Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 83: Golden Human (1/3)

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Soon, a human who looked very similar to the drow that Gu Ji possessed appeared in front of him.

Lin Anlan patted his palms, and the pink virus crystals merged into the body, and then Lin Anlan checked its data using the extraordinary template, and found that the body's data had completely changed.

Because the talents possessed by the races whose real names were turned into viral crystals were reflected in that body at almost the same time.

The talents of the drow, the talents of the earth dragons, and even the talents of those weird races are almost all reflected in that body.

The light in his eyes grew stronger and stronger.

It succeeded, it really succeeded.

In the Lower Realm of Evangelion, the first shock erupted from the impact of the Black Moon. Affected by the first shock, Adam and other apostles who had just prepared to move into a dormant state again.

Judging from the data inspected by the Laurel Base City, Adam has a high probability of being stunned by the descending Black Moon.

The second apostle's name is Lilith, which is closely related to the LCL solution.

She used the black moon as a carrier to transport from the moon to the earth. Her arrival caused a huge shock wave due to the contact between the black moon and the earth, which was the first impact in the history of the world.

Under the influence of Lilith, her body began to continuously release LCL water, which gathered more and more, and finally formed an ocean all over the earth, and new life was conceived in it.

Everything in that world comes from the sea of ​​LCL, including the eighteenth apostle LIlin (human beings).

The liquid in the plug of the EVA cockpit is LCL. After power on, its molecular composition changes from viscous to clear.

LCL can be used to connect the driver and EVA to manipulate the EVA, and directly provide oxygen to the driver's lungs, while also providing protection for the driver from mental attacks and physical shocks, similar to the amniotic fluid in the human body.

It can be said that LCL is the basic form of animal body-the water of life.

LCL is actually Lilith's body fluid. Since this liquid is inherently a prerequisite for forming a ritual, when the LCL solution in the entire world interacts with each other, a long-lasting plan to create life begins.

Due to the particularity of Lilith, there is no heart wall between survival and humans in the LCL ocean.

In that LCL ocean, human consciousness has no distinction between each other, and everyone's soul lives in the vast ocean composed of Lilith's blood.

This is also the reason why behind that world, all human beings dissolved into LCL solution and disappeared from the world.

The wall of the heart is actually another formal AT position.

In that world, an apostle with an AT force field can withstand almost all conventional weapon attacks, and only another AT force field can neutralize it.

This is also the reason why EVA can become an important tool against the apostles, because EVA itself can also generate a strong AT position.

The visual AT force field is in the shape of a golden polygon. The first battle of the first aircraft has the scene of tearing the AT force field with bare hands, but this still does not prevent Lin Anlan from praising the power of AT.

The so-called heart wall, or the AT position, itself is "a wall separating oneself from the self and the objective world", or it should be more straightforward to say that every creature has an AT field

Because other apostles have the fruit of life, the AT force field is strong enough to maintain a huge body.

The eighteenth apostle LIlin is also human. Because there is no fruit of life and the AT field is very weak, it is scattered into countless small individuals.

In other words, only if there is enough heart wall, even if it has been transformed into LCL solution, it can reassemble the body under the influence of the heart wall.

However, it is still such a coincidence... because Lin Anlan has just mastered how to form the Wall of Heart, but the so-called Wall of Heart is here, and has another name.

For example...void.

Soon, the human individual that had just been constructed with virus crystals and LCL solution slowly opened his eyes.

"This is where?"

Those who were thrown into that body by Lin Anlan were unknown people in the world of Apocalypse who were sucked into the ideal hometown after the virus crystallized.

Their consciousness was frozen in the ideal homeland. At the end of the memory, it was probably the scene of the destruction of the world.

The real name whispered: "The data is out, take her back."


Pulling the soul back to the ideal homeland, that body also collapsed into LCL solution again, and finally a pool of virus crystals gathered on the ground, which was recovered by Lin Anlan. Lin Anlan looked at the data in the extraordinary template.

"Name: Unnamed"

"Race: Golden Human"

"Age: 0"

"Gender: Female"

"Level: LV16"

"Occupation: None"

"Skills column: Wang knows the heart; the king is in control; the crown of the void; the sword of the king; the ideal town; the great sage; the abnormal; the glutton; the archery; the sound wave perception; the shadow instant; the black thunder; the black inflammation; the strange power; the body Reinforcement; multiple enchantments; super olfactory; speed regeneration; heat source induction; sticky steel wire; universal change; molecular manipulation; clone technique; magic perception; coercion; thought net; physical armor; poison spray; paralysis spray...

Skill subcolumn·Resistance column; Pain is invalid; Thermal change is invalid; Corrosion is invalid; Electric resistance; Physical attack resistance; Paralysis resistance"

Skill sub-bars and mimics: Giant of Flame; Black Wolf; Black Snake; Centipede; Spider; Bat; Lizard; Goblin; Half Orc; Crypt Cockroach; Burrower; Drow; Lava Reptile"

Seeing this panel, Lin Anlan looked up to the sky and laughed.

Sure enough, a human body such as reintegration can integrate any power system without changing its own characteristics, and the prototype of the fourth natural disaster has really appeared.

Just kill enough races to obtain their talents, abilities and knowledge from their bodies, and then randomly inject the talents and abilities into that body according to their own needs.

If not unexpected, the race of the human body shaped by Lin Anlan and his real name will most likely become a golden human. This is the benefit of the unlimited potential brought by the cooperation of the fruit of life and the LCL solution.

In principle, even if Lin Anlan directly stuffed the body of a golden human into a demigod, there is a great probability that that body will exert the power of a demigod.

Because the golden human race belongs to the uppermost branch of mankind, but the entire race has only two characteristics at the beginning, that is, growth and tolerance.

Their growth rate is very fast, in other words, the speed of breaking through the level is very fast.

Their ability to tolerate allows them to learn from other races the power that is incompatible with them, and after repeated cycles in the body, they will evolve this power into a human power.

But he didn't expect that now he can make golden human bodies in batches. Of course, he will not make a second one like this kind of figure who directly uses up his family.

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