Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 67: The way to unlock the gene lock (4000 words)

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"Hey, such a statement does not sound beautiful at all. No matter how hard ordinary people work hard, they can't beat those powerful races. The end of their lives may even be their starting point. It's no wonder that so many people choose not to be humans."

There was a little helplessness in the words of the real name, but Lin Anlan knew that this was the truth.

The normal human body, from the most basic body tissue structure to the induction of mysterious energy, is facing a dilemma that is difficult to break through.

"It is not impossible to reach the upper limit of human beings as soon as possible, and then use extraordinary energy to carry out specific evolution of the body."

Lin Anlan said something that made her real name raise her eyebrows subconsciously: "How can I explain this?"

"Do you know dopamine?" Lin Anlan said softly.

"Dopamine? A substance that can bring happiness to people?" His real name frowned slightly.

"First correct a problem. Dopamine brings people not so much happiness as desire." Lin Anlan squinted, "The human body is a very magical structure, and our body is like being hooked. The lock is normal, it is difficult to break the upper limit, but it is only difficult."

The real name was slightly contemplative, but Lin Anlan didn't give her a chance to think more, and said directly:

"The human body is locked and opened. As long as you have the key, you may not even feel the pain when you are severely injured.

In the scientific research we have done, the term most similar to this kind of gene lock can be described as the dopamine threshold. The locked person will continue to stimulate the stimulation, which will make the threshold continue to rise, and then it will affect the surrounding people. Everything loses interest.

Do you think, in this situation, how should we unlock this lock and release the potential hidden in the body? "

"First find the keyhole." The real name smiled.

"Yes. In our world, a doctor once found an abnormality in a rat during a research. The rat madly pressed its own metal rod in its cage. Without pressing it once, the rat was You will get an electric shock.

But it didn't get tired of it, and it didn't completely die until it was pressed more than 7,000 times.

The doctor who had witnessed all this offered a crazy explanation to his colleagues—

‘I know this is a bit crazy together, but I mean...Is it possible that this rat is enjoying an electric shock. ’"

Real name squinted, enjoying the electric shock? The human body's resistance to electric shock is not strong. Excessive current may even be accompanied by various negative states such as nerve twitching and shock, even if this current is not deadly for humans, it is just excessive.

"The professor and his team finally dissected the rat, and then discovered the clues. The probe that originally used the electric shock was supposed to be connected to the rat's midbrain, but accidentally touched its diaphragm.

This allows the brain's dopamine to be released in large quantities every time it is shocked.

‘Then we discovered the secret of happiness? "The colleague said excitedly.

Pure happiness suppresses the pain of electric shock, so it seems that dopamine does have the potential to be called the source of happiness.

However, the doctor confirmed that it might not be happiness, addiction, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and devil.

Dopamine is a clever liar. It pretends to be happy, but it brings us desire.

Think back to the common scenes in your life. People who become addicted to playing games do not feel very happy when playing games, but because not playing games will make him feel uncomfortable.

By analogy, are those who have red eyes playing mahjong really happy? Are people who smoke and have pulmonary edema really happy? Is it really happy to see people with yellow and thin faces when watching the small video? "

After thinking about her real name, she felt the memories of those specific people in the ocean of virus consciousness, and she shook her head.

I'm afraid it's not, they still want more in their hearts.

"It seems that you have also found the problem. When you pierced the dopamine trick, you found the flaw in the dopamine threshold, the keyhole.

The key to the gene has always been placed in an obvious place, but most people don't have the courage to discover and admit it.

Because of how cool it is to be locked by the gene lock, you have to endure how much pain to unlock it.

And the key to the gene lock comes from pain, and its name is—"

"Endorphins..." the real name said subconsciously.

"Yes, endorphins. Once you find such a key, you have found the key to unlocking. A normal person, if you run to the point where you can't run, if someone suddenly accelerates next to you and urges you wildly Let you sprint for another ten seconds.

If you can hold back the pain and sprint for a while, you will find that as the most painful period of time passes, a magical phenomenon will occur. At the moment of running, a huge indescribable will be born in your heart. A sense of accomplishment and joy.

For you personally, this last short sprint is much more important than the long distance you ran in front of you.

All this is because of the key, endorphins. "

Lin Anlan’s fingertips point on the nose of her real name, and then slowly slide down her collarbone. Her power is slowly mobilized to control Lin Anlan’s body repeatedly on the edge of the formation of AP virus crystals and the disappearance of the virus crystals. Horizontal jump.

The intense pain similar to a gene crash made Lin Anlan's expression tangled like a ghost. He gritted his teeth and said:

"Endorphins are a kind of neurotransmitter. It only appears when you are in pain. For example, a very spicy hot pot will make you feel better quickly, because spicy is a kind of pain. Your body feels this Pain, endorphins are secreted as compensation.

And endorphins will further improve your overall mood. When you are in the final sprint, that is your long-distance running is the most painful period, so the endorphins secreted by the final sprint will obviously also Is the most.

Understand the principle of endorphins, and you will understand that in many cases the difference between the mediocre and the strong is reflected here.

The mediocre people escape pain, while the powerful people enjoy it.

In the basketball world, there was once a man who broke his Achilles tendon directly during a game. Under normal circumstances, most people can't walk after a sprained ankle.

But what is incredible is that the man who should have lost his ability to move in an instant actually walked to the free throw line alone after the Achilles tendon ruptured, and he had to complete his two free throws.

The first penalty, hit.

The second penalty, hit. "

Lin Anlan’s expression was slightly subtle and unbelievable: "He should have been in pain, but at this time he was expressionless and a little cold-blooded. This situation looks incredible, and even makes people think he doesn’t look like him. It's human.

Do you say that he is suppressing pain with strong willpower?

I'm afraid not. The high probability is that you are enjoying pain. Or in other words, he was enjoying the feeling of not being beaten on the ground in pain.

In that situation, you should be able to understand that if the extreme pain does not break the person in the first time, the content of endorphins bursting out at that moment will be extremely high.

Similarly, when you really don’t want to go to the gym, when you’re drowsy while reading, when you’re ready to procrastinate again, these are actually excellent opportunities for you to promote the high-speed secretion of endorphins, because as long as you go Take a step forward, and you can truly taste the pain.

And this kind of pain can allow you to enter another realm of life, and even forget the pain itself, because the large amount of secreted endorphins will not make you feel pain for the first time, but will only feel full of achievements. sense.

Of course, even if you find the keyhole and get the key, you may still have not unlocked your genetic lock.

Because you are still the last step—"

"You will hesitate, as most human beings, you will definitely hesitate at this time." His real name looked at Lin Anlan's expression in pain and not only did not collapse, but gradually calmed down, he suddenly felt a little scared.

The severe pain of jumping repeatedly at the critical point was enough to crush most people, but Lin Anlan seemed to be used to it. After the strongest painful period before, there was a somewhat detached expression on his face.

"Let you say goodbye to the dopamine you are after. Most people can't do it. After all, enjoying happiness is human nature, and everyone subconsciously pursues dopamine.

But to enjoy pain is animalistic, it can make people very crazy but can make people high in fighting spirit.

Lose humanity, lose a lot. Lose animality, lose everything. However, at least at the very beginning, we didn't lock ourselves up for the first time, did we? Who do you think gave you this genetic lock? gene? Gods? Or those indescribable things? "

At this time, Lin Anlan's slightly raised mouth was like a devil, and his real name took a half step back in fright, and then his face was a little ugly: "It's the same kind."

Yeah, isn't this a simple question?

From the time you were in school, the surrounding environment has been able to instill such ideas into you, such as a typical domestic phenomenon—

Other people’s children.

Children from other people's families are well-behaved, smart, don't cause trouble, and even have good grades.

Every time someone compares you with others of the same kind, they are creating opportunities for your genes to be "locked up".

After every time you fail to compare, if a person appears in front of you, keep telling you:

"Look at how other people's children are doing..."

Then Balabala spent half the day.

If you are a stranger, you may be cold-eyed.

But what if that person is a very trustworthy person for you, a parent, a close friend, or a lover?

Then this situation will become extremely dangerous.

Because you will believe them first.

That is, you subconsciously deny that you are inferior to the person who compares you.

Once this happens, you at this time will be placed on a very dangerous cliff.

Yes, how many people will bravely turn around and leave the cliff at that moment, instead of just closing their eyes and jumping off when others seem to be well-intentioned but are pressing each other step by step?

But the problem is that if you jump down, you will be over and you will fall into a strange circle.

If you are the kind of person who is born extremely proud or even arrogant, on the contrary, you may not be so easily influenced, bewitched and persecuted by others, but if your character is not so strong, then every one who repeatedly compares you with others People are pushing you up the cliff with their hands.

One word, danger.

When you jump down, you may have escaped by a fluke, but when the same sound strikes again, you tend to become easier to jump down than the first time.

Because it has already made a bad start, this vicious phenomenon may even be contagious, and this way of contagion, you may have heard of it in reality.

such as-

"Stop studying, you see they all go out to play basketball/games/..."

"Others are resting normally, what's the matter, you are the only one who wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination? Can you not pretend that way?

"What's the point of going to the library every day? I don't think you did anything there in the past, and you didn't see you get the first place in the class?"

"Can you stop pretending like that?"

In this way, do you have a clearer outline of the lockers?

"The way to avoid this phenomenon is very simple, but it is also very difficult. You only need to learn to selectively listen to others.

Think about it carefully. From your own point of view, did you simply become those mobs drifting along with the crowd, or after careful thinking and analysis of the pros and cons, you truly confirmed that you are thinking this way, and finally made it. Such views and evaluations?

In the information age, you can even train this instinct easily, just find a platform with enough spam, and then for everything you see, whether it looks normal or not, The dross is pseudo-feminism, it is the rice circle...

It's a lot of things that you feel stinky when you mention it, it's a certain type of sad thing that you don't want to recall. Please let go of the heart of being rhythmic incarnation of the keyboard man by others, and analyze it carefully.

If you find a suspicious point and cannot explain it, just shut up quietly and wait for the follow-up results. You will soon be able to train a set of practical methods. "

Lin Anlan didn't even have any worries, and pointed directly to the upper right corner of the field of vision, where the comment area of ​​the super template is located:

"For example, now, when countless people are beginning to kneel and lick you in the comment area, please calm down and analyze who is really complimenting you, who is simply yelling, and who even Don't understand what you have achieved.

Then, first determine the next keynote—"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he glanced at Gu Jihou and said, "First cultivate your self-confidence, like me."

Lin Anlan typed in his head, and sent out a sentence that made everyone quiet:

"Okay, okay, don't blow up, I'm already pretty good, for those who have the same high level as me, there is too much that can be done, such things don't need to be handy."

"Good job."

"Where, this is what, Versailles is everywhere!"

"Big brother, are you really okay?"

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