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Seeing that things were almost handled, Lin Anlan left her ideal hometown.

The cave is not safe. Although he cleaned the cavernous nest, he still can't guarantee that there will be no omissions.

Gu Ji is still a newcomer who needs to be taken care of, and the newcomer is naturally given preferential treatment with him.

As a result, when he came out, what he saw was Gu Ji holding a crossbow in his hand and gesturing up and down.

When Lin Anlan came out, her face showed a little embarrassment.

The weapon was already in hand, naturally he didn't make it himself, but exchanged it.

She doesn't even need to implant a virus crystal chip, because she is a part of the virus, so she can barter directly.

"Boss, your virus crystal chip is a bit weird!"

Although Gu Ji didn't have the idea of ​​implanting a virus crystal chip, out of curiosity, he happened to have the resources in his hand, so he made one by himself.

But her thinking is different from others.

This virus crystal chip is essentially a diversified use of virus crystals. If this thing can be directly integrated into the human body and become a part of the body, it will be interesting.

"Boss, you told me before that the body is unique. You can't create a new body unconditionally, unless you use the body of another race as the base for remodeling. This is especially true for the soul. There is basically no possibility of complete recovery.

Then... If, I mean, if, pure memory, is it possible to be re-enacted? "

"Reissue?" Lin Anlan was taken aback, "Why did you think of this?"

"That's..." Gu Ji hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth, "This body is not actually the original body of the drow, right? If it is a reshaped body, why does it still have muscle instinct? Is it because of your particularity, or because of the elements that make up this body, there is a kind of..."

Gu Ji scratched his head, not knowing how to organize the language for a while.

Lin Anlan was lost in thought.

Yes, even the reshaped body is a new body constructed by the AP virus crystals after rearrangement and combination.

Why do you have blood? Why do you have muscle memory? Why can we still inherit most of the previous strength?

He has never really thought about this issue.

He opened his hand, summoned a drow, and then punched the drow through the forehead, and grabbed a virus crystal that exuded a little light red from her crystallized body.

He closed his eyes slightly, and for an instant, there was a steady stream of vague memories flowing out of the virus crystals. When he opened his eyes again, the virus crystals had already melted into his body.

He looked at his system panel with a subtle expression.

"Name: Lin Anlan"

"Race: Human"

"Age: 19 years old|621 years old"

"Sex: Male"

"Level: Lv2"

"First Class: Void Crown"

"Passive: King's Mark"

"Skills Bar: 1 King knows the heart, 2 King power is in hand, 3 Void Crown, 4 King Negative Sword"

"Second Career: None"

"System functions: collection, shaping, navigation"

"Talent: Painted Skin"

"Independent Skill: 1 Archery LV6 (special entry ‘Accuracy’

"Backpack: Slightly"

It is basically the same as the previous extraordinary template, the biggest difference is that it has acquired an independent skill "Archery LV6".

LV4's archery, placed on the dome star, is probably the level of an archery champion.

LV6's archery has surpassed the scope of ordinary people's understanding, bringing a little mysterious power.

Ordinary people's archery skills are limited by the limits of the human body, and basically they can't exert extraordinary power.

The biggest difference between extraordinary archery and ordinary archery is the use of energy.

Through a special archery technique, the body energy channel excavated by oneself is combined with the bow and arrow. The arrow is only a starting device that controls the explosion of the body energy channel.

On the basis of sufficient precision, the energy of the body will dig out the energy channels that the body can use.

Maybe arteries, veins and capillaries.

It may be a particular type or even all types of cells.

Maybe it's an electrical signal.

Maybe it is the production of some special hormone.

These channels constitute a threshold, which can concentrate the power of the transcendent into the transcendent core through the core after compression.

This is how the drow archery works.

After he absorbed the arrows of the drow, he quickly understood that the drow uses a special energy channel to entangle its mysterious side energy in the energy channels in the body in different ways, and finally converge in the bow and arrow. On top, a special "film" is formed.

When the bow and arrow are shot out, that layer of "film" will have a chemical reaction, and at the moment of touching it, it will release a special destructive effect.

This feeling is like burning a solidified magic on the bow and arrow at the moment it is shot out, and then releasing this "magic" instantly when it touches the enemy.

However, limited by Lin Anlan's failure to open the special energy channel suitable for this archery, this archery can't exert its due effect.

"This thing is getting interesting..."

Originally, Lin Anlan didn't plan to spread the weather virus so quickly, but seeing the effect, the corners of his mouth began to rise, and finally couldn't help laughing.

He patted Gu Ji on the shoulder excitedly and said, "Good job, blind students, you found Huadian!"

He snapped his fingers, and a shot of pink crystals appeared in front of him.

After he understood what the pink crystal was, and when he looked at the crystal, the relevant attribute column appeared on it.

"Items: Skill Stone "Archery""

"Level: LV3/LV4/LV5/LV6/LV7"

"Introduction: A pink crystal formed by sealing the drow's archery skills by special means.

Can be used as the core of the release skills of the Apocalypse virus biochemical puppet;

It can be directly absorbed by the apocalyptic virus life body and turned into an independent skill to be developed;

It can be integrated into the virus crystal chip as a built-in skill of the chip, but limited by the accuracy of the chip, there is a limit to the number of skills that can be mounted."

Lin Anlan directly threw a LV7 virus crystal to Gu Ji: "After taking this look, this time, there may be a different experience."

Gu Ji nodded, the virus crystal melted into his mind, and a memory appeared in his mind out of thin air.

This time, it was no longer a pure muscular reaction. A new memory poured into her mind. It was a figure that shot arrows one after another in the dark night of countless crypts, and finally her eyes fixed on a burst shot. On the arrow that came out.

The arrow flew very slowly, and there was a vague white air stream on the arrow that was torn apart.

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