The destructive power of the high-level meme·Healer's Sorrow is so great, and this is only one of the aftermath left by the death of the God of Life.

In the ruins of the drow, Laurel Base City compiled a lot of literature. After packing and analyzing, someone put forward an incredible point of view.

The actions of the God of Life are probably not the venting of anger and self-defeating self-destruction that people have guessed before death.

On the contrary, it is more like...complete.

Yes, it's done.

Completed the **** of death.

You don't even have to think about why it is success. You only need to clarify a logic, which is what will happen to the mass death of the healer?

Obviously, you can draw the following conclusions.

First, the death of a large number of healers will directly lead to a decline in the number of healers and the number of extraordinary people who choose to heal subsequently.

Second, the lack of healers is like a lack of supplies. Once civilizations and civilizations are at war, the war potential of both sides will be plunged.

The first situation can basically be said to be cutting off the spread of the treatment group. With the passage of time, the group of healers will be more and more abandoned by the times. No one wants to simply die under bad luck. , The death of a large number of healers will make the transcendental group fearful of injury and illness.

The second case is an extension of the first case.

In the absence of war potential, the style of civilized warfare dominated by extraordinary people will be substantially reversed.

The most straightforward point is that due to the sharp reduction of war potential, civilized wars of attrition like cutting meat with a blunt knife will hardly appear. In order to ensure that they will not be dragged down by the transcendents who will not die, the fighting style of war will become more and more radical and fierce.

Whether it is the victorious party or the losing party, it will continue to accelerate and then accelerate in this process.

Through the fastest advancement of the war, the consequences of the war will be detonated in a short time.

If you win, then annex other civilizations and everything will be fine.

If you lose, humanity will destroy all the disabled, and carry the most important materials into the cave deeper.

Because there is no healer, the war of attrition simply cannot be fought.

The result of frantically advancing war will inevitably lead to a substantial increase in mortality.

It is true that the Hundred Years' War with a slow knife cutting meat may completely extinct a civilization.

But if the number of civilized deaths is enlarged to the dimension of a hundred years, the number of deaths in the same period of time is far less than the instantaneous large-scale annihilation war.

If one counts the reproductive behaviors that have occurred on a large scale in order to propagate the fire of civilization after the successful retreat of civilization, then a large number of casualties will continue to occur in the following wars.

Similarly, adding up the number of people who died during this time period, in the 100-year time period, the number of deaths is still higher than the number of people who have slashed meat and wiped out a civilization.

Because when civilization is about to become extinct, the reproduction speed of intelligent creatures tends to increase greatly in a short period of time.

And if civilization develops steadily, the decline in fertility will almost result in settlement.

Is a large number of dead species useful to the **** of life?

Don't be kidding, there are flowers and vigor in the cave, which will be useful to the **** of life.

The death of a large number of species will only cost one god, the opponent of the **** of life, the **** of death.

Therefore, excluding most of the impossible options, the think tanks of Laurel Base City basically locked the reasons within a very small range.

Among these, the most reliable answer is that the actions of the God of Life are to complete the God of Death.

Looking at it this way, many problems can be explained clearly.

"The woman has replied." The real name whispered, Lin Anlan cheered up slightly and looked at the comment area.

Sure enough, a person in the comment area who he was waiting for still replies to him.

Night Witch, Agnes Ainoli.

Agnes: "Mr. An Lan, are you here? According to your request, I have now successfully found that Xiao Shuyue, can I trouble you to say something in the comment area? She has some questions and wants to communicate with you. "

"Wait a minute, right now."

Lin Anlan cheered up and finally contacted Xiao Shuyue?

He immediately opened the comment area.

Lin Anlan: "I heard that my friends are very satisfied with the skill stones this time. If I have the opportunity, I can make more stones. However, the source of the skill stones is basically those races with mature skill systems in the crypt, so I want a lot of them. To obtain skill stones, those races are still needed as materials, which is useless."

He thought for a while, and then added a little bit: "As for the reason why a small number of survivors like me reported that they couldn't absorb more skill stones after acquiring them, I will also make a brief supplement here.

The operation of skill stones is based on virus crystals, and the body of survivors cannot use virus crystals.

You should have noticed that the people who have used the virus approach now are actually survivors who must have crystallized parts of their bodies and implanted crystal chips. Because of the existence of crystal chips, the skill stone can gain the possibility of taking effect.

You can understand the crystal chip as a limited skill column. Depending on the computing power of the crystal chip, the number and level of skill stones that can be accommodated will vary.

The computing power of the crystal chip mainly depends on two aspects.

The first is the level of the crystal chip itself. The highest level of crystal chip we can make so far can probably accommodate 30 LV1 skills, 20 LV2 skills, 15 LV3 skills, 10 LV4 skills, 5 LV5 skills or 1 LV6 skill.

In other words, even if you are a LV1 transcendent, you can at least absorb one LV6 skill.

But since I am currently the only player among the players who have successfully manufactured such a crystal chip with scarce resources, there is no way for this high-level crystal chip to be promoted in a short time.

And the second thing that limits the speed of crystal chips is the player's own level and profession.

Depending on the player's level and occupation, its own calculation speed is also different. The calculation speed of legal players is higher than that of most fighter players, so if there is a situation where you can't absorb more skills, it means that your calculation power is not enough to support more skills.

The solution is simple, synthesize a stronger virus crystal chip, or make yourself stronger.

Be cautious about the use of skill stones. After absorbing the skill stones, convert the knowledge of the skill stones into your own things as soon as possible. Then the embedded skill stones can be taken out directly, saving more computing power to run other skills. . "

The long comment silenced the comment area again.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

Lin Anlan found that as long as they post comments by themselves, a large number of people in the comment area will take the initiative to stop and browse related information.

This is very good, indicating that his credibility among these players has been greatly improved.

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