Super Chief

Chapter 487: The confidence of the black buffalo

The black buffalo led a group of tribal leaders and allied commanders standing on the top of the highest hill near their position. Standing on the top of this hill with a relative height of about 350 meters, it was enough for them to see everything around them clearly. Case.

The menacing Cherokees can also naturally see them. Although they can’t see the specifics, the eighteen hot air balloons that float slowly still make the black buffalo and even all the soldiers of the Ossaki coalition look a little dumbfounded. .

   Even from this distance, the originally huge hot air balloon looks only the size of a tomato, but this thing can actually fly, which is incredible.

In this era, let alone the ignorant and backward North American Indians, even in any country on this planet, when you see a man-made object that can fly, I am afraid that it can trigger all kinds of inexplicable emotions everywhere. Even... panic.

   In fact, in the valley below the top of the hill where the black buffalo stood, many Indian men were already kneeling on the ground and praying.

   Those eighteen things that rose into the sky made these soldiers feel an inexplicable panic!

   Even some tribal leaders standing with the black buffalo have their legs trembling...

   Then, under the gaze of all the Ozark Allied Forces, the eighteen objects floating in the air in the distance began to move slowly, and slowly lowered their height.

   When the eighteen hot air balloons floated to a distance of almost 500 meters from the top of that hill, the height of the hot air balloon had dropped to the floating height specified by the black wolf before-450 meters.

  At this height and this distance, the black buffalo standing on the top of the hill can barely see what these eighteen big guys are.

   Looking at it from this distance, the hot air balloon the size of a tomato just now has become bigger than a washbasin. The most important thing is that the Grizzly Air Force soldiers standing in the hanging basket can already be seen.

   A burst of noise broke out from the top of the hill, and then as the hot air balloon drifted closer and closer, it began to spread rapidly from the top of the hill to the valley below.

   I have to say that in order to block the soldiers of the First Division, the Black Buffalo deliberately chose a terrain that is excellent for the Osage Allied Forces.

   The valley, about one kilometer wide, began to shrink slowly here, and finally shrank into a mountain pass about 300 meters wide. Behind the pass, the width of the valley began to expand rapidly.

   From a high altitude, it looks like a horizontal hourglass, wide on both sides and narrow in the middle, as if two horns are facing the horns placed together.

The large units of the Osage Allied Forces are hoarding behind the trumpet, and the open trumpet in the front has hills more than 200 meters high on both sides, and these hills are relatively steep and difficult to climb. .

   On the hills on both sides of this horn, there are full of elite soldiers of the Osaqi Allied Forces. They all hold long bows or bone spears and other throwing weapons, firmly guarding the two wings of the big horn in front.

  If the soldiers of the First Division of the Grim Bear Army want to pass here, they must attack the narrowest place, where the two trumpets meet. Because only through there, they can enter the valley behind.

However, in this terrain, the long-range attackers of the Osage Allied forces occupy the high ground on both sides of the big horn in front. Once the soldiers of the First Division storm the narrowest horn, they will inevitably encounter the high ground on both sides. A long-range attack by the Ozark coalition forces. In the position of the trumpet, the black buffalo arranged heavy defense, and behind these defensive soldiers, there are a large number of Ossaki coalition forces waiting to go up.

   If there is no hot weapon, it would be impossible to break through this kind of defense with cold weapons alone. Therefore, the black buffalo firmly believes that the line of defense he has laid out is absolutely solid.

  Even if the Cherokee had that kind of terrifying artillery, it would be impossible to break through here-if the Cherokee didn't drop more than half of them, they wouldn't even want to break through here!

   This is the confidence of the black buffalo, and it is also the fundamental reason why the black buffalo dared to gather all the fighters here to stop the Cherokee.

   In fact, what neither Kuai Ma nor Lynx knew was that about five kilometers behind this line of defense, the Black Buffalo also arranged reinforcements of nearly 20,000 people!

   In order to eat the Cherokee in one bite, the black buffalo really made a desperate move. He even mobilized all the fighters who protected the royal court and other important positions of the tribe, and secretly hid them in the rear.

   Even many high-level members of the Osaqi tribe don’t even know about this. These talents are the biggest killer the black buffalo has left for him!

   These soldiers are the most elite soldiers in the clan, these soldiers are the black buffalo's greatest support!

   This one-and-one arrangement, one light and one dark arrangement, is the black buffalo daring to stand here and the Cherokee's firm confidence!

   It’s just that the black buffalo can’t think of it anyway. The Cherokee with that kind of terrifying power artillery has a more terrifying weapon, and this weapon can even fly people in the sky...

   The black buffalo was almost crying, it was really about to cry. Especially when the eighteen hot air balloons lined up in a triangle-like formation from a distance to the top of his The black buffalo is really about to cry!

   When those eighteen hot air balloons were far away, it seemed the same thing. But when they float to the top of their heads, even if they are 100 meters high, the eighteen hot air balloons look huge at this height.

   When eighteen hot air balloons appeared above your head to cover the sky, these Indians who had never seen this thing were scared to pee.

Especially when the familiar Osage language still sounded above their heads, more Osage soldiers really knelt-the great Son of God said, the Osages and others just give up resistance, as long as they are obedient. Only by surrendering actively can we avoid the anger of the gods in the sky! And once you dare to resist, then you will immediately taste the wrath of the gods!

   No one knows why there is a human voice in the sky, and the voice is still so loud, but at such a moment, there must be those who are afraid and those who are not. Especially those elite tribal warriors who followed the black buffalo, there is no shortage of bold.

   So, somewhere on the top of the mountain, a roar suddenly erupted. Accompanied by these roars, some arrows and several bone spears rose into the air.

   It's just that these arrows and bone spears, which were originally enough to kill a bison, fell because of exhaustion when they were still 20 or 30 meters away from the big ones.

Then, under everyone's horrified gaze, a black spot braving Mars suddenly fell from below the big guy with the big head. Looking at the direction, the target was the position where the arrows and bone spears just raised. .....



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