The Goddess Shines on America

Chapter 503 Non-sensory and super-sensory

"580, 581, 582..."

"654, 655, 666..."

"Um...damn, 01, 02, 03..."

In the darkness, time was slowly passing by, and Vipple had recounted countless times. The surroundings are so quiet that there is no basic reference object. Although she can tap the armrest with her fingers, it is different in nature from the sound of pendulums and water drops, and it cannot last long.

The body is not too tired, and the chair is of high quality, but after a long time, problems will still appear. Vipper deliberately estimated that if someone suddenly untied her, he could get up and escape immediately, even if he was still wearing the silk pajamas.

But the prisoner had no such intention.

The other party didn't even intend to take the damn mouth ball out of her mouth.

Normal saline and glucose injections, which are her current sources of nutrition, and it's amazing, the other party seems to know that she can estimate the passage of time by changing the injection bag, so she put the bag hanging bracket far away from her!

The maintenance of basic nutrition obviously couldn't satisfy the shrinking stomach, the more time passed, the more she would suffer from hunger. This is by no means a pain that can be easily endured. Think about those historical cases of being forced to devour the flesh and blood of their children to the limit. Not eating a meal can make people panic, not to mention how long has she been here?

As for urination...not a problem.

Someone came by on the way. Vipple estimated the time was five minutes. The man took off her pants and installed a catheter for her...

It is simply deceiving, but Vipple knows that this situation will not last long, and people cannot live on glucose injections for a long time. This is physiological common sense.

But how long is this going to last?

"Hasn't it been done for so long?"

On the fourth floor of the research institute, there was an urgently established research team office. Alice walked behind the two programmers: "Now this is... this shit went to Greenland!?"

Monica complained on the other side: "There is no Internet in Greenland."

"D-Of course there is no network." The programmer almost cried: "This is another fake address provided by the other party, according to the international geographical distribution of the existing IP numbers..."

"It's not a broiler, but a fictitious IP address." Alice leaned over: "This skill is not ordinary, but after all, we only started the first step of tracking after several hours from the time of the incident. Of course the other party The most complete defense method has been prepared..."

The cyber war has officially started, and it is now the fourth day. Two seven-person teams work in shifts day and night, searching for traces of the remote hacker 24X7. But once the battle started, it reached a stalemate. The other party hid his IP address behind all the computers in the world, from inducing thinking to maze traps, from being lured by bait to run around the world to repeatedly jumping between several fixed addresses , according to Alice's words, the other party is simply Lu Ban alive, and I give thirty-two likes to this trick!

"Monica, can you guess his real identity? German? Or Eastern Europe, or simply a Soviet scientist?"

Monica stands here swayingly. In the past few days, she can be said to be one of the people who care most about this cyber war.

"It must be the Germans who are the most likely. After World War II, many government scientists fled around the world. It is also very possible to change jobs or train a high-level student in the computer field. Although Ainiac was invented by us in the United States, missiles can It was also invented by them, this skill..."

So the thinking has reached a deadlock again, because the clue of the Draken Company has reached a dead end, and there are currently only two new clues.

"I'll go downstairs to see Brody, won't you follow?"

"Uh... I'd better watch them again... let's play computer."

Alice smiled silently. Over the past few days, Monica has always stayed away from the second floor as much as possible, contrary to her initial normality. A certain little brother lies on the hospital bed every day, no matter who he sees, he always has a bright smile on his face. How can she get close to him casually?

The two employees are little Jiujiu in private, so let them toss about it slowly. The purpose of Alice's visit is very simple.

The room on the second floor of the research institute seems to have become a temporary medical room. Electrocardiogram equipment and various medical instruments are displayed beside the hospital bed. Brody is lying comfortably on the bed, and there is a sunny window on the other side. The beauty can be enjoyed. This is an office location, and there are people who find time to chat with him every day, but it is not so dense that it is a headache. Now, when Alice pushed the door open, he was alone in the room.

"Hey, boss." Brody was looking at the magazine, and raised his head when he heard the sound, "You're here."

"I'm busy upstairs and downstairs!" Alice strolled around the ward with her little hands behind her back. This room was originally empty, so after a little layout, it was exactly the same as a hospital ward. Apart from the fact that the window area is too large, there is even the smell of disinfectant water all around!

Brody put down the magazine. He was wearing a hospital gown, and his soldier's head had been carefully taken care of. Even though he was a patient, he was a character that could make countless little nurses fall in love with him.

Cannian, Alice will not be fooled by his bright smile, she waved her hand carelessly and said, "Show me your wound."

Brody lifted the quilt as he said, and lifted up his shirt.

Well, the muscle mass is pretty good.

The gauze had obviously just been changed, but it was a thousand and eight thousand years earlier than the critical period, so Alice pulled the gauze off very rudely. Perfect abdominal muscles, um, and those six bullet holes. Although it was only five days before and after, the new flesh was growing well, and the little belly was pink, and it was obvious that it would be completely healed in another week.

"Is it so powerful...?" Alice smacked her lips and said, "It seems that I have to look at the latest developments of Delof soon, if we can develop several in one go like Iron Man's battle suit. Advanced model, then you can really become... Batman?"

But there is no meaning to underestimate, clean and jerk 800 pounds, catch the arrow shot by the Green Arrow with his bare hands, the speed is comparable to the best human sprinter, the endurance is comparable to the human decathlon champion, and he can hold his breath underwater for 5 minutes and 15 seconds. The flexibility of the Chinese acrobat and Olympic gymnastics champion. Don't look at these project lists, it seems that "that's the case", but if it is really integrated...

Didn't you see that Batman Boss really ignores all normal minions who aren't super criminals? That also includes special forces!

"Batman...that's an amazing character." Now that this topic was mentioned, Brody also looked at his body. He clenched his fists, his joints cracked, and the muscles in his arms swelled up, and he knew it was not a fist or a leg.

"So heal the wound as soon as possible, buddy, and then we still have more experiments that need you to participate." Alice looked at her subordinates flexing their muscles happily, but she was not afraid of hot eyes at all: "As soon as soma is on the market, most of the research team's manpower will be exhausted." He is doing logistics support work, but Delof has a lot of free time, you have to find something for him to do~"

"Boss, I think it should be fine now." Brody frowned, lying on the bed all the time, he had plenty of time to think wildly: "For enhancer users, the ability to move in a state of minor injury should also be very important The data, right? You have also seen the recovery ability of my wounds, even if I do some large-scale activities, at worst, it will be delayed for three or two days?"

The bullet pierced the wound, and the zero-distance shooting of the 5mm small-caliber projectile failed to penetrate the internal organs, but was only inlaid in the abdominal muscle layer. This is already a miraculous result. The defensive power, and now the recovery power is also fully displayed. The tender red color, the light wound, and even the large-scale bleeding have long been stopped, and it took only five days.

"It makes sense. After all, in the long run, it is impossible for us to allow every wounded soldier to receive medical treatment immediately. The ability to continue fighting on the battlefield with temporary medical measures and self-recovery power is indeed the intelligence that needs to be collected. In this way, Bruce Dee, after you have lunch today, report to DeLove immediately, I believe he will be happy to have another mouse on hand."

This sentence touched Brody's nerves: "By the way, boss, that female spy..."

"It's still closed." Alice said with a smile: "Derloff has been analyzing the ingredients of her stunner these two days. Speaking of which, buddy, you were sprayed by that thing twice. How do you feel?"

"... dizzy." Brody frowned: "So after being shot, I couldn't stand up for a long time, and even my breathing rate weakened, but it made that woman think I was dead. This is comparable to ether Wait for the medicine to be more powerful."

"Ether is a grandson in front of it." Alice waved her hand and said, "Okay, then you can rest first, the wound is recovering well anyway, it's agreed, report in the basement after lunch, I'll go down first!"

After saying that, she left the room by herself without waiting for Brody to reply.

"Uh..." Brody opened his mouth. He was about to ask whether Monica was "up" or "down", but the boss ran away.

"It's better to be up there, if she's still down... What happened to that female spy?"

Brudinahan said to himself, he only knew that the woman was imprisoned, but no one told him how it was imprisoned and what interrogation had been done. Anyway, he was also the one who hit the last hand knife, so what is it if you don't tell yourself what the situation is?

Depressed in his heart, Brody took another deep breath and closed his eyes.


In the darkness, he could hear the sound of his heart beating, which was obvious. But it should be an illusion, he can even hear the sound of arterial blood rushing, which is a bit exaggerated.

Hearing is excellent. Although it is far from being able to eavesdrop on the couple's bed conversation across the street like the boss and little Ada, it is as if he has installed a biosensor in his mind, and he has an intuitive understanding of his body. From a zero base, it rose to a whole new height.

"It feels great to be able to assist with a snipe without taking a deep breath!"

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