Super Chief

Chapter 721: What Shixiong wants

The wildfire that occurred in June 1788 is estimated to be very likely to be recorded by historians. Maybe in many years later, there will be related literary works or film and television works coming out...

   But in any case, although this wildfire caused a lot of casualties among the Chinook, it also saved the tribe. At the same time, it was also saved by a promising new star in the imperial diplomacy—Yunio.

  Many years later, when the Great Chief, the Son of God, entered his twilight years, the empire envoy who was detained by the Chinook finally became the second in command of the Empire after the Great Chief. And this imperial prime minister, who is both capable and courageous, has also become a legendary prime minister in the history of the empire.

   Of course, these are all things to follow. The most direct result of this wildfire is that the Chinooks submissively merged into the Great China Empire.

   The three tribes west of the lonely Rocky Mountains finally became part of the empire in the second year after the empire was founded.

   At this point, the Great China Empire finally controlled more than 90% of the entire New World of North America. From the former US-Mexico border of Stone Bear to the north, the North American continent including the later US and Canada has almost all fallen into the hands of the empire.

   said "almost" because in the northern regions of the continent, such as later Alaska, the Yukon Territory of Canada, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, the true influence of the empire did not develop.

   But those places are barren, except for the tundra and permafrost, there are almost no resources available. Well, although there are precious mineral resources under the ground in these areas, in terms of the current population size of the empire, the mineral resources there are simply not needed.

  Furthermore, the natural conditions there are extremely difficult, even in Stone Bear’s previous life, a large area there is no man’s land.

   Now it belongs to the Inuit, and Stone Bear does not want to completely conquer it now.

   However, on the territory of the empire, it already belongs to the empire.

   It's a big deal. When there is a need in the future, it is enough to send a division to sweep the area.

   Ishikuma is not in a hurry for things to the north. He has now begun to focus on Mexico, the area south of Mexico and the islands in the Caribbean Sea.

   Central America, Panama, and the West Indies, which is the future Caribbean, are all things that the empire must control.

   Needless to say, Mexico, the silver here must be in the hands of the empire. As for Panama, Shixiong is still thinking about digging out the Panama Canal that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans more than a century in advance.

   In Stone Bear’s previous life, everyone knew the importance of the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal. Now Shixiong can’t reach the Suez Canal in the Middle East, but Panama is right under his nose. If he doesn’t control this canal, he will be sorry for the world, sorry for the world, and I’m sorry for all the time in the middle. The air you breathe...

   Therefore, even if South America does not want it, Panama must be controlled by the Empire.

   As for the West Indies, the strategic significance is also extremely important. The West Indies are a barrier to the entire American continent. Back then, the Spaniards started from the West Indies, eroding the American continent bit by bit, and finally formed a powerful Spanish empire.

   Don’t think that the West Indies are just a chain of islands, but they are the gateway to the entire American continent. Whoever can control this can control the entire American continent.

   Of course, in terms of the current military strength of the empire, even if it is pushed to the south by land, it can still take South America. However, Shixiong knew very well that winning South America was not a good choice. Later generations of Latin American countries tossed all day long, but Shi Xiong had a deep understanding of it.

   So, even if you don’t win South America, you can control the countries of South America behind the scenes. Especially when South America starts to fight on its own, it will be able to influence and even control these Latin American countries behind the scenes by virtue of geopolitics.

   Is it difficult to support a pro-China puppet government?

   If you encounter someone who is disobedient or reluctant, just cultivate one more...

  Politics is never the best choice to take everything into your own hands.

   If the empire really does this, the first thing that will offend Europe will be. Because Europeans absolutely don't want an empire like a giant to appear on the other side of the Atlantic.

   Another thing is that the population of the empire is not enough to support and control such a large territory. The other most important reason is the aforementioned group of people in Latin America, don't provoke them. Even if the empire controls South America now, these countries will be really noisy in the future, but the empire will be unfortunate...

   Instead of wasting energy, money, manpower and manpower on a bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, they hide behind and quietly control Duoxiang!

   If you want to firmly control South America, the West Indies must be taken down!

In the Stone Bear’s plan, South America does not need to, but the West Indies, especially Cuba, Hispaniola, namely Haiti, Bahamas, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico, must be controlled by the empire. in. As for the Lesser Antilles to the south, you only need to control a few of the strategically important islands, and then the entire Caribbean region will be in the empire.

   As long as they control the West Indies, then the entire Central America and North America will be as stable as Mount Tai.

   And control the West Stone bears can get more black cockroaches. This is also the human resource Shi Xiong desperately wants.

  The problem is that if you want to achieve this goal, the empire has a great probability of fighting the Kingdom of Spain!

   No way, more than ninety-nine percent of the areas planned by Shixiong belong to Spain.

   In the entire West Indies, except for a few islands controlled by Britain and France, most of the other islands are Spanish colonies.

   The west coast area of ​​the North American continent to the north of Mexico, extending to the north even as far as Alaska, is a nominal colony of Spain.

   And compared to the west coast of North America, which is only a nominal colony of Spain, Mexico and Central America and the Caribbean are true colonies of Spain. The new Spanish governor’s district set up by the Kingdom of Spain here governs this area, while Panama in the south is now part of Spain’s New Granada governor district.

   If Stone Bear wants to win Mexico, Panama, and the West Indies, he will completely shake the cake of the Kingdom of Spain.

   Although Spain is now at sunset, the camels are bigger than horses. If Spain does not want to give up these territories, there is bound to be a fierce war between the empire and Spain.

   But Shi Xiong doesn't care. Hit it! Spain is not the Spain of the 16th century anymore. They can't even beat Britain, so why do they fight against the empire?

  Besides, as far as Spain is at its current state, they can't afford to fight and they are talking about it!

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