The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 109 The Power-Up Ceremony

At 10:30, the opening ceremony of "Xia Zhe" was officially announced.

Everyone came to the stage one by one. Xia Jin and Xiaoling stood in the middle as the director and screenwriter, and the assistant director stood next to Xiaoling. An Chen stood on the other side of Xia Jin as the leading actor. The other actors lined up in turn.

The opening ceremony was not hosted, and the rhythm of the scene was led by themselves. Security personnel surrounded the sides of the stage to prevent accidents.

Xia Jin picked up the microphone, and the reporter below did not stop, and the camera lens kept pointing at the stage.

"Thank you for coming to the opening ceremony of "Xia Zhe". I announce that "Xia Zhe" is officially launched."

As soon as the words fell, there was thunderous applause. Everyone on the stage lifted the red cloth on the display panel behind, and a staff member lit firecrackers underneath.

An Chen was in a trance on the stage, when the sudden sound startled An Chen.

Ji Xuan and Ling Han, who had been staring at An Chen in the audience, also laughed. It was rare to see An Chen being frightened.

Although the behavior was not very kind, the two still couldn't help laughing. I didn't expect An Chen to be so cute after having a fever, and he was never like this before.

"You two, what's the matter?" The person next to him didn't understand the jokes of the two of them and was very curious.

"It's all right." Ji Xuan returned to seriousness.

The man nodded, but didn't poke Ji Xuan's slightly trembling hand because he was holding back a smile.

Ji Xuan's and Ling Han's smiles inexplicably dropped after they met An Chen. After laughing, the two continued to stare at An Chen on the stage. The accident happened under their noses, that one time was enough.

After the firecrackers were set off, the screenwriter gave a speech, and the assistant director added a rough time plan. The actors once again introduced their roles.

The opening ceremony canceled the reporter's questioning session, but changed the traditional fixed-makeup photo distribution mode. Under the gaze of everyone, the staff exited an electronic screen.

"How about it, let's be efficient." Xia Jin said to the actors on stage.

"Fixed makeup photo?" Gu Yi asked, "Why not the poster version?"

"Hey, you brat, isn't it impossible to print out the poster?" Xia Jin said with a smile.

The electronic screen was powered on, and one by one photos of fixed makeup appeared on the screen one by one. The people on the stage and the agents and assistants on the stage were also very curious about the finished makeup photos.

Fifteen minutes later, there were endless praises from the audience. Xia Jin was very happy in his heart, the more enthusiastic the audience's reaction was, the more satisfactory the result of the makeup photo shoot was.

Xia Jin planned to end the opening ceremony within an hour, that is, at 11:30. He had already booked a hotel, and he had a long-standing habit of inviting the reporters present to have a meal at the opening ceremony. .

After all, what the reporter sends out is all under the reporter's pen and keyboard. A trivial arrangement can get a lot of praise, so why not do it.

After the screening of the makeup photo, it will be announced on the official Weibo. Now comes the last link.

Everyone on the stage walked off the stage together, and came to the incense table money that had been set up in advance. A staff member stepped forward and handed everyone three incense sticks, and everyone stood back and forth.

"I wish the filming of "Xia Zhe" a success." After Xia Jin finished speaking, he bowed three times, and then stepped forward to insert incense. The people behind followed his movements and stepped forward one by one.

The timing was well grasped, and the opening ceremony ended just within the expected time.

The reporters left one by one, and the fans were also arranged by the manager to go to the hotel.

Because An Chen was rushing to participate in the road show, after saying goodbye to everyone, he left with Ji Xuan and Ling Han.

Babes, I'm back, thank you for being here, I love you so much.

[Because I haven't updated it for two days (my fault, I will never move my account again.), I have fallen from the free list, I ask for a recommendation ticket (*/\*)]

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