Survival In The Wilderness Ocean Sign

Chapter 18: Sushima Wool, Rich Harvest

Chapter 18 Sushima Wool, Rich Harvest

"Harvest: Blue Enchantress Flower 50, Seed 5."

Su Can was a little surprised, it turned out to be the Blue Demon Fairy, but it should be that the variant is not pure.

"When there is a wedding on the sea in the future, then I will sell them flowers!"

This is just ridicule.

Su Can also intends to use flowers to make dyes, but this is not the most important thing now.

In the middle of an island, the most important thing is to explore the depths.

It was almost noon, and time passed by.

After walking so far and wasting a lot of time, Su Can took out the grilled fish and water that had been prepared earlier, and continued to walk deep after he was full and drunk.

Su Can and Ai Zai have completely come to the depths.

At this moment, Su Can glanced not far away, where there was a rocky hill.

The color of this hill is obviously different from other minerals, the color is more black, and the contrast is very obvious.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, I saw a small cave in front of me, which happened to accommodate them.

This mine was a bit similar to a karst cave, and Su Can was surprised to find when he got closer, it turned out to be a mine made of metal.

There are too many elements contained in it, and there are probably all gold, silver, copper, and iron.

In the past, Su Can was still worried, because iron objects were easily corroded by sea breeze, so if he could get this kind of ore, he wouldn't worry about it.

Su Can turned the golden cudgel into a chisel and swung it down towards the hill.

A few black stones fell to the ground and disappeared instantly.

"Obtain: Metal Ore x2!"

"Metal ores can be used to replace any metal-made items."

Unexpectedly, this ore is so useful, it is no longer limited to the requirements of iron or copper, it is simply a omnipotent stone.

"Oh boy, shoot me!"

It is too slow to collect by just one person, so let the cubs go into the mining together.

In this way, a cub dignified and a polar bear was sent to mine.

And it was so happy that it didn't realize that its identity had fallen.

The two are fast, and the metal ores they collect keep increasing.

But Su Can realized a problem. This mine is not the same size as one piece of ore.

It's just reckless. For example, Su Can collected a fist-sized piece, and it counts as two yuan with the other dozen yuan.

In other words, this metal mine looks very big, but in fact there are not many ore that can be collected.

One person and one bear sweated profusely, and eventually collected ten pieces of metal ore.

Forget it, not less.

This metal mine has been chopped and flattened.

This is the strength of the two of them, so the speed can be so fast.

If this is replaced by another survivor, even if it is exhausted, it will not necessarily be able to dig out a few pieces.

After all, they don't even have tools, but unlike Su Can, they have tools, and Aow Cub has bear paws so convenient and efficient.

Seeing that these items were almost collected, Su Can sat on the ground and gasped.

At this time, I saw a squirrel whizzing past~

The cub picked up a small stone and threw it towards a squirrel on the treetop in the distance.

The squirrel was very agile and immediately dodged and ran away.

The small rock bounced back along the tree and almost hit Su Can.

When Su Can's face was full of black lines, he was about to verbally teach the boy.

The sun came in along the treetops and fell on the small rock.

Su Can hurriedly picked up the little stone, only to see that the little stone was very pure and had sharp edges.

This little stone turned out to be quartz stone?

Quartz stone is an important material for making glass.

Glass is very difficult to collect on the sea. It took Su Can so long to collect only three pieces.

After all, as long as you have glass, you can make a high-level water purifier.

Su Can understands the benefits of advanced water purifiers. People can't drink enough water from ordinary water purifiers, so he can irrigate with water.

Su Can hurriedly searched for the surrounding quartz stones, and finally collected almost all the surrounding quartz stones.

Forget it and plan to burn fifteen pieces of glass.

It is completely possible to create five high-level seawater purifiers.

"This is really my blessing!"

When Su Cangang was excited about collecting the glass.

When I cleaned the mud from my nails, it turned out to be clay inadvertently.

Clay can be used for life utensils such as cups and bowls.

But if it is combined with sand, it can be made into tiles and bricks.

This discovery made Su Can even more excited.

Hastily asked the wailing cub to help him dig up the soil.

The pure white hair of the wailing cub was dirty, and it was mining and digging. It mumbled something with dissatisfaction, but seeing that it was immersed in joy, it could understand that it had found a good thing.

I had no choice but to dig up the soil along with the grievances.

As we all know, houses were built with soil at the beginning, and later upgraded to brick houses, so bricks are very useful.

Su Can dug out a pile of clay and "obtained clay x3"

It seems that clay is indeed useful in this world, but Su Can opened the parchment book on his body in confusion, and it seems that there is no such thing as a brick.

Could it be that the world has not yet developed bricks?

Perhaps clay is more useful in this world than bricks?

No matter so much, since his warehouse can hold and output item data, it must be useful.

Go back and study it again.

All he can do is to clean up the island.

It's like scalping wool, if you are not bald, you are not a qualified scalping person!

Finally, after Su Can counted the supplies, he found that 15 clays had also been collected.

Now that the clay has been collected, I can’t leave it without sand.

The two returned to the beach again, Crazy Predator Sand, and also collected fifteen units.

Su Can nodded in satisfaction and counted his own supplies.

"Wood 570, plastic 570, rope30, iron 30, palm leaf 300, clay 15, sand 15, quartz stone 15, metal ore 10."

He was very satisfied with the materials that had been searched.

"It's really a rich island!"

Su Can sighed the abundance of supplies brought to it by this small island.

Before I left, I didn't forget to collect another side and sighed proudly. Fortunately, I searched another side and found three palm trees.

It is shameful to chop it down, and waste the gift of nature!

Su Can and Ao Xiaozi seemed to be strong enough, after scouring the empty island intensively, they left.

If there are other survivors coming to this island in the future, they must be emotional, what kind of break the island is this riding horse, there should be nothing!

After returning to the boat, Su Can's first thought was that it was time to expand his own base.

Nowadays, the wood is very abundant. People who can't afford to eat are all expanding fishing boats. Why should I not build them?

This kind of feeling is like a lifetime, I can’t afford food and have to borrow money to buy a house...

Su Can wondered how suitable he would expand the small fishing boat this time...

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