Super God Dao Art

Chapter 23 Determination

"I'm Xu Bantou's nephew."

Bai Ziyue replied simply.

In the same village, it is inevitable that they are related to each other. Strictly speaking, they are also considered to be nephews and uncles.


He was a little puzzled. The nephew who came last time didn't seem to be like this.

But he didn't care, just said: "Xu Bantou is not here, he helped to consign a shipment of goods, and he escorted him there."

"When do you have to come back?"

Bai Ziyue's heart sank, and he was worried about this situation when he came.

He knew that there were a lot of bandits around Qinghe Town, and the most rampant was Guitouzhai, and a major case was made in the town some time ago. But the real headache is actually the water bandits.

The water bandits are entrenched in the area hundreds of kilometers around the Wuhe River. It is said that their strength is not weaker than the Lieyang Gang. If they are transporting some relatively precious goods in the gang, they really need Xu Ming to escort them.

However, Uncle Ming is not here, that aunt is over there...

"If it goes well, it will take three or five days to come back. If it is slow, it will take ten days."

The big man said casually.

"Looks like I have to find another way."

On the way back, Bai Ziyue frowned.

In the entire Qinghe Town, he didn't know many people. Uncle Ming was already the strongest among them. Besides, there was only Uncle Sun Neng Sun.

Although he never mentioned his past, he was able to escape from the Guitouzhai bandits before, and his strength should not be weak.

However, when Bai Ziyue told Sun Nengyi about the matter, the other party shook his head and said, "I can't help you with this matter."

Then, he seemed to feel that his rejection was too straightforward, and then said: "Evil creatures like ghosts have unpredictable means, and no one knows whether they are strong or weak. Some time ago, the Tang family also invited five It was only the channel leader who solved the problem, my strength is limited, I really can't help you."

"I know some strong men are in trouble."

Bai Ziyue pursed his lips and said.

In fact, long before he asked the exit, he had expected it. When the other party could leave him and flee without hesitation, he was naturally not that kind of enthusiastic person.

It's just that when the other party really refused, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"That's it, Uncle Sun, tell me to tell shopkeeper Li, I'll take a day off today and come back tomorrow."

Bai Ziyue said without saying much, went back to the room, and walked out of the Pearl Restaurant directly.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself."

Calling for help to no avail, Bai Ziyue finally made up his mind.

He's going to do it himself!

In fact, he was not at all certain about this incident.

There are also some methods of preventing and dealing with ghosts in the Purple Qi Guan Divine Law, some of which can be used by ordinary people.

Moreover, when he sensed the hidden aura on his cousin before, with his spiritual perception far superior to that of ordinary people, he could also vaguely perceive that the ghost's strength would not be too strong.

Perhaps this intuitive perception is not accurate, but he still wants to try.


Night fell unexpectedly.

Bai Ziyue was dressed in black, holding a wooden barrel covered with a lid in his left hand, a few bamboo tubes in his right hand, and a half-meter long rucksack wrapped in coarse cloth on his back, and stepped directly into Southeast Street.

Following the direction of his aunt's house in his memory, Bai Ziyue quickly stepped into a path, and knocked on the door at the seventh number from the left.

With a creak, the door opened, and Bai Ziyue's aunt Bai Erniu immediately stuck her head out.

"Are you alone? Where's Xu Ming?"

Seeing that Bai Ziyue was the only one here, Bai Erniu's expression changed immediately, and she said in a panic.

"Uncle Ming went to escort him, and it will take three or five days to come back."

Bai Ziyue said with his face unchanged.

"Then what should I do? I went to the hospital today to find out that not only my Yumei has been haunted by ghosts, but also many children. This is also the case.

The doctor also said that there is nothing to do, and some people have already been killed, without Xu Ming's shot, wouldn't my family Yumei..."

Saying that, Bai Erniu's tears came down.

Hearing this, Bai Ziyue frowned and asked, "You mean, there are many children who have also encountered ghosts?"

"Yes, the old Hong's house, which is more than ten meters away from my house, has a child as big as Yumei, and this is also the case.

I heard that the kid is looking for a dead ghost in order to stay in the world... I'm sorry my Yumei is only five years old..."

Bai Erniu had a sad face and was very frightened in her heart, and even said the absurd remarks she heard outside.

"Don't worry, I have a way."

Seeing that her aunt was about to cry again, Bai Ziyue said quickly.

"You? What can you do?"

Bai Erniu was stunned and asked in surprise.

Only then did she realize that after a short period of time, her nephew not only grew taller, but was only one head shorter than her when he stood up, and even the expression on his face was serious and serious, not like an ordinary child at all.

"I've been in Lieyang Gang for a month, but it's not that I haven't learned anything. I'm just a kid, I naturally have the means to deal with it."

In order to comfort his aunt, Bai Ziyue pretended to be relaxed.

"You really have a way?"

Bai Erniu was still a little skeptical, but Bai Ziyue was too young to be convincing.


Bai Ziyue nodded, pointed to the thing he brought up, and said confidently, "I have everything ready, as long as that ghost dares to come, it won't be able to leave."

Although there was still some hesitation, she really had no clue at this time, so she had to choose to believe.

Bai Ziyue and her aunt came to her cousin's room together. Seeing that she had fallen asleep, they directly said to Bai Erniu, "Auntie, go back to sleep first, I'll just watch over here."

"Forget it, I...I can't sleep."

After hesitating for a while, Bai Erniu did not dare to say that she was also afraid, and insisted on staying in the room.

Hearing this, Bai Ziyue didn't say much, just sat on the chair and waited silently.

In the room, the candles had already been extinguished, Bai Ziyue closed his eyes, and before he knew it, it was already midnight.

Suddenly, Bai Ziyue's eyes snapped open, and he whispered, "Come on."

Bai Erniu was clever and wanted to shout, but thinking that she was facing a ghost, she quickly sealed it with her hands, and asked in a voice like a mosquito, "Where?"

Her eyes widened, but she didn't notice the ghost's figure.

The only thing that made her feel a little strange was that the surroundings became obviously a lot colder, as if there was a chill that kept attacking her, making her shiver.

"Dip your eyes with pomelo leaves."

Bai Ziyue took out a small bamboo tube and handed it to Bai Erniu.

This is the cow's tears that he specially asked for from the slaughterhouse for this operation.

In addition to the cow's tears, in the wooden barrel, he also contained a pot of black dog blood, a bamboo tube of cockscomb blood, and a bamboo tube of boy urine.

These are all positive things, and they all have a certain restraint effect on evil such as ghosts.

Hearing this, Erniu Bai hurriedly took the bamboo tube, took out the pomelo leaf inside, and dipped it on both eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she suddenly shouted: "Mom..."

Then he rolled his eyes and fell down limply, fainting!

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