This means that they look down on the Xianbei people.

Emperor Taiwu was furious and sent Cui Hao to reprimand him.

Cui Hao took off his hat and kowtowed, so he blamed himself for a while before being forgiven.

And saw this scene.

It wasn't just Cui Yan who couldn't hold himself any longer.

Wang Yun in Luoyang City was also shocked.

Taiyuan Wang family?

Isn't this their Wang Yun family? ?

Unexpectedly, the Cui family of Qinghe and the Wang family of Taiyuan would actually get married in the future during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

They are indeed two great families that have been around for a long time.

But Wang Yun saw that it was because of the marriage between Cui Hao and King Taiyuan.

He praised the Wang family, but Emperor Taiwu didn't like it.

He couldn't help but shake his head and sighed:

"Cui Hao, even if it is for the Northern Wei Dynasty, you have made great contributions."

"Outsiders are still outsiders after all, don’t you understand this? ?"

"I think this is a recipe for disaster, and disaster is not far away!!"

And sure enough, the scene continued after that.

When Prince Tuoba was in charge of supervising the country,

Cui Hao relied on his talents and Emperor Taiwu's favor to dominate the government.

At one time, he recommended dozens of people from Ji, Ding, Xiang, You, and Bing five states. , all started their careers as county governors.

Tuoba Huang said to Cui Hao:"The talents recruited earlier were also selected as state and county officials.

They have held this position for a long time, but they have never received recognition from the court for their hard work." In return, we should first replenish them as county guards and let newly recruited people replace them as officials.

Moreover, the prefects and county magistrates who manage the people should be people who have experienced the world and have experience."

Cui Hao was stubborn and finally sent the person he recommended to serve.

At that time, when Gaoyun, the assistant minister of Zhongshu and the author of the book, learned about it, he said to Guan Tian, ​​the doctor of the East Palace:

"Mr. Cui may not be able to avoid a disaster.

In order to fulfill his own selfish motives which may not be correct, he will fight against the powerful people in the court.

What will he use to protect himself?

After all, he is not from Xianbei.……"

But the direct cause of Cui Hao's death was the"Guo Ji" incident.

In the fifth year of Taiyan,

Emperor Taiwu ordered Cui Hao to supervise the secretarial affairs as

Situ, and Gao Yun, the minister of Zhongshu, and Zhang Wei, the minister of Sanqi, to participate in the writing of affairs and continue to compile the history of the country.

Emperor Taiwu told them that writing the history of the country must be based on actual records.

In accordance with this request, Cui Hao and others collected information from the previous generations of the Wei State and compiled a national history of the Wei State. According to Gao Yun's later statement, Cui Hao mainly played the role of the president's outline.

In addition, he and Gao Yun were responsible for the"Records of the First Emperor" in the national history." and the preparation of the"Ji Ji" part.

At that time, Emperor Taiwu's purpose of compiling the history of the country was originally only for future generations of the royal family to read.

However, after the completion of the"Records of the Nation",

Shi Minzhan and Xi Biao, who were involved in the work, suggested that the"Records of the Nation" should be engraved on stone to show the straight pen, and the"Five Classics" annotated by Cui Hao should also be engraved.

Min Zhan and Xi Biao were clever and charming, and usually flattered Cui Hao to win Cui Hao's favor.

Their suggestions were adopted by Cui Hao.

So, three miles east of the Temple of Heaven, a forest of steles for"Records of the Nation" and"Commentary to the Five Classics" was built, with a radius of 130 paces, and it took three million people to complete.

Since the"Guoji" is written in a straightforward manner, it describes the history of the Tuoba clan in detail and avoids any taboos. It also directly writes some early history of the Tuoba clan that no one wants to know.

The stone tablet was erected next to the main road, which aroused discussion among passers-by.

When the Xianbei nobles saw it, they were all angry.

They complained to Emperor Taiwu one after another, accusing Cui Hao of intending to"bring evil to the country".

Emperor Taiwu ordered the arrest of Cui Hao and his secretary Lang Li, and examined the charges.

After Cui Hao was arrested, he admitted that he had accepted bribes.

In fact, he had no idea what crime he had committed.

When Emperor Taiwu personally interrogated Cui Hao, he was also confused and unable to respond.

Emperor Taiwu once wanted to kill Cui Hao, his staff Zong Qin, Duan Chenggen and others, as well as their subordinates, servants and other 128 people from the five tribes, a total of thousands of people.

After Gao Yun's efforts, he changed his mind.

On the tenth day of June in the eleventh year of the reign of True Lord Taiping,

Emperor Taiwu issued an edict to kill Cui Hao.

Cui Hao was imprisoned in a prison car and escorted by soldiers to the southern suburbs of Pingcheng.

Dozens of soldiers escorted him urinated on his head.

It is said in history that"the screams and groans can be heard while walking". From the time of the Prime Minister, no one has been killed like Hao..

At the same time, hundreds of people under his command were also convicted and killed; all members of the Cui family in Qinghe, both far and near, including their in-laws, the Lu family in Fanyang, the Guo family in Taiyuan, and the Liu family in Hedong, were all exterminated, which was known as the"Prison of National History" in history.

Shortly after Cui Hao's death, Emperor Taiwu visited Yin Mountain in the north and regretted killing Cui Hao.

At that time, Li Xiaobo, Duke of Xuancheng, the Northern Minister, was seriously ill and there were rumors that he had passed away.

When Emperor Taiwu heard about it, he sighed:"It's a pity for Li Xuancheng!"

He then said:"I made a mistake, Cui Situ is a pity, Li Xuancheng is a pity!"

And a year after Cui Hao was killed, Emperor Taiwu reflected that"the criminal network is too dense", Make people change the laws and regulations.

Cui Hao, the mastermind of this generation, was responsible for the great achievements of the three generations of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

But because he was Han, he eventually fell.

And people from all dynasties saw this scene.

Also full of sighs

"There was no way, Cui Hao still didn't see clearly, after all, he was a Han and not a Xianbei!!"

"He really thinks that he is a Xianbei person and is loyal, but the Xianbei people are always on guard against him!!"

"The genius of a generation was insulted by soldiers pissing on him? Just sigh"

"If you are willing to be a traitor, you are bringing it upon yourself!!"

Everyone was sighing.

Golden words also appeared on the screen.

They were comments about Cui Hao.

【Cui Hao was born in the Cui family of Qinghe, a wealthy family in the north. He was extremely resourceful and often compared himself to Zhang Liang.

He served in the Northern Wei Dynasty for Emperor Daowu, Emperor Mingyuan, and Emperor Taiwu, and was the most important adviser to Emperor Taiwu.

As a military strategist, Cui Hao was highly valued by Emperor Daowu, Emperor Mingyuan and Emperor Taiwu.

As the mastermind of the Northern Wei's unification war, he participated in the major military decisions of the three generations of emperors of the Northern Wei Dynasty. He was resourceful, resourceful, well-calculated, and made many meritorious deeds. He played an important role in the series of wars that led to the unification of northern China in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

When Emperor Ming Yuan was in power, Cui Hao began to participate in important decisions.

His strategic proposition is to consistently defend the south and attack the north.

In the fourth year of Taichang,

Liu Yu, a powerful minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, led his troops to attack the Later Qin Dynasty in the north.

The court officials of the Northern Wei Dynasty believed that Liu Yu should not be relaxed and should be restrained first. Only Cui Hao advocated no intervention.

He estimated that Liu Yu would win and Later Qin would perish. However, the southerners could not stay in Guanzhong for long, and Liu Yu would definitely return to usurp Jin after his victory.

It was better to observe from the sidelines and wait for the opportunity. Qin"will eventually be mine".

Later, things developed as he expected.

Cui Hao advocated annihilation of the nomads in the north.

Emperor Taiwu once used his strategy to attack Rouran and captured a large number of its livestock and population; he also marched into the northwest to destroy the Hu Xia, enriched the capital with its population, and sent powerful households from the Central Plains to enrich the northwest.

But he forgot one thing: after all, he is a Han, not a Xianbei.

In the end, even though he made great contributions to Xianbei, he still died miserably.

Even a generation of prime ministers were pissed and insulted on him!

It can be said to be both sad and hateful, which lowered his evaluation.

Overall, it ranked 16th on the Shenmu list!!】

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