
Vol 2 Chapter 735: At the end of the road, Li Changsheng! "

Ye Jiangchuan jumped up, and suddenly broke out the "Ultimate Extinct Chaos Strike"

The sealed Pangu world has turned into the most terrifying power, and under the blessing of the cosmic title, its power is infinitely explosively enhanced!

With such a terrifying power, the whole world seemed to be trembling, and there was an irresistible howl for this blow.

It's just that this blow, "Ultimate Chaos Annihilation Strike", is too powerful, but it moves too slowly, like an inviolable catastrophe, but a flexible single creature, above Dao Yi, can be avoided.

So the best use of "Ultimate Chaos Extinction Strike" is to destroy the world.

Or slay enemies that can't move!

And the target of this blow is to create the golden boat.

The powerful Good Fortune Golden Ark actually has its own infinite defense, and even has a special defense against "Ultimate Chaos Extinction Strike".

You must know that Zhong Nanyunzhong, who built the fortune golden boat back then, also knew the so-called "Ultimate Chaos Extinction Strike" very well.

Therefore, under this blow, the golden boat of fortune may not necessarily be shattered.

But at this moment, Good Fortune Jinzhou suddenly gave up all resistance.

Including the defense against the "Ultimate Extinct Chaos Strike", all dissipated, the hull opened, and faced Ye Jiangchuan's terrifying blow, they did not make any defenses!

Ye Jiangchuan jumped down high, at this moment, it seemed that the entire universe was in his palm, and with a bang, he hit the Golden Boat of Creation.

Then, all of a sudden, the whole world seemed to mutate instantly.

All time and space are chaos.

This moment seems to be the past, the future, and the present.

At this moment, the good fortune golden boat was no longer Zhangxu Jinzhou, but magnificent worlds, vast worlds, appeared silently.

Then, a ray of light rose from the Golden Boat of Good Fortune!

A huge white pillar of light thirty miles thick rose into the sky.

This light, glazed white, clear and flawless, rose instantly.

Run through the entire Yuantian Great World, and then continue upwards!

At this moment, the powers of the entire universe, the eighth-level Tianzun, the ninth-level Taoist, the tenth-level peak, the eleventh-level detachment, and even the twelfth-level three great existences all felt this beam of light and looked here.

Countless great powers immediately flew towards Yuantian Great World.

The old man Taixu in the Taixu sect shouted loudly, using his Yuanli seven great powers, suddenly the Taixu sect disappeared, and escaped into the deepest part of the dimension.

As for the Yuantian Great World, the top ten most terrifying spooks looked at that beam of light, and they didn't know what happened.

Then, they break down and disappear.

Then the entire Yuantian Great World, under this beam of light, seemed to have solidified, turning into a glazed world, where everything was frozen, and everything was in a bizarre state.

The whole big world seems to have frozen into an eternal picture.

At this time, Ye Jiangchuan really landed on the ground, and with one blow, his whole body hit the Golden Boat of Creation.

Then with a click, where Ye Jiangchuan touched, the entire Good Fortune Golden Boat began to crack and then shattered!

Kaka Kaka, the entire Golden Ark of Creation was shattered little by little, not a single piece larger than an inch, the entire Golden Ark was completely shattered.

Then there is the great world of Yuantian, the whole world, also shattered with the shattering of the Golden Ark of Creation!

Boom, the glazed sea of ​​light froze for an instant, then shattered into billions of crystal clear fragments, and the entire Yuantian Great World shattered with a bang.

Hundreds of millions of flying crystal fragments shone with colorful light, and the reflected light from countless angles gathered together, interweaving into a dazzling beauty.

All the cultivators who fled towards this place immediately let out screams, and all fled backwards under the fragments of brilliance, not daring to approach this place again.

Among these fragments, Ye Jiangchuan was also shattered!

But Xuanyin came:

"Between the heaven and the earth, the primordial being is born, immortal and immortal, in the green bamboo world!"

Ye Jiangchuan is resurrected again!

So far, just resurrected, then crushed, and resurrected...

After a full three times, Ye Jiangchuan was truly resurrected. He gasped and looked around.

Then what island is there, what Yuantian Great World is there, even Li Moyang Fengfeng and others are gone!

"This, this is..."

At this moment, in the void, there was also a dazzling sound:

"The middle-aged man is quite good at Taoism, and his late home is Nanshan Frontier.

Walk to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise. "

Among the countless fragments, there is an old man with white hair and a childlike face, with a fairy demeanor, who can sing poems loudly!

In the void, the shape appeared!

"Old man, the end is over! Turn Liuli today, break the sky, and return to the world!"

Ye Jiangchuan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately knew that this was Zhong Nan Yunzhong!

Then in the void, another dazzling sound came!

"At the end of the south, the Yinling Mountains are beautiful, and the snow is floating in the clouds.

The forest is clear, and the city is getting colder. "

In the void, another human figure appeared, this is a middle-aged scribe, full of coquettishness and boundless heroism!

"My seat, Nan Yuxue! Tell Tian Tongzun today, look forward to the years, and return to the world!"

Ye Jiangchuan was dumbfounded, why did Zhong Nan Yunzhong come out again?

Then another person appeared in form, it was a boy.

So handsome, so handsome!

"What is there in Zhongnan? Where there is a tree, there are plums. A gentleman is the only one, and he is dressed in brocade and fox fur. His face is like Wodan, and he is also a gentleman!"

"I, Yun Huaiye! The spring breeze is late today, the winter snow is cold, and I will return to the world!"

Immediately Ye Jiangchuan knew, old, middle-aged and young!

It turns out that this is the so-called Zhongnan Yunzhong, the end of the road! Nan Yuxue! Yun Huaiye! What is left of what?

What about Li Changsheng?

Another loud and dazzling voice said:

"Frost invades and rains against ordinary things, like Zhongnan Shilivine."

"I, in..."

In the void, another person appeared. This person should be a baby.

But his figure can't change!

"I, in..."

Suddenly he yelled:

"Hit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you grandma, I, Li Changsheng, what, hit you grandma!

Grandpa Li Changsheng!

Don't change your name when you're going, and don't change your surname when you sit!

What Zhongnan Yunzhong, dead dog, you will never come back! "

Zhong Nanyun, the last one, he did not appear.

He is just Li Changsheng, not Zhong Nan Yunzhong!

The three of them were all shocked, and finally pointed at Li Changsheng and shouted: "No way, what are you doing!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Come here quickly, let's fuse!"

But Li Changsheng laughed loudly and shouted:

"I, Li Changsheng, the unique Li Changsheng in the universe!

No one can control my life! "

"Fusion? Well, come on, let me become a part of me!"

There was a loud bang, and the four suddenly merged into one, and then all the fragments from the explosion of the Good Fortune Golden Boat returned impressively and combined on them.

Ye Jiangchuan was dumbfounded, watching stupidly.

The combination was fast, and the decomposition was also fast. Within a moment, with a bang, all the fragments disappeared in the void, and a person appeared!

That person was Li Changsheng, and there were no other three!

Standing proudly in the void, he chanted loudly:

"Purple Pavilion connects Zhongnan, Qingming...

Qing Ming... Qing Ming... Qing Ming..."

He really couldn't recite it, so he held it back for a long time, holding back his mouth, and stopped talking!

Ye Jiangchuan looked at him and couldn't help asking, "Li Changsheng?"

He looked at Ye Jiangchuan, smiled slightly, and said, "I've met senior brother, yes, Li Changsheng!"

After thinking about it, he added:

"The road ends in the south, Li Changsheng!"

It turns out that the miracle of the avenue and the solipsism of the avenue are all changes, which directly turned into the end of the avenue!

Then I proudly added another sentence!

"Eleventh level, the highest level!"

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