Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 165 Left Eye

With a sound of "Shua!", the belt restraining the lone wolf was instantly withdrawn under Dr. Halsey's control.

After the Lone Wolf could move his hands and feet freely, he quickly sat up from the medical bed, but due to the obstruction of the bulletproof glass, he could only move freely in a very small space.

"Roar!" Although he regained his freedom of limbs, he was still very upset that he couldn't get out of this 'cage'.


Seeing this, Kent smiled slightly and said, "Okay, this is only temporary, as long as you confirm that you have no intention of opposing us, I will release you."


Hearing what Kent said, Lone Wolf slowly dissipated his anger, sat on the medical bed, stared at Kent closely, and said with his unique mouth: "You... want to ask... me?"

Kent raised his index finger and said, "First, I want to know your name, code name, and nickname, so I can't keep calling you Mr. Alien.

Second, I want to know why you came to this planet, what mission you came here to perform, and do you have any companions?

Third, what I want you to know is that I will lead the team to rescue you, otherwise you may have died under the mouth of the alien, so I want to form an alliance with you, how about it?

Of course, we can also exchange benefits with each other to maximize our benefits. "

Listening to Kent's three points, Lone Wolf paused for a while before saying, "My me...Lone Wolf."

The lone wolf gasped, and continued: "As for the second... point you mentioned, it's because I got a distress signal from my tribe... came to investigate...

I didn't expect that when I... came here, your human city... had already fallen.

But the source of help... is underground, that's why I fought... aliens and met you.

As for what you said... the third point, I can't make a decision, I need to ask us...the elders can answer you...

Also, as an elite, I...although I am not afraid of death, but... I am still very grateful for your rescue. "

Listening to Lone Wolf speaking fairly fluent English, Kent couldn't help but marvel at the powerful learning function of the Predator.

Moreover, their average lifespan is hundreds of years, and even the average lifespan of ancient predators is more than a thousand years. That is to say, they have enough time to learn various things.

After hearing that the Lone Wolf said that the consent of the elders was needed, Kent had no choice but to nod helplessly. After all, the class system of the Predator is quite strict.

Their social system has a hunting skill ranking system to determine the status of each of them in society. Generally, there are the following class divisions;

Bloodless, Newblood, Bloodstained, Leader, Elite, Elder, Ancient.

And Lone Wolf is at the elite level, he can lead a team of young Predator hunting, such as Bloodless, Newblood, and Bloodstained.

But Lone Wolf still has to obey his superiors, the Elders.

As for the ancient level, to the predators, it is like the gods in human myths and stories. It can be said that they have only heard of them and have never seen them. It is an extremely mysterious existence.

"Yeah." After listening to what the lone wolf said, Kent showed his trademark sunny and bright smile and said: "If this is the case, then we are friends!"

"..." Looking at Kent's 'sincere' look, Lone Wolf couldn't help being touched, nodded and said, "Friend...not really, but you are one of the few people I respect."

"Okay," Kent looked at the lone wolf and said in a deep voice, "Since this is the case... then there is no need to guard against you, right, I believe you should be very moral."

The lone wolf waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I won't... kill my... savior."

"Yeah." Ken nodded and said to Dr. Halsey, "Doctor, take off the bulletproof cover."

"Wait!" Leng Feng suddenly raised his gun and aimed it at the lone wolf, and said suspiciously: "Boy! Think it over!"

Tanya also raised her gun, and said to Kent: "Sir! For your safety, it's better to call in all 141 stationed on the Phantom.


Hearing the objections of the two, Dr. Halsey did not act in a hurry, waiting for Kent's final decision.

"Hey~" Kent waved his hand, looked at the lone wolf and said to himself, "I believe that the lone wolf will keep its word. As for the lone wolf who really wants to make trouble, can the two of you protect it enough? Don't worry."

"This... okay!" Leng Feng had no choice but to agree, but still aimed the gun at the head of the lone wolf, and put his index finger on the trigger.

"Understood, sir!" Tan Ya could only nod her head, doing the same thing as Leng Feng.

Immediately, Kent looked at Dr. Halsey and said, "All right, Doctor."



Following Dr. Halsey's operation, the mechanical arm on the top of the laboratory slowly lifted the bulletproof glass cover, and the lone wolf also stood up from the medical bed and waited.

With a sound of "Qi!", the robotic arm retracted the bulletproof glass cover.

At the same time, Lone Wolf also walked towards Kent slowly, while Tanya and Leng Feng looked nervous.

When Lone Wolf walked up to and behind Kent, he stretched out his hand and said, "Do you have...a dagger?"


At this time, although Kent seemed calm on the surface, he was terrified to death in his heart, so he said with a guilty conscience, "What do you want a dagger for?"

I saw the lone wolf raised his left hand, just about to make some moves, but Leng Feng instantly put the muzzle of the gun against the back of the lone wolf's head, and said without emotion: "You alien guy, don't move for me!"

"Roar!" The lone wolf is not a person who can be threatened, and he is about to go crazy when he roars.


Fortunately, at this moment Kent rushed between the two of them, and said to Leng Feng, "Don't worry, I trust him."

Immediately afterwards, Kent pulled out a military dagger from the holster of the ST power armor, handed it to the lone wolf and said, "Hey, the dagger."

"Slightly... slightly..."

After the Lone Wolf took the dagger, he lifted it up to his eyes and observed it carefully, and made another panting sound unique to the Predator.

Immediately afterwards. While gesturing with a dagger on his left eye, Lone Wolf said to Kent, "Wait a minute...I'm going to cut a knife in your left eye to are a soldier I recognize and savior."

"A cut?" Kent was a little taken aback.

But think of it in "Alien vs. Predator 1", the heroine was scarred on the face by the Predator with the claws of the face-hugger to prove that she is the person recognized by the Predator.

Then Ken nodded, closed his eyes and said, "Okay, come on."

Seeing this, Lone Wolf nodded appreciatively, and lifted the dagger to Kent's left eye socket.

At the same time, Tanya and Leng Feng were about to stop breathing, and they just watched the dagger closely, for fear that the lone wolf would change his mind and stab the dagger into Kent's eyes.


The Lone Wolf didn't do this, but as he said, he slowly cut a gash at Kent's left eye. The wound was not shallow or deep, but it was just enough to leave a scar.

{Thanks for the monthly ticket of book friend 201710110...}

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