Super Chief

Chapter 664: I have decided!

The meaning of His Majesty the King’s words is already very obvious. Although his words did not expressly abandon the Thirteenth Colony, protecting the fortress of Gibraltar is the first goal. As for the Thirteenth Colony, let it fend for itself.

   The deputies and gentlemen below had just calmed down to listen to His Majesty the King's words, but as soon as the words were spoken, the needles below suddenly became audible.

   After that, the silence was suddenly broken, and almost everyone began to yell again.

   "Your  majesty (Your Majesty), you can't give up the thirteen colonies..."

   "Your Majesty, we can't throw away the thirteen colonies, we can still hold on to..."

   "Your Majesty, we only need to allocate a part of the warships to our main fleet to guarantee the supply of the 13 colonies. The 13 colonies must never give up..."

   "Your Majesty, the fortress of Gibraltar can still stand, our fleet will defeat the **** Spaniard..."


   Numerous loud noises made George III feel dizzy and tinnitus. At this time, George III has not yet suffered from mental illness and has not yet become the "mad king" in the future. George III, who has only been on the throne for twenty-four years, is still a very healthy king.

  In the original historical time and space, George III suffered from mental illness in 1788. Regarding the mental illness of George III, some people think that he was suffering from a genetic disease called porphyria, and some people think that he suffered a huge blow because of the loss of a large number of colonies in the American Revolution.

   But now, George III is really healthy. He is only forty-five years old this year and he is still very wise.

The noise below    made George III feel a little upset and a headache. He patted the armrest of the throne a little angrily, making a dull "pop" sound, and the noise below suddenly became much smaller.

   Prime Minister Lord North stood up and asked sincerely: "Your Majesty, I don't know why you made this decision, but we all think that the Thirteen Colonies should not be abandoned at this time."

   Lord North is still the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at this time. In the original historical time and space, Cornwallis led his army to surrender to the Continental Army in Yorktown because of the great victory of Yorktown, which led to the resignation of Lord North. Charles Watson Wentworth, the second-generation Marquis of Rockingham of the Whig Party, came to power as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

   Frederick North was the second Earl of Guildford, he was a childhood friend of George III. When George III had just ascended the throne and became the King of England, he would stutter when he was nervous, and he was a bit dull and rigid, so he couldn't get along with the Whig Party, which controlled British politics at the time.

   Coupled with the controversy during the Seven Years' War, the contradiction between George III and the Whig Party has become more intense. Coupled with George III's growing favor and trust in the Tory Party, the Whig Party, which has always been dominant in politics, was very dissatisfied, and even condemned George Thirty for acting as a dictator, just like Charles I.

In furious, George III directly removed the Whig leader William Pitt, who was the prime minister of the British cabinet at the time, also known as the old Pitt. At the same time, he also removed William Pitt, the first Duke of Newcastle who was also an important figure in the Whig Party. Cavendish was also removed from his position.

   George III wanted to find someone from the Tory Party to be the prime minister, but he was unsuccessful. George Glenwell, another leader of the Whig Party, became prime minister again. However, the prime minister had the most disagreement with George III. The prime minister rebuked George III for ungratefulness in Congress, and the ambitious prime minister also tried to weaken the monarch’s privileges. In the end, he lost the support of George III and only served for two years. The prime minister was removed by George III.

   Then, in the five years from this year, George III has replaced four prime ministers, and the relationship between the King of England and Parliament has become increasingly antagonistic.

   Later, in order to be able to find someone who can get the support of Congress and George III to serve as prime minister, George III personally invited his childhood friend out.

   This childhood friend is Frederick North.

  In the original historical time and space, Lord North served as Prime Minister of the British Cabinet for 13 years, from January 28, 1770 to March 22, 1782.

   But in this time and space, because the Yorktown Victory did not occur, North was still the prime minister of the British cabinet in 1783.

   And in the past fourteen years, he has been doing very well in the position of Prime Minister, and his prestige is also very high. Now he stands up and persuades that George III is undoubtedly the best candidate.

Those who can become members of the British cabinet and members of parliament are all wealthy or aristocratic. They have a large number of industries in the 13th colony. If the British king really abandons the 13th colony, these will naturally suffer the most. Guys, of course they would not agree with what the king said just now.

In fact, in the original historical time and space, George III was the most opposed to abandoning the Thirteenth Colonies, especially after France and Spain declared war on the United Kingdom. Many ministers and parliamentarians did not want to waste their national and financial resources in the Thirteenth Colonies. Various big figures who served as ministers, such as Lord Gore and Lord Weymouth, were not even willing to resign because the war was Lord George III’s friend Lord North was also unwilling to resign. I have persuaded George III to abandon the Thirteen Colonies several times, but George III just refused.

Even if King George III had no choice but to dispel the idea of ​​continuing to increase troops to suppress the United States, and said that "I want to keep Pennsylvania is a joke", and said that there is no hope of retaking New England, but he is still determined to "never recognize the independence of the United States." , And promised to punish their persistent disobedience with a never-ending and protracted war forever."

   In the original historical time and space, George III's attitude towards the thirteen colonies in North America was so resolute.

But in this time and space, because the British Army in North America fought evenly against the Continental Army in the Thirteenth Colony, and even had the upper hand, the ministers and parliamentarians saw the hope of preserving the Thirteenth Colony instead of the original historical time and space. Zhong was worried that Britain would be involved in too much force by the Thirteenth Colony, which caused the British Isles to be attacked by the French and Spanish fleets and desperately wanted to abandon the Thirteenth Colony.

  The attitude of the king, cabinet, and Congress towards the Thirteen Colonies was completely reversed in this time and space...

   However, even if North persuaded George III himself, he did not dispel the idea that George III had just generated.

King George III took a deep look at his friend and loyal subordinate, shook his head slightly, and said in a calm but extremely firm tone: "Sorry, Frederick, in this matter, I have decided!"

  :. :

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