The mysterious resurrected card maker

Chapter 47 Confrontation with Ghost Smiling Face


The ghost baby just approached.

A pair of bloody handprints appeared on the ghost baby, and then dense bloody handprints covered the ghost baby.

These bloody handprints don't look big. They look like children of six or seven years old playing around, slapping randomly with their hands stained with bloody fuel.

But the strange thing was that Si Ye couldn't see any figure at all.

He couldn't even be sure whether it was the bloody handprint of the evil ghost, or whether there was an invisible ghost patting the ghost baby.

Without hesitation, Si Ye quickly took out a flash sticker and put it on the ghost baby to help the ghost baby resist this unknown blood handprint attack.

From the current point of view, the ghost baby is still very helpful to Si Ye.

"Have you already taken action? Then it's my turn, Ghost Eye! Help me fight my last!"

Si Ye stretched out his hand, activated his soul posture, and suddenly a card condensed in his hand.

After Si Ye condensed this card, he didn't even look at what it was and used it at a cost of one card.

In an instant, a scarlet ghost eye appeared between Si Ye's eyebrows.

Red light emerged from his body, and a small ghost shrouded the surroundings.

The ghosts shrouded the place where the bloody handprints were, but unfortunately, Si Ye did not see any figure.

If you can't see the ghost, then the ghost eyes of the ghost are not strong enough, or the way the ghost exists is this bloody handprint.

Originally, Si Ye planned to directly use the supernatural power of the groom's suit to summon a sedan chair to hit the ghost. Now that he has no body, the trouble of the bloody handprint has increased.

"Even so, I'm not helpless."

Si Ye took out another card, (Equipment Card: Bride) Betrothal and Dowry.

Si Ye once again consumed a card to activate this card, giving himself the ability to temporarily attract ghosts.

But at this time, the surroundings changed again.

The moment Si Ye gained the power to attract ghosts, a dark wind suddenly blew up.

The newspapers scattered nearby were blown up by the cold wind. One side of each newspaper was stained with blood, and there was an outline of a human face on it.

As the bloody newspaper swept over, the faces on the newspaper had their mouths cracked one by one.

"Chuck! Cluck!"

Weird laughter rang out from the faces in the newspapers. The laughter was extremely cold, yet so contagious that Si Ye couldn't help but want to laugh along with him.

"This is Tong Qian's smiling face. Did the ghost become so scary after getting Tong Qian's smiling face?"

The power of the ghost smiling face and the ghost crying face are the same, it's just that one is crying and the other is laughing.

Si Ye felt that after the newspaper ghost got the ghost's smiling face, it was far more weird than the grave-weeper ghost who didn't lose the ghost's crying face.

The newspaper ghost can remove other people's faces from the newspaper in his hand, and remove countless faces and put them on the newspaper, making them laugh together.

Even if these faces are just ordinary people's faces, they can increase the power of Ghost Smiley's laughter to a new level.

After the cries of the grave-crying ghosts were superimposed, even Yang Jian, the actual owner of the ghost eyes, could not use the ghost to resist.

Si Ye, who could only use one ghost eye and borrowed some of Yang Jian's supernatural ghost powers, was even more unable to resist the laughter of Ghost Smiling Face.

The only way to avoid being killed by this cursed laughter is to completely block your ears. It is best to become deaf. As long as you can't hear the slightest sound, then you are safe.

But it was obviously impossible for Si Ye to do this.

He stretched out his hand and waved to the bloody handprints that kept hitting the ground.

He wants to control these bloody handprints through the supernatural power of attracting ghosts to destroy the smiling faces that make weird laughter in the newspapers.

The bloody handprint was controlled by Si Ye and the target changed instantly.

Bloody handprints kept patting on these newspapers.

Although Si Ye couldn't be sure how powerful this bloody handprint was, it was a ghost after all.

Whenever a bloody handprint hits a newspaper, the newspaper will immediately lose its function and fall to the ground.

The bloody handprints and the newspaper ghost started a confrontation, and new newspapers kept appearing around them.

Whenever a new newspaper appears, bloody fingerprints will be slapped on it immediately to prevent the smiling faces on the newspaper from laughing.

"Little guy, go and eat those faces for me."

Si Ye looked at the ghost baby and gave it new orders.

A ghost baby needs to eat people to grow up in its early stages. Si Ye would not kill ghost babies to eat.

Now the ghost faces on these newspapers are a big threat to Si Ye. In this case, let the ghost babies eat the faces on these newspapers.

This will not only allow the ghost baby to grow, but also reduce the threat of ghost faces to Si Ye.

But these are nothing.

For Si Ye, the real threat was the ghostly laughter, which was an indiscriminate range attack.

Moreover, Ghost Smiling Face's sounds can be superimposed, and each echo can double Ghost Smiling Face's power.

As long as you give the ghost some time to smile and allow the laughter to reverberate and overlap to a certain extent, the horror of this ghost is not much weaker than the source of the evil ghost in S-level supernatural events.

While he was controlling the ghost baby and the blood handprints, Si Ye's face already showed a smile that was about to follow the weird laughter.

Si Ye originally wanted to attract ghosts from newspaper ghosts, but unfortunately, his own level of terror could not reach the level of the bride.

His use of ghost-calling powers is simply not the same as that of the bride, who can remotely control a terrifying ghost.

Coupled with the fact that the newspaper ghost found the puzzle piece of the ghost smiling face, the current level of terror was no longer something Si Ye could easily control.

Not to mention that Si Ye couldn't find the newspaper ghost at all.

Relying on the protection of the groom's uniform, Si Ye resisted the urge to laugh and quickly thought about how to deal with it next.

The easiest way is undoubtedly to summon the ghost father, with the ghost father's terror and the rules of the father and the son.

The ghost father will immediately find the source of harm to Si Ye and restrain the source Li Gui.

Another way is to release the bride.

As long as the bride steps out of the golden coffin, given the bride's level of terror, she should be able to control the newspaper ghost.

No matter how bad it is, it can still interfere with the newspaper ghost and fight for the control of the ghost's smiling face.

Thinking of this, Si Ye suddenly recalled.

It seems that the newspaper ghost's body has been transferred to Tong Qian.

The female receptionist's body downstairs is actually a newspaper ghost in disguise.

In this way, although the newspaper ghost got the ghost's smiling face, it did not put the smiling face on itself.

It's just that the newspaper ghost has the ability to specialize in memory and subconsciousness, so that he can control the behavior of other ghosts when he is not present.

Thinking of this, Si Ye tugged hard on the iron chain on his body. With the blessing of the fierce ghost, his strength was now so great that he could break the iron chain in just an instant.


Without the restraints of the iron chains, the golden coffin hit the floor heavily.

Si Ye pushed open the lid of the golden coffin and shouted to the bride inside.

"Bride, help me take off that smiling face."

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