Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 5: Void genome and void

Lin Anlan sat on the sofa in the dormitory and poured himself a glass of water from the water dispenser. After drinking a few sips, some of his long and slightly messy hair was pushed behind his ears:

"Ha, come back to life, still enter the lower realm to live happily. Compared with the catacombs, this lower realm, which is biased towards modern wind, is simply a paradise on earth."

Counting it all, after he was reborn, he spent three days alone in the "No Light Domain" of the Great World of the Catacombs before he found the "gate of the lower realm" leading to this world.

Considering the importance of every minute and every moment in the early stage, he almost entered the world later known as the "Apocalypse" almost without thinking.

The human self-regulation ability in this world is pretty good, not like the Dome Star, it is not clear to lose.

They have survived in this turbulent world with base cities surrounded by protective walls, and since there are few flying creatures among the monsters, they still control the air supremacy, and the communication between the base cities is also Did not cut off.

Of course, it is inevitable that it is difficult to control.

In this troubled world, the original order has disappeared, and the law has become a dead letter.

Each base city has distinct strata and opposes on many sides, and the control of independent armed forces can even override the will of the forces over some clusters.

The virus is raging, the victims are countless, and the city walls are almost occupied.

Lin Anlan glanced at the stiff Kentaro Miike. Compared with those monsters, the corpse puppets he made with superpowers were really not worth mentioning.

The power of those monsters stems from heartache.

For example, an infected person who loses his legs and cannot stand up becomes a monster that moves at a speed comparable to a full-stroke sports car.

After an infected person who is extremely afraid of contact with the outside world becomes a monster, it is possible to release an absolute barrier that isolates reality from harm.

What is even more frightening is that some young people who have just passed the second stage of the second illness are afraid of being discovered by others in the second stage of the past. After becoming monsters, they can even master a small part of the ability of fantasy in the second stage.

Weak monsters can also be killed by thermal weapons or Gautier robots, but there are some monsters with special abilities that are almost immune to physical damage.

The cost to completely eliminate them is too great and unnecessary.

The end result is that governments around the world have chosen a one-size-fits-all approach almost at the same time, starting to build super-large walls in the outer circles of major cities five years ago.

With each super large city wall as the boundary, the base city is formed inside the wall, and the danger zone outside the wall.

But Lin Anlan knew that this was not a long-term solution at all.

The number of monsters infected is increasing. If you do not master the power that can extremely restrain the monsters, at most not more than one year, the base city may be captured by the monsters.

This is why he wants to enter the lower realm of "Revelation" ahead of time.

In the previous life, he entered the Apocalypse and was already in the period of monster siege.

The order in the base city of Tokyo still collapsed. He and a few friends continued to kill monsters with their own special forces, and soon aroused some forces. Under the greet each other, the group obtained a lot of unique resources in this world. .

And Lin Anlan relied on his super powers and the profession of Necromancer to harvest a large number of corpse puppets that could be used for battle, and ushered in a wave of epic enhancements.

However, that was him who had already obtained the profession of Necromancer.

He now has no extraordinary profession, and the world is really unfriendly to him now.

It is almost impossible to defeat the monsters outside the wall by relying solely on human flesh, let alone fight against the armed forces that freely hold guns in the base city of Tokyo.

This is also the reason why he took the shot immediately after learning about Miike Kentaro.

In "Apocalypse", you can't do anything without the relevant documents.

The Apocalypse virus has spread all over the world. Although the chance of a survivor like Lin Anlan being directly infected is extremely small, it is only extremely small. No one knows when crystallization will occur.

Once the body has crystallized because it did not produce antibodies in time, the "antibodies" of the special epidemic prevention unit SCAP·GHQ will enter the venue immediately.

Those guys have the authority to kill infected people voluntarily. Once they find out that Lin Anlan does not have any documents that can prove his identity, even after online investigations show that "No such person is found", then Lin Anlan is afraid that he will directly" Wuhu".

Being taken away for investigation is trivial, and it is not impossible to be shot directly.

Originally, he was only thinking about whether he could obtain a part of modern weapons from the arsenal outside the wall. After all, before he obtained extraordinary occupations in the early stage, the deterrent power of thermal weapons was really extremely high.

As a result, when he saw Kentaro Miike basking in the sun on the balcony of the executive dormitory in the camp downstairs, he had a new idea in his mind.

Kentaro Miike was just a small boss in his previous life.

When Lin Anlan and his friends first entered the "Apocalypse," they hid in the slums of Roppongi because they did not have the relevant ID cards, and spent some time relying on government relief food.

At exactly that time, Kyotaro Miike held the stinky feet of a certain GHQ executive at the birthday party of the heir to the consortium consortium. He presumably gave a mouth to the person who consecrated the house, and then he was appointed to reuse and dispatch. Become a small leader in the relevant departments of GHQ.

From a purely technical worker to a small leader who "manages" a security team.

If this is placed before the world's catastrophe, the position of the security captain, although it will not be said to be underestimated, is definitely not a high promotion.

But the world was already in turmoil ten years ago. The outside of major cities became extremely dangerous. Monsters transformed into infected people wandered around, and occasionally flying monsters attacked the base city from high altitude.

So that any group that controls the armed forces can be called an uncle, even with GHQ, the great power that actually controls the sovereignty of Japan, the security captain of its subordinates can also be called an uncle.

In the previous life, Lin Anlan and his three companions had some contact with Kyentaro Miike under such circumstances.

I have to say that this fat man has average abilities, but he has the ability to greet each other.

In addition to daily patrols, this guy is also responsible for the security of a research institute.

The full name of this institute is the "Institute of Source Plasma Genes", a research institution affiliated to a multinational pharmaceutical giant.

A pharmaceutical giant that can maintain a transnational influence in troubled times is not simple at all.

What's more, Lin Anlan, who knows the future, knows that this research institute has three "transfer certificates" sufficient for him to complete an extraordinary career transfer.

It is a needle tube called "Void Genome", which can be injected intravenously to allow users to generate "King’s Marks" on their hands and allow users to extract the name "void (" Void)” and use it as a weapon to fight.

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