The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 577: Ten kinds of abandoned Cordyceps (third, 10,000 coins, 1/2)

This chapter is "just take the name" and rewards plus.

Time flies and it has changed to early June.

The abandoned Cordyceps trading team with Jonas Month's Earl, finally arrived at Dark Horse Island, led by Jonas' son, Jobs Evening Primrose, a full member of the Blue Blood Knights.

"The Viscount, let me introduce you to the main players of the team. This is the second son of the Marquis of the Leather Island, Rashuaia White..." Jobs introduced the sons of the four great nobles, the sons of the two marquis. The sons of the two counts, plus Steve Jobs himself, are five.

Liszt warmly received the sons of these great aristocrats and spent a long time in Heima Island before they started negotiations.

The abandoned Cordyceps in the home of Steve Jobs is blue pine mushroom, the water property is abandoning Cordyceps; the home of Laswea is the goldworm, the soil property is abandoning the cordyceps; the other three are the dark attribute, the black grass, the black truffle, and the ice attribute. Mushrooms, as well as mine properties, abandon Cordyceps.

Each one not only brings the secrets of strains and ingredients, but also brings ten serfs who will plant abandoned cordyceps.

Liszt can exchange technology separately, and at the same time want these serfs to exchange the serfs that will plant the mushroom.

Fifty serfs, he naturally chose them early, are serfs without family.

Each of them is exchanged separately and a treaty prohibiting arbitrary proliferation is established. These abandoned pests and grasses have their own distribution scope, and random proliferation is bound to cause great harm to the holder.

According to the quality, output and use of each kind of abandoned grass, more or less gold coins are involved. However, the overall calculation, Liszt's flame mushroom not only did not fall down, but also earned a little 800 gold coins. Flaming mushrooms are fire properties, abandoning Cordyceps, widely used.

After all, there are many knights who have the temperament of fire attributes, and the flame potion refined by the mushroom is not low in quality and naturally more expensive.

in this way.

The end of the trade in Cordyceps, the territory of the Black Horse Island, there are five new potions specialties.

However, Liszt, who had extra thoughts in his heart, and from these five nobles, inquired about more noble lords who had abandoned the Cordyceps.

In addition to the flamingo mushroom, there are a total of eight species of Cordyceps.

Because of the low yield and low quantity, most people don't know what it is.

Five of them have been traded to Liszt, and the remaining three have not been considered by Count Jonas because of the overlapping of territories.

These three species of Cordyceps are the water properties of the Earl of Shariel and the Blue Flower, the Earl of Leiyin City, and the white-spotted pen of the Cordyceps, the land of the Earl of the Red Sands, the Boss, the Phalaenopsis, and the deciduous city. The wind attribute of the Viscount Tevez Poplar Territory is abandoning Cordyceps sinensis.

Wait for the five great aristocrats to leave the dark horse island with the strains, formulas, materials and serfs of the mushroom.

Liszt secretly planned: "Blue Matsutake, Black Truffle, Staphylococcus, Hericium, and Buttocks, I have already traded my mushroom. But I not only have mushroom, but I also have snow and mushroom in winter. Between the mushrooms, I don’t know if they will limit each other."

Ice and snow mushroom is a variant of the mushroom.

"When I try to plant this winter, if there is no limit, I can use the ice and snow mushroom to trade another wave. I will exchange all the big chicken, green fungus and white ghost pens... so I have ten Abandoning Cordyceps, planting 10,000 mu is not a problem!"

Ten thousand mu of abandoned cordyceps, the potion produced, is much higher than the potion that the giant algae pike can produce.

It is equivalent to saying that there is another big elf in the territory.



The joy of abandoning the cordyceps has just passed, and the smog mission has made a breakthrough. After continuously caring for the thorny elf, the task is finally completed.

“Complete the mission and reward the thorns of the fire-property potion nature variant.”

Liszt couldn't help but stumble: "The fast-acting magic thorns of the fire attribute?" The introduction of the fast-growing devil's thorns was the thorn of the magical drug variety, which belongs to the chaotic attribute of the potion. Now there is more fire attribute in front, and there is no doubt that its chaotic attribute mutates into a fire attribute.

The value of the chaotic attribute and the specific attribute of the potion, the value is not high and who is low.

But for Liszt, of course, the fast-acting thorns of the fire attribute are of higher value, because he and the small fire dragon are both fire attributes.

The fire attribute potions have the greatest effect on their peony.

More than 800 acres of thorns potion field, Liszt carefully searched, and finally found a thorn in the corner with red magic light.

It named this thorn as a fast-growing thorn.

Prepare for the worms around the worms, all of which are planted with fast-growing thorns. The other two worms of thorns continue to plant fast-growing thorns. Maybe the fast-growing thorns will continue to mutate.

"婕拉, done beautifully!" Liszt turned his head and gave a slap on his shoulder.

When he pulled up, he laughed and mixed with the sound of "呜哇".

Liszt is more pleasing to the eye.

Not only does it have a "first time" feeling for Laura, but more importantly, the thorns of the variation of Gala are all with the "fast-growing" attribute, which grows far faster than other plants. Like the fast-growing devil thorns, under the blessing of Cordyceps, it can be harvested four times a year, which is faster than growing wheat.

As for now.

Liszt also discovered the thorns under the influence of Jura, with strong "variation" attributes of fast-growing thorns, fast-growing poisonous thorns, fast-growing thorns, fast-growing thorns, fast-growing iron thorns, and the latest fast-growing thorns, which mutated six new Variety of thorns.

“However, when it comes to thorn mutations, it seems that there is always a strong emotional color?”

At first, the thorns were not willing to end their life, and the strong outbreaks mutated five kinds of thorns, finally breaking the shackles of fate and evolving into thorny elves.

Nowadays, Jura is wronged, anger is nowhere to vent, and then it mutates out the fast-fire thorns.

He looked at the tired and snoring, and blinked his eyes: "Maybe, often have to 'stimulate the stimulus' later? Maybe one day it will stimulate it to evolve into a big elf?" The favorite is Jura, I hope that Jura can always evolve.

It has become a great elf with a life span of two hundred years, and even become a dragon elf with a life span of 500 years. It is just that he is planning to be a dragon lord, and he can live for four or five hundred years.

So you must be irritated!

As for how to stimulate, this has to be said.

Jura, who is stupid and wants to sleep, does not know what his master is, what kind of idea he is playing. As well as my own future life, what kind of waves will arise.

at this time.

Liszt has shifted his attention and looked at the latest tasks.

“Task: All the abandoned cordyceps have been traded. Blue pine, black truffle, goldworm, monkey mushroom, and horse fare are all important potions. They can provide a steady stream of potions. Please discard them. Cordyceps are properly placed. Reward: An genie."

In a good mood, smiled and said: "Hey, it’s another elf bug. It’s good. The elf bugs are naturally better."

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