The Great Worm Lich

Chapter 75: Sanwu Yijun

  The government education funds of the public schools in the United States are actually fairly fair, but the social contributions that each public school can receive are very different.

  Because of the high quality of education in public prestigious schools, most of the enrolled students are high-quality students with a wealthy family. Such children are undoubtedly more likely to succeed because of their excellent family background and educational environment.

   After they succeed, they will either sell their reputations or thank them. They are often willing to provide huge donations to all their alma maters from ‘elementary school’ to ‘university’.

   While ordinary schools are less and less favored by high-quality students, they can only rely on government funding to survive, become less competitive, and fall into a vicious circle.

   Hearing McGrady’s complaints, Zhang Lisheng lined up and moved forward step by step, “If your school also has Lobic’s successful alumni who are willing to donate, you can also do these boring things at a high price.

   I heard from my mother that just this year Lobic received more than 20 million donations from alumni.

  I really hope that those people will know where their donations have been spent. "

   During the speech, it was already Zhang Lisheng and Tracy McGrady's turn to enter.

When the black security guard checked the invitation card, he looked at the thin boy wearing a bloated black jacket and a fresh and lovely **** the side. When he returned the invitation card to Zhang Lisheng, he rarely said: "Young sir, no matter what you do Where to invite the dance partner.

   Remember to leave her behind. "

   "She is just the'necessary' for this dance, and it will be irrelevant to me tomorrow." Zhang Lisheng said casually, holding Tina, who was stunned, and passed the fence.

  When Zhang Lisheng was storing his backpack in the storage, suddenly Tracy McGrady recovered and slammed his arm away, saying angrily: "What did you just say I am?"

   "What?" Zhang Lisheng said blankly.

   "Don't install garlic, you said I was the'necessary' for this dance!"


  Just like I hired Willie and Tiffina to help run the business in the slaughterhouse, you are also my indispensable helper for this New Year's ball, what's wrong? "

   Hearing this weird explanation, McGrady was stunned. "But, people are not things, no, I mean how can people use ‘essentials’ to describe them, it’s an insult.”

   "Why can't you describe it like that, you just called me "Frankenstein", is it better than "Necessities"?"

   Tracy McGrady was speechless, saying that George and Linna who had just passed the inspection came to the two, "Hey, why haven't you entered yet?"

   "I just confirmed one thing, and go in now."

   "What's the matter?" George asked curiously.

  Matti took Zhang Lisheng's arm forcibly and said aloud: "Confirm that you "Frankenstein" friend will never find a girlfriend in his life!"

   said she vigorously dragged Zhang Lisheng into the auditorium.

   Lobich High School Auditorium is huge and spacious. A stream of colored lights traverse the ceiling and gather on a fluorescent colored ball that looks more than two meters in diameter. The light is soft and moderate.

   On the ground, in addition to the stage in the north, the other three walls are filled with a table with various delicious snacks and various non-alcoholic drinks.

  The ball has not officially started yet, soothing music has already sounded in the auditorium.

  With the sound of music, waiters in uniforms walked around the auditorium with drinks, serving young gentlemen and ladies, and everything seemed to be perfect.

   When the clock slowly turned to the moment when the ball began, the lights in the auditorium suddenly dimmed, the music stopped abruptly, and a spotlight suddenly turned on and hit the stage.

   A bright red low-cut dress, full of bee waist, long legs, skin is slightly dark, with a delicate luster, mixed race girl, led his male partner to the stage, stood in the spotlight.

   "Who is that, it's so beautiful." Tina stood under the stage, exclaimed like everyone except Zhang Lisheng, and asked enviously.

   "Michelle, the well-deserved Queen of Lobic High School." George said a little excitedly.

   "Dear classmates, who is the most beautiful person at the ball today?" The first sentence on the stage, Michelle asked aloud.

   "It's you, Michelle!" the students under the stage shouted with laughter.

"No, I'm already a twelfth-year old girl, and I'm leaving Lobic now," Michelle said, holding her plump chest sadly with her hand in a sorrow. "Lobic will welcome its new tonight Queen, she will be the most beautiful girl today!

   Have fun girls, because you may be the lucky Queen!

   Have fun, guys, because each of you has the right to vote and choose a new prom queen!

   I announced that the 2013 Lobic New Year’s Ball will now begin..."

  With Michelle's twisting body on the stage, the music in the auditorium rang again and the lights flickered. All the students on the stage could not help cheering and twisting, even Zhang Lisheng, who had a feverish mind, was no exception.

   danced with Zhang Lisheng, Tracy McGrady said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you wouldn't have stood like a wooden man waiting for the dance to end.

   But Mr. Employer, it seems that your dance steps are not proficient. "

   "Can you teach me?" Zhang Lisheng hesitated and asked breathlessly.

   "Oh, your body can be really weak," Tracy McGrady said with a sharp breath when she heard Zhang Lisheng's heavy breathing, "but since you paid to let me go to the ball with you."

   I should at least teach you how to dance. "

   The girl was talking, the lights in the auditorium stopped flashing slowly, dimmed again, and the music gradually became soothing.

   This is because in accordance with the practice of Lobic’s New Year’s ball, after a little lively atmosphere, the first dance is always a close-knit social dance.

  With the rhythm of the dance music, McGrady approached Zhang Lisheng, grabbed the boy's hand, put it on his waist, and slowly danced.

   Two young men and women danced slowly in the dark environment and melodious music, so close to the breathing, even if they are not couples, the atmosphere is inevitable.

  Zhang Lisheng's movements became more and more stiff, and his breathing became more rapid, his face flushed.

   "Mr. Employer, isn't this the first time you dance with a girl?" McGrady noticed something strange and asked funny.

   "It is indeed the first time." Zhang Lisheng said frankly.

   "Did you ever participate in the New Year's ball in junior high school?"

   "I used to live in China. The most important thing for middle school students is to learn from us. There is no such ridiculous thing as a New Year's ball."

   "You are a new immigrant," McGrady said in surprise: "Then your English is really...

   Oh, you stepped on my foot. "

   "Sorry." Zhang Lisheng moved his footsteps, unexpectedly stepping on Tina again.

   "Oh, be careful.

   Be considered, let me lead the dance, you follow my steps.

  Go slowly, yes, it’s good..." In the dark, Tina danced with the clumsy Zhang Lisheng, and finally coped with the first dance of the New Year's ball.

   After the first dance, the genre of the New Year's party will be free of restrictions, and it will become more intense and cheerful, and the young high school students will be happy.

   And the protagonists on this occasion are the ever-changing beautiful, hot cheerleaders, school team athletes, and handsome, humorous fashion guys.

After all, Zhang Lisheng is also a teenager. After dancing for a while, he hasn’t experienced this kind of rice-shaped joy party. He gradually fell in love with the kind of nothing, mixed in the crowd, and twisted his body with music on the dance floor. And feel relaxed.

   He danced for a while, panting for a few drinks, eating a few snacks, dancing for a while, drinking a few drinks, eating snacks, and started to have fun.

But after a few rounds, Tracy McGrady couldn’t stand Zhang Lisheng’s jumping and twisting, the striking and strange'dancing style', taking advantage of the rest girl said: "It's too tired to jump continuously, Mr. Employer, I went to the bathroom, Can I just go out and take a breath?"

"Of course." Zhang Lisheng swayed his body gently, sweating, pointing at a dining table in the corner of the auditorium, and said, "I just can eat a few more snacks. You can go directly to me when you come back." Tracy McQueen rolled his eyes quietly, nodded and turned away, Zhang Lisheng really ran to the dining table in the corner of the auditorium and enjoyed himself.

   Waited for a long time to eat and drink, but he didn't see Tracy when he came back. He was wondering, and suddenly his shoulder was shot.

   looked around in surprise, and behind him was George, who was downcast.

   In the noisy music, he shouted to Zhang Lisheng in the first sentence: "Hey, man, I feel so comforted to see you being thrown away by the girl like you spent money."

   Zhang Lisheng was surprised for a while, and somehow said, "What?"

   "Lina threw me only three dances. It turned out that for her, I was just a ticket to the high school New Year's ball.

   I'm so glad that you had the same experience as me. "

   "I feel sorry for you, George," Zhang Lisheng explained with a smile: "But McGrady just went out and took a breath..."

  Depressed George curled his lips and pointed to the girl who was dancing with a tall boy on the dance floor in the distance. "You are sure."

  Zhang Lisheng looked in the direction of George's finger and found that the girl was wearing a blue dress and seemed to be Tracy McGrady.

   His heart was inexplicably tight, and his face suddenly became somber.

  George raised his finger and suddenly thought of the ‘mystery’ of this friend beside him, and he was immediately filled with regret.

Seeing Zhang Lisheng's face suddenly change color, he said nervously: "Oh, oh, oh, no, Li Sheng, don't be angry.

   It doesn’t matter if you are not welcomed by girls now, you are a typical ‘midfield cheering boy’, and you will have a lot of **** in the future.

   I can conclude that now all the men in this hall add up, and you may not be welcomed by girls in the future. "

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