The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 98 Shapeshifting Failure And Hospitalization Again (14)

At Ye Ting's invitation, Professor McGonagall had to rush to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to find her most protégé before her college's Quidditch match ended.

Because, her favorite disciple actually made preparations beforehand and started his first Animagus shapeshifting today.

Professor McGonagall scolded him severely, but finally agreed to guide him in Animagus shapeshifting.

So, the student started Animagus shapeshifting in front of Professor McGonagall.

Until this time, Professor McGonagall thought that this was just an ordinary Animagus's first shapeshifting. Although it was a bit dangerous, it was generally not very difficult based on the student's ability.

When beautiful scales appeared on Ye Ting's body, and his claws and teeth began to change, Professor McGonagall thought his Animagus was some kind of rare lizard, or more exaggeratedly, it might be some kind of dinosaur - Anima It is very rare for a Magus to transform into an extinct prehistoric creature, but it is not impossible.

However, who could have expected that Ye Ting would actually grow wings on his back and a tail on the back - he did not turn into a reptile, nor was he a fire dragon whose wings and vines were integrated. Truly turned into a Dragon!

That is far beyond the fire dragon, a magical creature that only exists in legends even in the necromancer world.

If the Ministry of Magic were to grade the danger of Dragon, the fire dragon would be the highest XXXXX level, but even ten more Xs~ for Dragon would not be enough.

But it is precisely because of the power of Dragon that Professor McGonagall is particularly worried. There is no precedent for transforming into a magical creature, and what Ye Ting wants to transform into is a Dragon that is far beyond ordinary magical creatures. She does not think Ye Ting will succeed, and she does not Looking forward to his success, she only prayed that Ye Ting could successfully transform back into human form in the end, instead of having any unexpected consequences - the most likely death was due to exhaustion of magic power.

In fact, Ye Zheng was troubled by Bao.

At the moment, not only was his soul struggling to resist the temptation of the abyss, but his body was also undergoing inhuman torture.

The huge demand for magic power from transforming into Dragon was constantly squeezing his body and spirit, and the conflict of magic power between Dragon and Necromancer also made every part of his body in pain.

At the moment, he felt as if he was being stabbed - and 3,600 knives were struck at the same time.

If this feeling was acting on the physical body, then his pain nerves would be completely numb, but this feeling was not acting on the physical body, but on the spirit, so he had to feel all the pain completely.

In other words, he had to walk a tightrope while being harassed. The mental fatigue alone made him feel exhausted.

But he must walk this tightrope completely before his magic power is exhausted.

This forced him to continuously squeeze his body while also forcibly squeezing his soul.

Finally, with extremely strong perseverance, he forcibly regained his will before dying due to exhaustion of magic power.

In Professor McGonagall's eyes, the Dragon, which was struggling painfully on the ground, finally slowly opened its eyes.

It was a clear and rational look, but it revealed strength and struggle.

This look was quite familiar to her, and she could be sure that the creature in front of her was still her favorite disciple. His consciousness had not sunk, and he had not fallen to the point of thinking that he was another creature.

Professor McGonagall was finally able to relax. She waved her wand and forcibly removed Ye Ting's Agmanis shapeshifting.

Fortunately, Ye Ting cannot truly successfully shapeshift into Dragon, otherwise her spell would be impossible to take effect on Ye Ting.

Dragon's appearance slowly began to shrink, its scales and claws gradually disappeared, its wings and tail continued to shorten, and finally Ye Ting finally returned to his human appearance.

I saw him lying on the ground in a panic, sweating profusely, and his muscles were constantly twitching.

Professor McGonagall quickly helped him up and asked him to sit down with his back against a big tree.

After a while, Ye Ting regained his strength slightly.

Seeing him open his eyes, Professor McGonagall immediately asked with concern: "How are you? Are you okay?"

"It's not that good. I've used up all my physical strength and magic power, and my whole body hurts." Ye Ting slowly shook his head, "The Animagus is indeed more difficult than imagined. After the shapeshifting is successful, I must try my best. Keep your consciousness from being swallowed up by the temptation to become Dragon, that crazy and powerful feeling is really hard to refuse."

"But you still refused, didn't you?" McGonagall looked at him gently, "You are a strong child, I can imagine the difficulties you faced at that time, but you still came out, you are good. "

She sighed and said to Ye Ting: "Now, you need to go to Ms. Poppi's with me for a good check-up, and then rest for a day or two."

0…please give me flowers…

"But I just want to sleep now. Ye Ting reluctantly followed Professor McGonagall towards the castle, but the endless mental exhaustion might swallow him up at any time - he had been tempted for too long, and was mentally exhausted. The pain was too great.

He followed Professor McGonagall unconsciously all the way to the infirmary.

As soon as he touched the hospital bed, he collapsed immediately.

This is the second time he has been admitted to the ward since arriving at Hogwarts.

The feeling of lying on the hospital bed was not good, because it made him clearly perceive his powerlessness and weakness.

But there are always times when people are powerless and weak. They cannot always be strong or fearless.

Fortunately, there were still a few girls who were willing to stay by his side when he was weak and weak, and his friends, including three roommates, the Weasley twins, and Harry who was hospitalized at the same time as him— ——He broke a bone during the Quidditch match, and Gilderoy Lockhart took the initiative to reattach the bone for him. As a result, his poor magic removed all the bones in Harry's arm, and he had to be admitted to the ward—— —As well as his good friend Ron, his teammates on the Quidditch team, many Ravenclaw students who listened to his lessons, and his crush all took turns to visit him, which made him feel warm.

At the same time, he also heard a new news: just last night, Harry Potter's little fan Colin Creevey was petrified on the way back after visiting Harry. This further proved that the Chamber of Secrets had been Being turned on, the heir of Slytherin took action at Hogwarts.

It was such a troubled time, and he needed to become stronger quickly.

One day later, Ye Ting left the ward. He was originally fine, but his magic power and physical strength were exhausted.

Professor McGonagall called him to her office and tried to persuade Ye Ting to give up Dragon, the animagus, and switch to an ordinary animal.

"I think Dragon is quite suitable for me." Ye Ting refused, "I have roughly understood why shapeshifting failed. I will find a way to succeed. I will remember to tell you when I am ready again."

"Okay," Professor McGonagall sighed. She couldn't resist him and had to reluctantly agree to Ye Ting's choice. "But you must promise to call me before shapeshifting next time. You are the best I have ever taught." student, I don’t want to lose you three.”

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