, Ji Shanhong, even though he is usually mild-mannered, no one can ignore the aura of a superior in him. .

So, everyone's first reaction when they saw Ji Shanhong was to be stunned.

But at this moment, the people present suddenly found that before such a momentum, this young imperial general was not at all inferior.

Ji Shanhong was even more stunned. Although he was not close to Ji Cheying at first, at this moment he found that the other party was even stranger.

It seems to have grown from a little wolf to a wolf king.

Ji Shanhong's mind suddenly flashed the moment he learned of the death of His Highness.

It's been so long, but that memory still makes him feel pain in his heart, as if the pain remains, and it can't heal up to now.

Clenching his fist restrainedly, Ji Shanhong had mixed feelings in his heart, and he looked at Ji Cheying suddenly with a bit of pity in his eyes.

"I may not go." Finally, he gave in.

Ji Shanhong took the lead to look away, then he looked at his deputy, "Go in and have a look."

He seemed to make amends for his previous intentions, and also seemed to find a reasonable reason, he said without refusal: "His Royal Highness's life and death, the military has the right and the obligation to confirm, Not to be hasty."

"I have to give the royal family and the public a word."

Ji Cheying's muscles were tense, his hands were in his trouser pockets, and the pressure on his body was uncontrollably released because of his emotional instability.

He sneered, "Have you really seen him as a human?"

Then without turning his head, he walked towards the rescue room, his pace was getting faster and faster, and only the one that looked chilling was left in his eyes.

Ji Shanhong's deputy was a little hesitant. Ji Shanhong said lightly, "Go and confirm carefully, and then tell me the result."

"Yes, Marshal."

Henry knew that in the end Ji Cheying actually acquiesced to the entry of his deputy, so he didn't stop him, just exhorted: "Please also as soon as possible."

The deputy nodded, "Understood."

The beloved dies, Major General Ji must want to be alone with him.

Ding Fei looked at this situation and wanted to go in with her. She didn't believe that Xie Quan had died like this. What a joke, how could he just die like this?

So she wiped her tears and got up from the ground, but before taking a few steps, Henry stopped her.

"Sorry, the rest are not allowed in."

The deputy followed Ji Cheying into the emergency room. Even though there were many instruments in the emergency room, there was still a **** smell. In the center of the room was the newly pushed hospital bed. , and Xie Quan was lying on it.

The dead person does not feel, but perhaps it is unbearable, or perhaps to cover the wound on his chest, the doctor still covers him with a thin layer of cloth.

Ji Cheying didn't move, he stood a few meters away from the bed, like he was stupid, and he didn't dare to approach, just stayed there, looking at the person on the bed with pain .

The deputy sighed in his heart, and then he looked at the life sign detector next to his eyes, just as the doctors said, whether it is heartbeat or brain activity is already a flat line, Signs of life have completely disappeared.

He walked to the bedside and wanted to reach out and lift the thin cloth to take a look at the wound, but at this moment a low and hoarse voice came, "You dare to touch him and try."

He stretched out his hand, probed Xie Quan's breath, and took a closer look at Xie Quan.

No snorting, no chest heaving.

He took a step back, bowed to Ji Cheying, and said, "Major General, please condolences."

Ji Cheying closed her eyes, the killing intent and arrogance in her eyes were barely suppressed, "Go away."

The deputy quickly exited the room, and no one wanted to face a top Alpha who had just lost his partner.

Ji Shanhong saw him come out and asked, "How?"

The deputy replied: "I have confirmed it carefully, Your Highness does... Do you need to notify the royal family immediately?"

Ji Shanhong frowned, his face heavy, "Notice."

I never imagined that people actually died.

He sighed wearily, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Has he been planning so carefully for such a long time, and it just fell through?

Then why did he persist for so many years?

Now Joan's only bloodline is dead...he can't even do that for Joan.

For the first time, Henry and Ji Shanhong's deputy saw Ji Shanhong with such an expression, fragile, confused, and very tired. He seemed to have been drained of vitality in an instant, and suddenly grew old.

The deputy couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Marshal..."

However, Ji Shanhong just took a deep look at the direction of the emergency room, then turned around and took people away.

"Check, whoever moves, must catch the person."

"Also, contact Ham right away."

He wants to stabilize the situation quickly.

In any case, he had to make a last attempt.

After waiting for the people to leave, Ji Cheying slowly walked to Xie Quan's bedside, and then his tense body finally loosened, and he was next to the bedside in a posture of almost losing strength kneel down.

Looking at Xie Quan's sleeping appearance, his jaw line collapsed tightly, he exhaled a long breath, but even the movement of exhalation brought an uncontrollable trembling.

Before Concubine Ding was right, Ji Cheying was trembling.

Even on the way, I could barely drive because my hands were shaking too much.

That's why he delayed.

"Xie Quan..." He called softly.

After a few minutes, a secret door on the wall of the emergency room was suddenly pushed open, Yan Siyu came out, and he said, "Ji Shanhong has taken someone away..." He Seeing Ji Cheying kneeling beside the bed, his body was full of anger, and the pheromones emanating from him, he frowned.

"He's not dead."

I didn't ask him what was wrong, and didn't say anything else, Yan Siyu just emphasized this fact to make Ji Cheying sober.

I am afraid that seeing Xie Quan's appearance of the living dead, the intense fear deceived himself.

Ji Cheying's head was against the edge of the bed, he closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembled, and he was breathing heavily, even panting.

"I know."

"He's not dead."

Yan Siyu came over, frowning a little worriedly, he said, "Your shot was very accurate, and it was embedded in the prepared protective layer of the heart, he is just because of the bullet His impulse was slightly wounded, and when the effect of the medicine wears off, he will be able to open his eyes immediately."

Yes, all of this is a strategy designed by Xie Quan.

People gather for profit. As long as the profit disappears, Ji Shanhong's group will naturally be scattered.

And his plan is very simple, only two steps.

The first step is to let the world know the truth of Beta.

Second step, let him die in front of everyone.

The former can make Ji Shanhong lose the support of Beta, and the latter can make Ji Shanhong give up on him completely.

Xie Quan said at the time, "I need a gun that I trust enough to hit my heart in front of everyone."

"I am confident that the shield I designed will not be penetrated by bullets, but it is very difficult to hit accurately at such a distance."

Ji Cheying did not agree at first, it was too dangerous.

If the shooter deviates slightly, then Xie Quan will die.

But he couldn't stop Xie Quan, let alone refuse.

So, he took the gun.

He asked, "Do you believe me?"

Xie Quan stared into his eyes and replied, "I only trust you."

At that time, Ji Cheying completely compromised, he smiled helplessly and bitterly, "You are so cruel."

Let him take a gun and aim it at the heart of the one he loves.

At the time above the clock tower, he aimed the sight at Xie Quan's heart, pulled the trigger, and fired the most prudent and most feared shot in his life. It will probably be his nightmare forever and ever.

Even at this moment, knowing that Xie Quan was safe and sound, and that his shot had no accident, he still couldn't control the chills all over his body. The hands holding the gun trembled even more.

When he shot, he used all his courage and self-control to suppress his thoughts and his fears.

Because he can't panic or be afraid, he must shoot that shot with the calmest mind.

However, at the moment after the trigger was pulled, those previously suppressed emotions seemed to be backlashed, swallowing all his sanity.

Fear made him unable to breathe, and even when he was gasping for breath, he didn't seem to get a breath of air.

Until now, with the familiar lime pheromone smell in the air, he was able to breathe like a fish back in the water.

It's all right.

Everything is fine.

He is alive.

He is alive...

Reluctantly suppressed his emotions, Ji Cheying raised his head and looked at Xie Quan's pale face, he resisted the urge to look away and said, "Hurry up and let the next step. He got out quickly."

The author has something to say:Originally, I could reveal the truth of Xie Quan's suspended animation in the next chapter.

However, I'm afraid that any further delay will scare you away.

Originally, this chapter should have been updated yesterday, but I wrote it yesterday, and I always felt that the writing was not very good. Forget it, I changed it today, hehe.


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