The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

Chapter 2850 Curse of Blood Mountain

Why are many forces waiting patiently under the blood mountain, but dare not go up?

Don't they want to take the lead and wait in the blood mountain first?

Obviously not!

The only explanation is that the inside of Blood Mountain is very dangerous, and they dare not go there.

That's why even the great saints are obediently waiting outside the blood mountain!

May I ask if there is no danger for Su Yu to go here?

However, he had to go.

Because what was stolen was nothing but the Absolute Heaven Sword.

"It will really cause trouble for me." Su Yu's eyes flashed coldly.

He waited here, besides just looking at the fossils, he also had another purpose - to wait for Mo Heng.

Since arriving nearby, he has been sensing the location of the Great Scythe of Myriad Tribulations, but he has never found any trace of it.

It must be that Mo Heng thought of some way to temporarily block the scythe of myriad calamities and its induction.

Now, Thief Saint stole his Jue Tian Sword for no reason, so he had to withdraw and leave, affecting his search for the Great Scythe of Myriad Tribulations.

"Senior, can you let me go?" Pluto's eyes flashed.

Su Yu didn't even look at him, and said: "Of course, the premise is that you will go to Blood Mountain with me to find that Thief Saint."

"Entering the Blood Mountain?" Pluto was taken aback, and said, "No! Senior, please spare your life, I know I was wrong."

Su Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and there was indeed something wrong with Blood Mountain.


Pluto was stunned, but looked at Su Yu with a surprised face: "Don't you know that the blood mountain is a cursed place when the fossils are brewing, and once you enter it, you will die in all likelihood."

"Even if he didn't die at the time, he would encounter various bizarre events later, and then die tragically."

This point, Aoki is deeply convinced, he solemnly said: "Senior, you can't go to the Blood Mountain! But anyone who enters the inside has never had a good end, no exception."

"The most famous one is that there was once a Heavenly Clan's Ten Thousand Saints strongman, relying on his own cultivation to reach the sky, and forcibly broke into the Blood Mountain." Aoki mentioned it now, his face turned pale: "Later, he came back, but If you take ten steps out of the bloody mountain, you will fall down."

"It is said that the Halloween powerhouse is intact except for the fur on the outside, and everything inside is shattered, including bones and flesh and blood."

"The person who collected his body in the end accidentally punctured his skin. As a result, the great sage turned into a puddle of liquid and drained away, leaving only a layer of fur."

Su Yu's pupils shrank slightly. It wasn't some ancient sage or great sage who died, but a powerhouse at the level of ten thousand saints.

And the way of death is really weird!

Su Yu asked himself that his strength was good, but it was absolutely impossible for a person to have only the skin intact while the inside was completely shattered.

"Since then, no one dared to take the risk to go deep, and they all waited for the fossils to be born before scrambling for them." Aoki said calmly.

Pluto nodded again and again: "Yes, senior, we still haven't figured out what's inside the Blood Mountain, and those who escaped by chance are also tight-lipped, as if there is some taboo."

"So, seniors, please consider carefully, the Blood Mountain is a place where there is no entry but no exit!" Pluto said.

Su Yu thought for a while, then slowly said: "If that's the case, why did the Thief have the courage to break into the Blood Mountain?"

"This..." Pluto and Aoki hesitated, obviously not understanding.

Su Yu's eyes shone with wisdom: "The Robber Saint is such a cautious person, if it is not bad, there must be another mystery in the blood mountain."

He grabbed Pluto and said, "Let's go!"

"Ah! No, I don't want to go in..." Pluto struggled and was dragged into the Blood Mountain by Su Yu.

As soon as he stepped onto the Blood Mountain, Su Yu felt dizzy and almost lost his footing.

The powerhouses in all directions were even more alarmed.

"What are you two doing? Do you want to seek death?" A hidden great sage suddenly rushed out, stood at the foot of the blood mountain and asked.

Afterwards, several great sages appeared and stared at Su Yu with dissatisfaction.

They obviously regarded Su Yu as someone who wanted to snatch the fossils first.

Su Yu turned a deaf ear and continued to walk up the Blood Mountain.

Those great saints and powerhouses immediately became anxious, but none of them dared to step on the blood mountain, lest they be cursed by the legend.

He could only watch Su Yu climb to the top of Blood Mountain and stand in front of a deep pit.

In that deep pit is the place where fossils are bred.

"Boy, if you dare to do anything to the fossils, we won't spare you!" A great sage powerhouse threatened.

But the threat obviously had no effect, because the people who entered the Blood Mountain never came back alive, and all of them were buried in it.

What is the difference between Rao and Not Rao?

Su Yu stood on the edge of the deep pit, looking straight down, with a trace of horror in his eyes.

What kind of pit is this? It is clearly the abdomen of some kind of creature.

At a glance, the stone walls of the deep pit are all wriggling flesh walls, and blood vessels are clearly visible, some of which are bleeding blood, seeping out from the inside out.

That's why the mountain takes on the color of the Bleeding Mountain.

And in the deepest part, a huge cyan round egg is beating slowly, like a human womb.

Is that the womb that breeds fossils?

However, this method of gestation was completely beyond expectations.

It's not like gestating fossils, it's like humans gestating children.

Even Pluto stared at the womb in surprise, completely shocked by the sight in front of him.

"Unheard of," he murmured.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't believe that the fossils were conceived like this.

"Where's your madness?" Su Yu scanned the bottom of the pit, but didn't find the Thief.

If there is no accident, it should be that the thief is hiding.

Pluto withdrew his spirit and immediately sensed it. After a while, he pointed to the southwest corner of the womb: "It's there."

Su Yu followed his gaze, only to find that there was a depression there.

"Back off." Su Yu said quietly.

Thief Saint can deal with it alone.

Pluto was overjoyed, and hurriedly backed away, preparing to exit the Blood Mountain.

But who knows, when he ran to the mountainside of the blood mountain, the uterus in the blood mountain trembled suddenly, and spewed out a stream of air with residual liquid, soaring into the sky.

Su Yu immediately dodged aside, the air flow flew into the air, and then fell powerlessly.

And, unfortunately, it just happened to fall towards Pluto.

Pluto also noticed it, and quickly dodged, no matter what the liquid was, it was best not to touch it.


The moment he dodged, he stepped on the sole of his foot and accidentally stepped on an ancient sword that had been left on the blood mountain.

The ancient sword was trampled to his chest and inserted into Pluto's heart.

Pluto looked at the ancient sword on his chest in disbelief, and murmured: "Sure can't escape."

Then he rolled his eyes, vomited blood and fell to the ground. The blood he vomited was all black blood!

The ancient sword was inserted into his heart by such a coincidence, but the ancient sword was actually conceived with some poison, which killed him with one strike.

Otherwise, a mere sword strike would not have killed him.

When Su Yu saw it, his pupils shrank slightly. Isn't this death too strange?

Could this be the curse of the Blood Mountain? ()

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