The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 It’s just the task of the system

[Achievement Achieved: Ravenclaw’s Arithmetic Problem]

The moment he entered the lounge, Tom received a notification that he had completed an achievement.

[Successfully answer the arithmetic question on the Ravenclaw knocker once, and you will be rewarded with 40 magic stones]

Although I didn't give myself another magic spell, this reward was enough: I only got 40 magic stones for doing four daily tasks every day.

"Well done!" Robert patted Tom on the shoulder. In his eyes, this junior could be said to be very smart. In previous years, not many freshmen could even answer the questions, let alone answer them like this. quickly.

Ravenclaw wizards have a natural affinity for smart people, and Robert is no exception. He feels that Tom in front of him is more pleasing to the eye.

The Ravenclaw common room is a large circular room with an ethereal feel. The common room has elegant arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks through which Ravenclaw students can gaze out at the mountains during the day. Stars are painted on the dome ceiling, and the dark blue carpet below is also dotted with stars. The lounge was furnished with tables, chairs and bookshelves, and a white marble statue stood in an alcove opposite the door.

This is the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaw had a teasing smile on his face. He was beautiful, but a little intimidating. On top of her head is a delicate ring reproduced in marble, with small words engraved on it: Extraordinary intelligence is the greatest wealth of mankind.

There were not many people in the lounge, only a few senior Ravenclaw students. They did not make any special gesture to the new students who came in, and seemed slightly indifferent.

After all the freshmen entered the lounge, Prefect Robert also gave a short welcome speech to express his welcome to the freshmen.

"Congratulations, I am Robert Hilliard, Prefect, and welcome you to Ravenclaw House..." (Full text of the speech, click here to expand)

After finishing his speech, Robert breathed a sigh of relief. He led the freshmen into the door behind the Ravenclaw statue and went to their dormitories. There were two passages behind the door, the men's dormitory on the left and the men's dormitory on the right. It's the women's dormitory.

"Good night." Tom waved goodbye to Hermione and walked into the passage on the left.

He and five other boys: Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein, Terry Butt, Stephen Comfort, and Kevin Entwistle, found their own freshmen dormitory, which was clean and tidy. There are six four-poster beds with curtains in the dormitory. The beds are covered with soft sky blue silk quilts. The wind blows in front of the window, making a soothing sound. Their boxes had been delivered to them and were lying peacefully under the bed. The exhausted little wizards fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

But Tom did not sleep. He looked at his system, and his heart was filled with emotions. At this time, his worldly wanderings had completed checking in at three more locations. One was the Hogwarts Great Hall, and the other was the Ravenclaw Common Room. These were understandable, but the third location was very unbelievable. Now: Ravenclaw boys dormitory...

From a common rational point of view, the Ravenclaw boys' dormitory can be regarded as a check-in point. But looking at it with common sense, this is still too outrageous...

The men's dormitory can be used as a check-in place, but the women's dormitory...?

If it's OK for Ravenclaw, is it also OK for those from the other three houses? It's okay for students, but not for professors?

Tom felt that the system was encouraging him to do things. Think about it, now you only need to unlock four locations in the third stage, but you need sixteen in the fifth stage! Next is thirty-two, sixty-four, one hundred and twenty-eight...

How can I get it together by myself? This task becomes more difficult in the later stages.

He came up with a bold idea: If he tricked Dumbledore into setting up several dormitories for other genders, could he gain achievements? For example, there are transgender dormitories, transgender dormitories, female-to-male but gay dormitories, female-to-male but gay dormitories with gender cognitive impairment...

A matryoshka doll!

But he felt it shouldn't be possible.

In addition to the changes in the progress of the worldly wandering mission, he also received the unlocking notification of the main mission.

[Main Mission Chapter 1: The Stranger Catching the Wind: Please go to the Room of Requirement after sunset to solve the puzzle

Mission reward: unknown]

This description can be said to be very general, and it doesn't even say anything about the mission reward. Moreover, the completion time of the task is also very strange. It is stipulated that it must be completed after the sun sets. This forces him to travel at night and become a night wanderer. You must know that the sunset in Scotland is relatively late, usually after eight o'clock in the evening.

He thought about it and realized that today seemed like a good opportunity. On the first day of school, the professors had a lot of things to do and there were gaps to take advantage of. He could take advantage of this opportunity to finish the task quickly. Without resting, he immediately got up from the bed, got dressed quietly, and came to the common room.

To his shock, it was almost eleven o'clock and there were still people in the common room!

The person was an acquaintance, not someone else, but Hermione. At this time, she was wearing a pink nightgown with a wizard's robe wrapped around it. She was sitting by the fireplace in the lounge with her bare feet and legs curled up, with a book spread out on her knees.

"What are you going to do?" Hermione was so excited that she couldn't sleep on her first day at Hogwarts, so she planned to go to the common room to read for a while. However, before she had read a few pages, she heard footsteps. She looked up and saw Tom sneaking out of the dormitory, which made her suspicious.

"Ah, I'm going to go to the toilet." Hermione's appearance disrupted Tom's plan: he thought everyone had fallen asleep now, but he never expected that someone was still reading in the common room!

"Isn't the bathroom just next to the dormitory?" Hermione's eyes flashed with suspicion, and why did she have to dress so formally when going to the bathroom? Then her eyes widened and she realized that Tom wanted to go out at night!

She put the book in her hand aside and stared at Tom angrily: "I can't believe you did this, Tom. You actually wanted to sneak out! I remember that the first rule in the school rules is that students are prohibited from leaving the lounge at night. , do you know how many points this will deduct for the college?”

Tom thought about it and decided to tell her part of the truth: "Okay, I got a clue and wanted to explore a secret place - don't worry, it's safe there."

"You should contact Professor Flitwick." Hermione said bluntly. She thought telling the professor was the best option in this situation.

"No." Of course it was impossible for Tom to go to the professor, and he rejected Hermione's proposal.

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